Go to the documentation of this file.
24 #endif
26 namespace GeographicLib {
28  class RhumbLine;
29  template <class T> class PolygonAreaT;
67  private:
68  typedef Math::real real;
69  friend class RhumbLine;
70  template <class T> friend class PolygonAreaT;
72  bool _exact;
73  real _c2;
74  static const int tm_maxord = GEOGRAPHICLIB_TRANSVERSEMERCATOR_ORDER;
75  static const int maxpow_ = GEOGRAPHICLIB_RHUMBAREA_ORDER;
76  // _R[0] unused
77  real _R[maxpow_ + 1];
78  static real gd(real x)
79  { using std::atan; using std::sinh; return atan(sinh(x)); }
81  // Use divided differences to determine (mu2 - mu1) / (psi2 - psi1)
82  // accurately
83  //
84  // Definition: Df(x,y,d) = (f(x) - f(y)) / (x - y)
85  // See:
86  // W. M. Kahan and R. J. Fateman,
87  // Symbolic computation of divided differences,
88  // SIGSAM Bull. 33(3), 7-28 (1999)
89  // https://doi.org/10.1145/334714.334716
90  // http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~fateman/papers/divdiff.pdf
92  static real Dlog(real x, real y) {
93  real t = x - y;
94  return t != 0 ? 2 * Math::atanh(t / (x + y)) / t : 1 / x;
95  }
96  // N.B., x and y are in degrees
97  static real Dtan(real x, real y) {
98  real d = x - y, tx = Math::tand(x), ty = Math::tand(y), txy = tx * ty;
99  return d != 0 ?
100  (2 * txy > -1 ? (1 + txy) * Math::tand(d) : tx - ty) /
101  (d * Math::degree()) :
102  1 + txy;
103  }
104  static real Datan(real x, real y) {
105  using std::atan;
106  real d = x - y, xy = x * y;
107  return d != 0 ?
108  (2 * xy > -1 ? atan( d / (1 + xy) ) : atan(x) - atan(y)) / d :
109  1 / (1 + xy);
110  }
111  static real Dsin(real x, real y) {
112  using std::sin; using std::cos;
113  real d = (x - y) / 2;
114  return cos((x + y)/2) * (d != 0 ? sin(d) / d : 1);
115  }
116  static real Dsinh(real x, real y) {
117  using std::sinh; using std::cosh;
118  real d = (x - y) / 2;
119  return cosh((x + y) / 2) * (d != 0 ? sinh(d) / d : 1);
120  }
121  static real Dcosh(real x, real y) {
122  using std::sinh;
123  real d = (x - y) / 2;
124  return sinh((x + y) / 2) * (d != 0 ? sinh(d) / d : 1);
125  }
126  static real Dasinh(real x, real y) {
127  real d = x - y,
128  hx = Math::hypot(real(1), x), hy = Math::hypot(real(1), y);
129  return d != 0 ? Math::asinh(x*y > 0 ? d * (x + y) / (x*hy + y*hx) :
130  x*hy - y*hx) / d :
131  1 / hx;
132  }
133  static real Dgd(real x, real y) {
134  using std::sinh;
135  return Datan(sinh(x), sinh(y)) * Dsinh(x, y);
136  }
137  // N.B., x and y are the tangents of the angles
138  static real Dgdinv(real x, real y)
139  { return Dasinh(x, y) / Datan(x, y); }
140  // Copied from LambertConformalConic...
