Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "logger.h"
3 namespace python
4 {
5  namespace pointmatchersupport
6  {
7  void pybindLogger(py::module& p_module)
8  {
9  py::class_<Logger, std::shared_ptr<Logger>, Parametrizable>(p_module, "Logger", "The logger interface, used to output warnings and informations")
10  .def(py::init<>(), "Construct without parameter")
11  .def(py::init<const std::string&, const ParametersDoc, const Parameters&>(), py::arg("className"), py::arg("paramsDoc"), py::arg("params"), "Construct with parameters")
13  .def("hasInfoChannel", &Logger::hasInfoChannel, "Return whether this logger provides the info channel")
14  .def("beginInfoEntry", &Logger::beginInfoEntry, py::arg("file"), py::arg("line"), py::arg("func"), "Start a new entry into the info channel")
15 // .def("infoStream", &Logger::infoStream, py::return_value_policy::reference, "Return the info stream, 0 if hasInfoChannel() returns false") // FIXME
16  .def("finishInfoEntry", &Logger::finishInfoEntry, "Finish the entry into the info channel")
17  .def("hasWarningChannel", &Logger::hasWarningChannel, "Return whether this logger provides the warning channel")
18  .def("beginWarningEntry", &Logger::beginWarningEntry, "Start a new entry into the warning channel")
19 // .def("warningStream", &Logger::warningStream, py::return_value_policy::reference, "Return the warning stream, 0 if hasWarningChannel() returns false") // FIXME
20  .def("finishWarningEntry", &Logger::finishWarningEntry, "Finish the entry into the warning channel");
21  }
22  }
24 }
virtual void finishInfoEntry(const char *file, unsigned line, const char *func)
Finish the entry into the info channel.
Definition: Logger.cpp:74
void pybindLogger(py::module &p_module)
Definition: logger.cpp:7
virtual void beginInfoEntry(const char *file, unsigned line, const char *func)
Start a new entry into the info channel.
Definition: Logger.cpp:64
The superclass of classes that are constructed using generic parameters. This class provides the para...
virtual bool hasWarningChannel() const
Return whether this logger provides the warning channel.
Definition: Logger.cpp:78
virtual void finishWarningEntry(const char *file, unsigned line, const char *func)
Finish the entry into the warning channel.
Definition: Logger.cpp:94
virtual void beginWarningEntry(const char *file, unsigned line, const char *func)
Start a new entry into the warning channel.
Definition: Logger.cpp:84
virtual bool hasInfoChannel() const
Return whether this logger provides the info channel.
Definition: Logger.cpp:58

autogenerated on Sat May 27 2023 02:38:02