Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #
5 #include "libqhullcpp/QhullQh.h"
10 #include "libqhullcpp/Qhull.h"
12 #include <cstdio> /* for printf() of help message */
13 #include <ostream>
14 #include <stdexcept>
16 using std::cerr;
17 using std::cin;
18 using std::cout;
19 using std::endl;
21 using orgQhull::Qhull;
25 using orgQhull::QhullQh;
30 int main(int argc, char **argv);
31 int user_eg3(int argc, char **argv);
33 char prompt[]= "\n\
34 user_eg3 -- demonstrate calling rbox and qhull from C++.\n\
35 \n\
36 user_eg3 is statically linked to reentrant qhull. If user_eg3\n\
37 fails immediately, it is probably linked to the non-reentrant qhull.\n\
38 Try 'user_eg3 rbox qhull \"T1\"'\n\
39 \n\
40  eg-100 Run the example in qh-code.htm\n\
41  rbox \"200 D4\" ... Generate points from rbox\n\
42  qhull \"d p\" ... Run qhull and produce output\n\
43  qhull-cout \"o\" ... Run qhull and produce output to cout\n\
44  qhull \"T1\" ... Run qhull with level-1 trace to cerr\n\
45  facets Print facets when done\n\
46 \n\
47 For example\n\
48  user_eg3 rbox qhull\n\
49  user_eg3 rbox qhull d\n\
50  user_eg3 rbox \"10 D2\" \"2 D2\" qhull \"s p\" facets\n\
51 \n\
52 ";
55 /*--------------------------------------------
56 -user_eg3- main procedure of user_eg3 application
57 */
58 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
62  if(argc==1){
63  cout << prompt;
64  return 1;
65  }
66  try{
67  return user_eg3(argc, argv);
68  }catch(QhullError &e){
69  cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
70  return e.errorCode();
71  }
72 }//main
74 int user_eg3(int argc, char **argv)
75 {
76  if(strcmp(argv[1], "eg-100")==0){
77  RboxPoints rbox("100");
78  Qhull q(rbox, "");
79  QhullFacetList facets= q.facetList();
80  cout << facets;
81  return 0;
82  }
83  bool printFacets= false;
85  Qhull qhull;
86  int readingRbox= 0;
87  int readingQhull= 0;
88  for(int i=1; i<argc; i++){
89  if(strcmp(argv[i], "rbox")==0){
90  if(readingRbox!=0 || readingQhull!=0){
91  cerr << "user_eg3 -- \"rbox\" must be first" << endl;
92  return 1;
93  }
94  readingRbox++;
95  }else if(strcmp(argv[i], "qhull")==0
96  || strcmp(argv[i], "qhull-cout")==0){
97  if(readingQhull){
98  cerr << "user_eg3 -- only one \"qhull\" or \"qhull-cout\" allowed." << endl;
99  return 1;
100  }
101  if(strcmp(argv[i], "qhull-cout")==0){
102  qhull.setOutputStream(&cout);
103  }
104  if(rbox.isEmpty()){
105  if(readingRbox){
106  rbox.appendPoints("10 D2");
107  }else{
108  cerr << "Enter dimension count coordinates. End with ^Z (Windows) or ^D (Unix).\n";
109  rbox.appendPoints(cin);
110  }
111  }
112  readingQhull++;
113  readingRbox= 0;
114  }else if(strcmp(argv[i], "facets")==0){
115  printFacets= true;
116  }else if(readingRbox){
117  readingRbox++;
118  cerr << "rbox " << argv[i] << endl;
119  rbox.appendPoints(argv[i]);
120  if(rbox.hasRboxMessage()){
121  cerr << "user_eg3 " << argv[i] << " -- " << rbox.rboxMessage();
122  return rbox.rboxStatus();
123  }
124  }else if(readingQhull){
125  if(readingQhull==1){
126  qhull.runQhull(rbox, argv[i]);
127  qhull.outputQhull();
128  }else{
129  qhull.outputQhull(argv[i]);
130  }
131  readingQhull++;
132  if(qhull.hasQhullMessage()){
133  cerr << "\nResults of " << argv[i] << "\n" << qhull.qhullMessage();
134  qhull.clearQhullMessage();
135  }
136  }else{
137  cerr << "user_eg3 error: Expecting qhull, qhull-cout, or rbox. Got " << argv[i] << endl;
138  return 1;
139  }
140  }//foreach argv
141  if(readingRbox){
142  cout << rbox;
143  return 0;
144  }
145  if(readingQhull==1){ // e.g., rbox 10 qhull
146  qhull.runQhull(rbox, "");
147  qhull.outputQhull();
148  if(qhull.hasQhullMessage()){
149  cerr << "\nResults of qhull\n" << qhull.qhullMessage();
150  qhull.clearQhullMessage();
151  }
152  }
153  if(qhull.hasOutputStream()){
154  return 0;
155  }
156  if(printFacets){
157  QhullFacetList facets= qhull.facetList();
158  cout << "\nFacets created by Qhull::runQhull()\n" << facets;
159  }
160  return 0;
161 }//user_eg3
POD type equivalent to qhT. No virtual members.
Definition: QhullQh.h:58
void appendPoints(const char *rboxCommand)
Definition: RboxPoints.cpp:115
A QhullFacet is the C++ equivalent to Qhull&#39;s facetT*.
Definition: QhullFacet.h:37
rboxT rbox
Definition: rboxlib.c:65
void outputQhull()
Definition: Qhull.cpp:211
bool hasOutputStream() const
Definition: Qhull.h:75
int main(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: user_eg3_r.cpp:58
void clearQhullMessage()
Definition: Qhull.h:91
virtual const char * what() const
Definition: RoadError.cpp:137
int user_eg3(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: user_eg3_r.cpp:74
QhullFacetList facetList() const
Definition: Qhull.cpp:186
Interface to Qhull from C++.
Definition: Qhull.h:43
int rboxStatus() const
Definition: RboxPoints.cpp:98
int errorCode() const
Definition: RoadError.h:76
void runQhull(const RboxPoints &rboxPoints, const char *qhullCommand2)
For qhull commands, see or html/qhull.htm.
Definition: Qhull.cpp:256
void setOutputStream(std::ostream *os)
Definition: Qhull.h:99
Definition: libqhull.h:462
bool hasQhullMessage() const
Definition: Qhull.h:95
std::string qhullMessage() const
Definition: Qhull.h:94
std::string rboxMessage() const
Definition: RboxPoints.cpp:86
char prompt[]
Definition: user_eg3_r.cpp:33
bool hasRboxMessage() const
Definition: RboxPoints.cpp:104
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: QhullPoints.h:104

autogenerated on Fri Jun 2 2023 02:39:02