141  // Deatanhe(x,y) = eatanhe((x-y)/(1-e^2*x*y))/(x-y)
142  real Deatanhe(real x, real y) const {
143  real t = x - y, d = 1 - _ell._e2 * x * y;
144  return t != 0 ? Math::eatanhe(t / d, _ell._es) / t : _ell._e2 / d;
145  }
146  // (E(x) - E(y)) / (x - y) -- E = incomplete elliptic integral of 2nd kind
147  real DE(real x, real y) const;
148  // (mux - muy) / (phix - phiy) using elliptic integrals
149  real DRectifying(real latx, real laty) const;
150  // (psix - psiy) / (phix - phiy)
151  real DIsometric(real latx, real laty) const;
153  // (sum(c[j]*sin(2*j*x),j=1..n) - sum(c[j]*sin(2*j*x),j=1..n)) / (x - y)
154  static real SinCosSeries(bool sinp,
155  real x, real y, const real c[], int n);
156  // (mux - muy) / (chix - chiy) using Krueger's series
157  real DConformalToRectifying(real chix, real chiy) const;
158  // (chix - chiy) / (mux - muy) using Krueger's series
159  real DRectifyingToConformal(real mux, real muy) const;
161  // (mux - muy) / (psix - psiy)
162  // N.B., psix and psiy are in degrees
163  real DIsometricToRectifying(real psix, real psiy) const;
164  // (psix - psiy) / (mux - muy)
165  real DRectifyingToIsometric(real mux, real muy) const;
167  real MeanSinXi(real psi1, real psi2) const;
169  // The following two functions (with lots of ignored arguments) mimic the
170  // interface to the corresponding Geodesic function. These are needed by
171  // PolygonAreaT.
172  void GenDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi12,
173  bool, real s12, unsigned outmask,
174  real& lat2, real& lon2, real&, real&, real&, real&, real&,
175  real& S12) const {
176  GenDirect(lat1, lon1, azi12, s12, outmask, lat2, lon2, S12);
177  }
178  void GenInverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2,
179  unsigned outmask, real& s12, real& azi12,
180  real&, real& , real& , real& , real& S12) const {
181  GenInverse(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, outmask, s12, azi12, S12);
182  }
183  public:
190  enum mask {
195  NONE = 0U,
200  LATITUDE = 1U<<7,
205  LONGITUDE = 1U<<8,
210  AZIMUTH = 1U<<9,
215  DISTANCE = 1U<<10,
220  AREA = 1U<<14,
225  LONG_UNROLL = 1U<<15,
230  ALL = 0x7F80U,
231  };
247  Rhumb(real a, real f, bool exact = true);
271  void Direct(real lat1, real lon1, real azi12, real s12,
272  real& lat2, real& lon2, real& S12) const {
273  GenDirect(lat1, lon1, azi12, s12,
274  LATITUDE | LONGITUDE | AREA, lat2, lon2, S12);
275  }
280  void Direct(real lat1, real lon1, real azi12, real s12,
281  real& lat2, real& lon2) const {
282  real t;
283  GenDirect(lat1, lon1, azi12, s12, LATITUDE | LONGITUDE, lat2, lon2, t);
284  }
313  void GenDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi12, real s12,
314  unsigned outmask, real& lat2, real& lon2, real& S12) const;
338  void Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2,
339  real& s12, real& azi12, real& S12) const {
340  GenInverse(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2,
341  DISTANCE | AZIMUTH | AREA, s12, azi12, S12);
342  }
347  void Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2,
348  real& s12, real& azi12) const {
349  real t;
350  GenInverse(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, DISTANCE | AZIMUTH, s12, azi12, t);
351  }
373  void GenInverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2,
374  unsigned outmask,
375  real& s12, real& azi12, real& S12) const;
392  RhumbLine Line(real lat1, real lon1, real azi12) const;
402  Math::real MajorRadius() const { return _ell.MajorRadius(); }
408  Math::real Flattening() const { return _ell.Flattening(); }
410  Math::real EllipsoidArea() const { return _ell.Area(); }
416  static const Rhumb& WGS84();
417  };
438  private:
439  typedef Math::real real;
440  friend class Rhumb;
441  const Rhumb& _rh;
442  bool _exact;
443  real _lat1, _lon1, _azi12, _salp, _calp, _mu1, _psi1, _r1;
444  RhumbLine& operator=(const RhumbLine&); // copy assignment not allowed
445  RhumbLine(const Rhumb& rh, real lat1, real lon1, real azi12,
446  bool exact);
447  public:
452  enum mask {
457  NONE = Rhumb::NONE,
472  AZIMUTH = Rhumb::AZIMUTH,
482  AREA = Rhumb::AREA,
492  ALL = Rhumb::ALL,
493  };
512  void Position(real s12, real& lat2, real& lon2, real& S12) const {
513  GenPosition(s12, LATITUDE | LONGITUDE | AREA, lat2, lon2, S12);
514  }
520  void Position(real s12, real& lat2, real& lon2) const {
521  real t;
522  GenPosition(s12, LATITUDE | LONGITUDE, lat2, lon2, t);
523  }
553  void GenPosition(real s12, unsigned outmask,
554  real& lat2, real& lon2, real& S12) const;
563  Math::real Latitude() const { return _lat1; }
568  Math::real Longitude() const { return _lon1; }
573  Math::real Azimuth() const { return _azi12; }
579  Math::real MajorRadius() const { return _rh.MajorRadius(); }
585  Math::real Flattening() const { return _rh.Flattening(); }
586  };
588 } // namespace GeographicLib
