Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "inspector_registrar.h"
3 namespace python
4 {
5  namespace pointmatchersupport
6  {
7  namespace registrars
8  {
9  void pybindInspectorRegistrar(py::module& p_module)
10  {
11  py::class_<InspectorRegistrar, std::shared_ptr<InspectorRegistrar>>(p_module, "InspectorRegistrar")
12  .def("getDescriptor", &InspectorRegistrar::getDescriptor, py::arg("name"), "Return a descriptor following a name, throw an exception if name is invalid")
13  .def("create", &InspectorRegistrar::create, py::arg("name"), py::arg("params") = Parameters(), "Create an instance")
14  .def("getDescription", &InspectorRegistrar::getDescription, py::arg("name"), "Get the description of a class")
15  .def("dump", [](const InspectorRegistrar& self)
16  {
17  std::ostringstream oss;
18  self.dump(oss);
19  py::print(oss.str());
20  }, "Print the list of registered classes to stream");
21  }
22  }
23  }
24 }
void pybindInspectorRegistrar(py::module &p_module)
std::shared_ptr< Interface > create(const std::string &name, const Parametrizable::Parameters &params=Parametrizable::Parameters()) const
Create an instance.
Definition: Registrar.h:178
A factor for subclasses of Interface.
Definition: Registrar.h:76
PM::Parameters Parameters
std::shared_ptr< ClassDescriptor > getDescriptor(const std::string &name) const
Return a descriptor following a name, throw an exception if name is invalid.
Definition: Registrar.h:162
const std::string getDescription(const std::string &name) const
Get the description of a class.
Definition: Registrar.h:195

autogenerated on Sat May 27 2023 02:38:02