Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 ** Copyright (c) 2008-2015 C.B. Barber. All rights reserved.
4 ** $Id: //main/2015/qhull/src/qhulltest/Qhull_test.cpp#4 $$Change: 2062 $
5 ** $DateTime: 2016/01/17 13:13:18 $$Author: bbarber $
6 **
7 ****************************************************************************/
9 //pre-compiled headers
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include "qhulltest/RoadTest.h" // QT_VERSION
13 #include "libqhullcpp/Qhull.h"
14 #include "libqhullcpp/QhullError.h"
15 #include "libqhullcpp/RboxPoints.h"
18 using std::cout;
19 using std::endl;
20 using std::string;
22 namespace orgQhull {
26 class Qhull_test : public RoadTest
27 {
30 #
31 private slots:
32  void cleanup();
33  void t_construct();
34  void t_attribute();
35  void t_message();
36  void t_getSet();
37  void t_getQh();
38  void t_getValue();
39  void t_foreach();
40  void t_modify();
41 };//Qhull_test
43 void
45 {
46  new Qhull_test(); // RoadTest::s_testcases
47 }
49 //Executed after each testcase
50 void Qhull_test::
52 {
54 }
56 void Qhull_test::
58 {
59  {
60  Qhull q;
61  QCOMPARE(q.dimension(),0);
62  QVERIFY(q.qh()!=0);
63  QCOMPARE(QString(q.qhullCommand()),QString(""));
64  QCOMPARE(QString(q.rboxCommand()),QString(""));
65  try{
66  QCOMPARE(q.area(),0.0);
67  QFAIL("area() did not fail.");
68  }catch (const std::exception &e) {
69  cout << "INFO : Caught " << e.what();
70  }
71  }
72  {
73  RboxPoints rbox("10000");
74  Qhull q(rbox, "QR0"); // Random points in a randomly rotated cube.
75  QCOMPARE(q.dimension(),3);
76  QVERIFY(q.volume() < 1.0);
77  QVERIFY(q.volume() > 0.99);
78  }
79  {
80  double points[] = {
81  0, 0,
82  1, 0,
83  1, 1
84  };
85  Qhull q("triangle", 2, 3, points, "");
86  QCOMPARE(q.dimension(),2);
87  QCOMPARE(q.facetCount(),3);
88  QCOMPARE(q.vertexCount(),3);
89  QCOMPARE(q.dimension(),2);
90  QCOMPARE(q.area(), 2.0+sqrt(2.0)); // length of boundary
91  QCOMPARE(q.volume(), 0.5); // the 2-d area
92  }
93 }//t_construct
95 void Qhull_test::
97 {
98  RboxPoints rcube("c");
99  {
100  double normals[] = {
101  0, -1, -0.5,
102  -1, 0, -0.5,
103  1, 0, -0.5,
104  0, 1, -0.5
105  };
106  Qhull q;
107  Coordinates feasible;
108  feasible << 0.0 << 0.0;
109  q.setFeasiblePoint(feasible);
110  Coordinates c(std::vector<double>(2, 0.0));
111  QVERIFY(q.feasiblePoint()==c);
112  q.setOutputStream(&cout);
113  q.runQhull("normals of square", 3, 4, normals, "H"); // halfspace intersect
114  QVERIFY(q.feasiblePoint()==c); // from qh.feasible_point after runQhull()
115  QCOMPARE(q.facetList().count(), 4); // Vertices of square
116  cout << "Expecting summary of halfspace intersection\n";
117  q.outputQhull();
118  q.qh()->disableOutputStream(); // Same as q.disableOutputStream()
119  cout << "Expecting no output from qh_fprintf() in Qhull.cpp\n";
120  q.outputQhull();
121  }
122 }//t_attribute
125 void Qhull_test::
127 {
128  RboxPoints rcube("c");
129  {
130  Qhull q;
131  QCOMPARE(q.qhullMessage(), string(""));
132  QCOMPARE(q.qhullStatus(), qh_ERRnone);
133  QVERIFY(!q.hasQhullMessage());
134  try{
135  q.runQhull(rcube, "Fd");
136  QFAIL("runQhull Fd did not fail.");
137  }catch (const std::exception &e) {
138  const char *s= e.what();
139  cout << "INFO : Caught " << s;
140  QCOMPARE(QString::fromStdString(s).left(6), QString("QH6029"));
141  // FIXUP QH11025 -- review decision to clearQhullMessage at QhullError() // Cleared when copied to QhullError
