Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "data_points_filter.h"
3 namespace python
4 {
5  namespace pointmatcher
6  {
7  void pybindDataPointsFilter(py::class_<PM>& p_class)
8  {
9  py::class_<DataPointsFilter, std::shared_ptr<DataPointsFilter>, Parametrizable>(p_class, "DataPointsFilter", "A data filter takes a point cloud as input, transforms it, and produces another point cloud as output.")
10  .def("init", &DataPointsFilter::init)
11  .def("filter", &DataPointsFilter::filter, py::arg("input"), "Apply filters to input point cloud. This is the non-destructive version and returns a copy.")
12  .def("inPLaceFilter", &DataPointsFilter::inPlaceFilter, py::arg("cloud"), "Apply these filters to a point cloud without copying.");
13  }
14  }
15 }
void pybindDataPointsFilter(py::class_< PM > &p_class)
The superclass of classes that are constructed using generic parameters. This class provides the para...

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