GTSAM_EXPORT GaussianFactorGraph | buildLinearOrientationGraph (const std::vector< size_t > &spanningTreeIds, const std::vector< size_t > &chordsIds, const NonlinearFactorGraph &g, const key2doubleMap &orientationsToRoot, const PredecessorMap &tree) |
GaussianFactorGraph | buildLinearOrientationGraph (const vector< size_t > &spanningTreeIds, const vector< size_t > &chordsIds, const NonlinearFactorGraph &g, const key2doubleMap &orientationsToRoot, const PredecessorMap &tree) |
static VectorValues | computeOrientations (const NonlinearFactorGraph &pose2Graph, bool useOdometricPath) |
Values | computePoses (const NonlinearFactorGraph &pose2graph, VectorValues &orientationsLago) |
key2doubleMap | computeThetasToRoot (const key2doubleMap &deltaThetaMap, const PredecessorMap &tree) |
static double | computeThetaToRoot (const Key nodeKey, const PredecessorMap &tree, const key2doubleMap &deltaThetaMap, const key2doubleMap &thetaFromRootMap) |
PredecessorMap | findMinimumSpanningTree (const NonlinearFactorGraph &pose2Graph) |
static PredecessorMap | findOdometricPath (const NonlinearFactorGraph &pose2Graph) |
static void | getDeltaThetaAndNoise (NonlinearFactor::shared_ptr factor, Vector &deltaTheta, noiseModel::Diagonal::shared_ptr &model_deltaTheta) |
GTSAM_EXPORT void | getSymbolicGraph (std::vector< size_t > &spanningTreeIds, std::vector< size_t > &chordsIds, key2doubleMap &deltaThetaMap, const PredecessorMap &tree, const NonlinearFactorGraph &g) |
void | getSymbolicGraph (vector< size_t > &spanningTreeIds, vector< size_t > &chordsIds, key2doubleMap &deltaThetaMap, const PredecessorMap &tree, const NonlinearFactorGraph &g) |
Values | initialize (const NonlinearFactorGraph &graph, bool useOdometricPath) |
Values | initialize (const NonlinearFactorGraph &graph, const Values &initialGuess) |
VectorValues | initializeOrientations (const NonlinearFactorGraph &graph, bool useOdometricPath) |
Given a factor graph "g", and a spanning tree "tree", select the nodes belonging to the tree and to g, and stores the factor slots corresponding to edges in the tree and to chordsIds wrt this tree. Also it computes deltaThetaMap which is a fast way to encode relative orientations along the tree: for a node key2, s.t. tree[key2]=key1, the value deltaThetaMap[key2] is relative orientation theta[key2]-theta[key1]
Definition at line 101 of file lago.cpp.
Given a factor graph "g", and a spanning tree "tree", select the nodes belonging to the tree and to g, and stores the factor slots corresponding to edges in the tree and to chordsIds wrt this tree. Also it computes deltaThetaMap which is a fast way to encode relative orientations along the tree: for a node key2, s.t. tree[key2]=key1, the value deltaThetaMap[key2] is relative orientation theta[key2]-theta[key1]
Definition at line 101 of file lago.cpp.