142  QVERIFY(!q.hasQhullMessage());
143  // QCOMPARE(q.qhullMessage(), QString::fromStdString(s).remove(0, 7));
144  // QCOMPARE(q.qhullStatus(), 6029);
145  q.clearQhullMessage();
146  QVERIFY(!q.hasQhullMessage());
147  }
148  q.appendQhullMessage("Append 1");
149  QVERIFY(q.hasQhullMessage());
150  QCOMPARE(QString::fromStdString(q.qhullMessage()), QString("Append 1"));
151  q.appendQhullMessage("\nAppend 2\n");
152  QCOMPARE(QString::fromStdString(q.qhullMessage()), QString("Append 1\nAppend 2\n"));
153  q.clearQhullMessage();
154  QVERIFY(!q.hasQhullMessage());
155  QCOMPARE(QString::fromStdString(q.qhullMessage()), QString(""));
156  }
157  {
158  cout << "INFO : Error stream without output stream\n";
159  Qhull q;
160  q.setErrorStream(&cout);
161  q.setOutputStream(0);
162  try{
163  q.runQhull(rcube, "Fd");
164  QFAIL("runQhull Fd did not fail.");
165  }catch (const QhullError &e) {
166  cout << "INFO : Caught " << e;
167  QCOMPARE(e.errorCode(), 6029);
168  }
169  //FIXUP QH11025 Qhullmessage cleared when QhullError thrown. Switched to e
170  //QVERIFY(q.hasQhullMessage());
171  //QCOMPARE(QString::fromStdString(q.qhullMessage()).left(6), QString("QH6029"));
172  q.clearQhullMessage();
173  QVERIFY(!q.hasQhullMessage());
174  }
175  {
176  cout << "INFO : Error output sent to output stream without error stream\n";
177  Qhull q;
178  q.setErrorStream(0);
179  q.setOutputStream(&cout);
180  try{
181  q.runQhull(rcube, "Tz H0");
182  QFAIL("runQhull TZ did not fail.");
183  }catch (const std::exception &e) {
184  const char *s= e.what();
185  cout << "INFO : Caught " << s;
186  QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s).left(6), QString("QH6023"));
187  }
188  //FIXUP QH11025 Qhullmessage cleared when QhullError thrown. Switched to e
189  //QVERIFY(q.hasQhullMessage());
190  //QCOMPARE(QString::fromStdString(q.qhullMessage()).left(17), QString("qhull: no message"));
191  //QCOMPARE(q.qhullStatus(), 6023);
192  q.clearQhullMessage();
193  QVERIFY(!q.hasQhullMessage());
194  }
195  {
196  cout << "INFO : No error stream or output stream\n";
197  Qhull q;
198  q.setErrorStream(0);
199  q.setOutputStream(0);
200  try{
201  q.runQhull(rcube, "Fd");
202  QFAIL("outputQhull did not fail.");
203  }catch (const std::exception &e) {
204  const char *s= e.what();
205  cout << "INFO : Caught " << s;
206  QCOMPARE(QString::fromLatin1(s).left(6), QString("QH6029"));
207  }
208  //FIXUP QH11025 Qhullmessage cleared when QhullError thrown. Switched to e
209  //QVERIFY(q.hasQhullMessage());
210  //QCOMPARE(QString::fromStdString(q.qhullMessage()).left(9), QString("qhull err"));
211  //QCOMPARE(q.qhullStatus(), 6029);
212  q.clearQhullMessage();
213  QVERIFY(!q.hasQhullMessage());
214  }
215 }//t_message
217 void Qhull_test::
219 {
220  RboxPoints rcube("c");
221  {
222  Qhull q;
223  QVERIFY(!q.initialized());
224  q.runQhull(rcube, "s");
225  QVERIFY(q.initialized());
226  QCOMPARE(q.dimension(), 3);
227  QhullPoint p= q.origin();
228  QCOMPARE(p.dimension(), 3);
229  QCOMPARE(p[0]+p[1]+p[2], 0.0);
230  q.setErrorStream(&cout);
231  q.outputQhull();
232  }
233  {
234  Qhull q;
235  q.runQhull(rcube, "");
236  q.setOutputStream(&cout);
237  q.outputQhull();
238  }
239 }//t_getSet
241 void Qhull_test::
243 {
244  RboxPoints rcube("c");
245  {
246  Qhull q;
247  q.runQhull(rcube, "s");
248  QCOMPARE(QString(q.qhullCommand()), QString("qhull s"));
249  QCOMPARE(QString(q.rboxCommand()), QString("rbox \"c\""));
250  QCOMPARE(q.facetCount(), 6);
