C_ADAPTER | Describes an opened network adapter |
C_PACKET | Structure that contains a group of packets coming from the driver |
C_PACKET_OID_DATA | Structure containing an OID request |
C_pcap_bluetooth_h4_header | |
C_usb_header | |
C_usb_setup | |
Cbfin_emac_regs | |
Cbpf_hdr | Packet header |
Cbpf_insn | A single BPF pseudo-instruction |
Cbpf_program | A BPF pseudo-assembly program |
Cbpf_stat | Structure that contains a couple of statistics values on the current capture |
Cbpf_version | |
Cdump_bpf_hdr | Dump packet header |
Cec_adapter | |
Cec_ALstatuscodelist_t | |
Cec_configlist_t | |
Cec_eepromFMMUt | |
Cec_eepromPDOt | |
Cec_eepromSMt | |
Cec_eringt | |
Cec_errort | |
Cec_groupt | |
Cec_idxstackT | |
Cec_mbxerrorlist_t | |
Cec_ODlistt | |
Cec_OElistt | |
Cec_sdoerrorlist_t | |
Cec_slavet | |
Cec_soeerrorlist_t | |
Cec_stackT | |
Cec_timet | |
Cecx_contextt | |
Cecx_portt | |
Cecx_redportt | |
Cethernet_data | |
Cimaxdiv_t | |
Cin_EL1008_t | |
Cin_EL3061_t | |
CNetType | Network type structure |
Cnpf_if_addr | Addresses of a network adapter |
Cosal_timer | |
Cout_EL2622_t | |
Cout_EL4001_t | |
Cpcap_addr | |
Cpcap_etherent | |
Cpcap_file_header | |
Cpcap_if | |
Cpcap_pkthdr | |
Cpcap_rmtauth | This structure keeps the information needed to autheticate the user on a remote machine |
Cpcap_samp | This structure defines the information related to sampling |
Cpcap_send_queue | A queue of raw packets that will be sent to the network with pcap_sendqueue_transmit() |
Cpcap_stat | |
Csll_header | |
Cvlan_tag |