Math::real Flattening() const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:408
static real Dasinh(real x, real y)
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:126
real Deatanhe(real x, real y) const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:142
Definition: Constants.hpp:91
static real Dgd(real x, real y)
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:133
Jet< T, N > cos(const Jet< T, N > &f)
Definition: jet.h:426
float real
Definition: datatypes.h:10
Scalar * y
void Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, real &s12, real &azi12) const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:347
static real Dtan(real x, real y)
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:97
void Position(real s12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &S12) const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:512
static real Dcosh(real x, real y)
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:121
int n
Scalar Scalar * c
Definition: benchVecAdd.cpp:17
Math::real Latitude() const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:563
Jet< T, N > sin(const Jet< T, N > &f)
Definition: jet.h:439
Ellipsoid _ell
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:71
static real Dlog(real x, real y)
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:92
Matrix< float, 2, 1 > xy
Definition: LLT_solve.cpp:7
Math::real Area() const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:21
static T atanh(T x)
Definition: Math.hpp:328
static real Dsin(real x, real y)
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:111
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const SinhReturnType sinh() const
void GenDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi12, bool, real s12, unsigned outmask, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &, real &, real &, real &, real &, real &S12) const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:172
Math::real Azimuth() const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:573
Math::real Flattening() const
Definition: Ellipsoid.hpp:120
static T asinh(T x)
Definition: Math.hpp:311
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const AtanReturnType atan() const
static T hypot(T x, T y)
Definition: Math.hpp:243
const Rhumb & _rh
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:441
static real gd(real x)
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:78
Math::real Longitude() const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:568
static real Datan(real x, real y)
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:104
Point2(* f)(const Point3 &, OptionalJacobian< 2, 3 >)
Namespace for GeographicLib.
static T degree()
Definition: Math.hpp:216
Header for GeographicLib::Ellipsoid class.
Properties of an ellipsoid.
Definition: Ellipsoid.hpp:39
void Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, real &s12, real &azi12, real &S12) const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:338
Math::real MajorRadius() const
Definition: Ellipsoid.hpp:80
void Direct(real lat1, real lon1, real azi12, real s12, real &lat2, real &lon2) const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:280
static real Dgdinv(real x, real y)
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:138
static T tand(T x)
Definition: Math.hpp:671
Header for GeographicLib::Constants class.
Math::real MajorRadius() const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:402
void Position(real s12, real &lat2, real &lon2) const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:520
Solve of the direct and inverse rhumb problems.
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:66
void GenInverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, unsigned outmask, real &s12, real &azi12, real &, real &, real &, real &, real &S12) const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:178
Find a sequence of points on a single rhumb line.
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:437
Math::real EllipsoidArea() const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:410
Math::real Flattening() const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:585
static T eatanhe(T x, T es)
Definition: Math.cpp:21
EIGEN_DEVICE_FUNC const CoshReturnType cosh() const
set noclip points set clip one set noclip two set bar set border lt lw set xdata set ydata set zdata set x2data set y2data set boxwidth set dummy x
Math::real real
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:68
static real Dsinh(real x, real y)
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:116
void Direct(real lat1, real lon1, real azi12, real s12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &S12) const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:271
Point2 t(10, 10)
Math::real MajorRadius() const
Definition: Rhumb.hpp:579

autogenerated on Tue Jul 4 2023 02:35:34