251  QCOMPARE(q.vertexCount(), 8);
252  // Sample fields from Qhull's qhT [libqhull.h]
253  QCOMPARE(q.qh()->ALLpoints, 0u);
254  QCOMPARE(q.qh()->GOODpoint, 0);
255  QCOMPARE(q.qh()->IStracing, 0);
256  QCOMPARE(q.qh()->MAXcoplanar+1.0, 1.0); // fuzzy compare
257  QCOMPARE(q.qh()->MERGING, 1u);
258  QCOMPARE(q.qh()->input_dim, 3);
259  QCOMPARE(QString(q.qh()->qhull_options).left(8), QString(" run-id"));
260  QCOMPARE(q.qh()->num_facets, 6);
261  QCOMPARE(q.qh()->hasTriangulation, 0u);
262  QCOMPARE(q.qh()->max_outside - q.qh()->min_vertex + 1.0, 1.0); // fuzzy compare
263  QCOMPARE(*q.qh()->gm_matrix+1.0, 1.0); // fuzzy compare
264  }
265 }//t_getQh
267 void Qhull_test::
269 {
270  RboxPoints rcube("c");
271  {
272  Qhull q;
273  q.runQhull(rcube, "");
274  QCOMPARE(q.area(), 6.0);
275  QCOMPARE(q.volume(), 1.0);
276  }
277 }//t_getValue
279 void Qhull_test::
281 {
282  RboxPoints rcube("c");
283  {
284  Qhull q;
285  QCOMPARE(q.beginFacet(),q.endFacet());
286  QCOMPARE(q.beginVertex(),q.endVertex());
287  q.runQhull(rcube, "");
288  QCOMPARE(q.facetList().count(), 6);
290  // defineVertexNeighborFacets() tested in QhullVertex_test::t_io()
292  QhullFacetList facets(q.beginFacet(), q.endFacet());
293  QCOMPARE(facets.count(), 6);
294  QCOMPARE(q.firstFacet(), q.beginFacet());
295  QhullVertexList vertices(q.beginVertex(), q.endVertex());
296  QCOMPARE(vertices.count(), 8);
297  QCOMPARE(q.firstVertex(), q.beginVertex());
298  QhullPoints ps= q.points();
299  QCOMPARE(ps.count(), 8);
300  QhullPointSet ps2= q.otherPoints();
301  QCOMPARE(ps2.count(), 0);
302  // ps2= q.otherPoints(); //disabled, would not copy the points
303  QCOMPARE(q.facetCount(), 6);
304  QCOMPARE(q.vertexCount(), 8);
305  coordT *c= q.pointCoordinateBegin(); // of q.points()
306  QVERIFY(*c==0.5 || *c==-0.5);
307  coordT *c3= q.pointCoordinateEnd();
308  QVERIFY(c3[-1]==0.5 || c3[-1]==-0.5);
309  QCOMPARE(c3-c, 8*3);
310  QCOMPARE(q.vertexList().count(), 8);
311  }
312 }//t_foreach
314 void Qhull_test::
316 {
317  //addPoint() tested in t_foreach
318  RboxPoints diamond("d");
319  Qhull q(diamond, "o");
320  q.setOutputStream(&cout);
321  cout << "Expecting vertexList and facetList of a 3-d diamond.\n";
322  q.outputQhull();
323  cout << "Expecting normals of a 3-d diamond.\n";
324  q.outputQhull("n");
325  // runQhull tested in t_attribute(), t_message(), etc.
326 }//t_modify
328 }//orgQhull
330 // Redefine Qhull's usermem_r.c in order to report erroneous calls to qh_exit
331 void qh_exit(int exitcode) {
332  cout << "FAIL! : Qhull called qh_exit(). Qhull's error handling not available.\n.. See the corresponding Qhull:qhull_message or setErrorStream().\n";
333  exit(exitcode);
334 }
335 void qh_fprintf_stderr(int msgcode, const char *fmt, ... ) {
336  va_list args;
338  va_start(args, fmt);
339  if(msgcode)
340  fprintf(stderr, "QH%.4d ", msgcode);
341  vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
342  va_end(args);
343 } /* fprintf_stderr */
344 void qh_free(void *mem) {
345  free(mem);
346 }
347 void *qh_malloc(size_t size) {
348  return malloc(size);
349 }
351 #if 0
352 template<> char * QTest::
353 toString(const std::string &s)
354 {
355  QByteArray ba = s.c_str();
356  return qstrdup(ba.data());
357 }
358 #endif
360 #include "moc/Qhull_test.moc"
boolT hasTriangulation
Definition: libqhull.h:720
void add_Qhull_test()
Definition: Qhull_test.cpp:44
QhullRidge – Qhull&#39;s ridge structure, ridgeT, as a C++ class.
