Namespaces | Functions
RSS.cpp File Reference
#include <hpp/fcl/BV/RSS.h>
#include <hpp/fcl/BVH/BVH_utility.h>
#include <hpp/fcl/internal/tools.h>
#include <hpp/fcl/collision_data.h>
#include <iostream>
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 Main namespace.


void hpp::fcl::clipToRange (FCL_REAL &val, FCL_REAL a, FCL_REAL b)
 Clip value between a and b. More...
HPP_FCL_DLLAPI FCL_REAL hpp::fcl::distance (const Matrix3f &R0, const Vec3f &T0, const RSS &b1, const RSS &b2, Vec3f *P=NULL, Vec3f *Q=NULL)
 distance between two RSS bounding volumes P and Q (optional return values) are the closest points in the rectangles, not the RSS. But the direction P - Q is the correct direction for cloest points Notice that P and Q are both in the local frame of the first RSS (not global frame and not even the local frame of object 1) More...
bool hpp::fcl::inVoronoi (FCL_REAL a, FCL_REAL b, FCL_REAL Anorm_dot_B, FCL_REAL Anorm_dot_T, FCL_REAL A_dot_B, FCL_REAL A_dot_T, FCL_REAL B_dot_T)
 Returns whether the nearest point on rectangle edge Pb + B*u, 0 <= u <= b, to the rectangle edge, Pa + A*t, 0 <= t <= a, is within the half space determined by the point Pa and the direction Anorm. A,B, and Anorm are unit vectors. T is the vector between Pa and Pb. More...
HPP_FCL_DLLAPI bool hpp::fcl::overlap (const Matrix3f &R0, const Vec3f &T0, const RSS &b1, const RSS &b2)
 Check collision between two RSSs, b1 is in configuration (R0, T0) and b2 is in identity. More...
HPP_FCL_DLLAPI bool hpp::fcl::overlap (const Matrix3f &R0, const Vec3f &T0, const RSS &b1, const RSS &b2, const CollisionRequest &request, FCL_REAL &sqrDistLowerBound)
 Check collision between two RSSs, b1 is in configuration (R0, T0) and b2 is in identity. More...
FCL_REAL hpp::fcl::rectDistance (const Matrix3f &Rab, Vec3f const &Tab, const FCL_REAL a[2], const FCL_REAL b[2], Vec3f *P=NULL, Vec3f *Q=NULL)
 Distance between two oriented rectangles; P and Q (optional return values) are the closest points in the rectangles, both are in the local frame of the first rectangle. More...
void hpp::fcl::segCoords (FCL_REAL &t, FCL_REAL &u, FCL_REAL a, FCL_REAL b, FCL_REAL A_dot_B, FCL_REAL A_dot_T, FCL_REAL B_dot_T)
 Finds the parameters t & u corresponding to the two closest points on a pair of line segments. The first segment is defined as Pa + A*t, 0 <= t <= a, where "Pa" is one endpoint of the segment, "A" is a unit vector pointing to the other endpoint, and t is a scalar that produces all the points between the two endpoints. Since "A" is a unit vector, "a" is the segment's length. The second segment is defined as Pb + B*u, 0 <= u <= b. Many of the terms needed by the algorithm are already computed for other purposes,so we just pass these terms into the function instead of complete specifications of each segment. "T" in the dot products is the vector betweeen Pa and Pb. Reference: "On fast computation of distance between line segments." Vladimir J. Lumelsky, in Information Processing Letters, no. 21, pages 55-61, 1985. More...
RSS hpp::fcl::translate (const RSS &bv, const Vec3f &t)

autogenerated on Fri Jun 2 2023 02:39:02