Definition: Coordinates.cpp:21
bool initialized() const
Definition: Qhull.h:76
QhullPointSet otherPoints() const
Definition: Qhull.cpp:197
void t_message()
No QhullMessage for errors outside of qhull.
Definition: Qhull_test.cpp:126
double volume()
Definition: Qhull.cpp:156
rboxT rbox
Definition: rboxlib.c:65
int IStracing
Definition: libqhull.h:503
QhullFacet firstFacet() const
Definition: Qhull.h:108
coordT * pointCoordinateEnd() const
Definition: Qhull.h:114
void outputQhull()
Definition: Qhull.cpp:211
int num_facets
Definition: libqhull.h:694
QhullPoints points() const
Definition: Qhull.cpp:191
QhullVertexList vertexList() const
Return vertices of the convex hull.
Definition: Qhull.cpp:204
Java-style iterator.
Definition: QhullPoints.h:28
void qh_exit(int exitcode)
Definition: Qhull_test.cpp:331
void qh_free(void *mem)
Definition: Qhull_test.cpp:344
void clearQhullMessage()
Definition: Qhull.h:91
void appendQhullMessage(const std::string &s)
Definition: Qhull.h:90
QhullVertex beginVertex() const
Definition: Qhull.h:103
QhullVertex firstVertex() const
Definition: Qhull.h:109
#define coordT
Definition: libqhull.h:80
QhullFacetList facetList() const
Definition: Qhull.cpp:186
double area()
Definition: Qhull.cpp:143
void setErrorStream(std::ostream *os)
Definition: Qhull.h:97
countT vertexCount() const
Definition: Qhull.h:86
coordT * gm_matrix
Definition: libqhull.h:772
countT count() const
Filtered by facet.isGood(). May be 0 when !isEmpty().
QhullFacet beginFacet() const
Definition: Qhull.h:102
int GOODpoint
Definition: libqhull.h:495
Definition: libqhull.h:513
int qhullStatus() const
Definition: Qhull.h:96
Interface to Qhull from C++.
Definition: Qhull.h:43
boolT ALLpoints
Definition: libqhull.h:477
QhullQh * qh() const
Definition: Qhull.h:81
void setFeasiblePoint(const Coordinates &c)
Sets qh.feasible_point via initializeFeasiblePoint.
Definition: Qhull.h:85
void runQhull(const RboxPoints &rboxPoints, const char *qhullCommand2)
For qhull commands, see http://www.qhull.org/html/qhull.htm or html/qhull.htm.
Definition: Qhull.cpp:256
QhullVertex endVertex() const
Definition: Qhull.h:106
realT max_outside
Definition: libqhull.h:723
realT min_vertex
Definition: libqhull.h:729
QhullPoint origin()
non-const due to QhullPoint
Definition: Qhull.h:80
void * qh_malloc(size_t size)
Definition: Qhull_test.cpp:347
void setOutputStream(std::ostream *os)
Definition: Qhull.h:99
#define qh_ERRnone
Definition: libqhull.h:193
const char * qhullCommand() const
Definition: Qhull.h:82
bool hasQhullMessage() const
Definition: Qhull.h:95
std::string qhullMessage() const
Definition: Qhull.h:94
Coordinates feasiblePoint() const
Definition: Qhull.cpp:120
Definition: obb.py:126
const char * rboxCommand() const
Definition: Qhull.h:83
void qh_fprintf_stderr(int msgcode, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: Qhull_test.cpp:335
void disableOutputStream()
Definition: QhullQh.h:88
int input_dim
Definition: libqhull.h:592
char * toString(const std::string &s)
Definition: RoadTest.h:94
void cleanup()
Executed after each test.
Definition: RoadTest.cpp:38
int dimension() const
Dimension of input and result.
Definition: Qhull.h:69
realT MAXcoplanar
Definition: libqhull.h:510
char qhull_options[512]
Definition: libqhull.h:601
QhullFacet endFacet() const
Definition: Qhull.h:105
coordT * pointCoordinateBegin() const
Same as points().coordinates()
Definition: Qhull.h:113
countT facetCount() const
Definition: Qhull.h:72

autogenerated on Fri Jun 2 2023 02:39:02