bool | breakLoop () |
| PortWriterThread (const T &sample=T()) |
void | step () |
| Activity (base::RunnableInterface *r=0, const std::string &name="Activity") |
| Create a not real-time Activity. This creates a not real-time, non-periodic thread, with priority equal to RTT::os::LowestPriority. More...
| Activity (int priority, base::RunnableInterface *r=0, const std::string &name="Activity") |
| Create a real-time Activity with a given priority. The thread is run in the ORO_SCHED_RT scheduler. More...
| Activity (int priority, Seconds period, base::RunnableInterface *r=0, const std::string &name="Activity") |
| Create a real-time Activity with a given priority and period. The thread is run in the ORO_SCHED_RT scheduler. More...
| Activity (int scheduler, int priority, base::RunnableInterface *r=0, const std::string &name="Activity") |
| Create an Activity with a given scheduler type and priority. More...
| Activity (int scheduler, int priority, Seconds period, base::RunnableInterface *r=0, const std::string &name="Activity") |
| Create an Activity with a given scheduler type, priority and period. More...
| Activity (int scheduler, int priority, Seconds period, unsigned cpu_affinity, base::RunnableInterface *r=0, const std::string &name="Activity") |
| Create an Activity with a given scheduler type, priority, period and cpu affinity. More...
virtual bool | execute () |
virtual void | finalize () |
virtual unsigned | getCpuAffinity () const |
virtual Seconds | getPeriod () const |
virtual bool | initialize () |
virtual bool | isActive () const |
virtual bool | isPeriodic () const |
virtual bool | isRunning () const |
virtual void | loop () |
virtual bool | setCpuAffinity (unsigned cpu) |
virtual bool | setPeriod (Seconds period) |
void | setWaitPeriodPolicy (int p) |
virtual bool | start () |
virtual bool | stop () |
virtual os::ThreadInterface * | thread () |
virtual bool | timeout () |
virtual bool | trigger () |
virtual void | work (base::RunnableInterface::WorkReason reason) |
virtual | ~Activity () |
| ActivityInterface () |
| ActivityInterface (RunnableInterface *run) |
virtual RunnableInterface * | getRunner () const |
virtual bool | run (RunnableInterface *r) |
virtual | ~ActivityInterface () |
virtual int | getMaxOverrun () const |
virtual const char * | getName () const |
void | getPeriod (secs &s, nsecs &ns) const |
virtual nsecs | getPeriodNS () const |
virtual unsigned int | getPid () const |
virtual int | getPriority () const |
virtual int | getScheduler () const |
Seconds | getStopTimeout () const |
virtual RTOS_TASK * | getTask () |
virtual const RTOS_TASK * | getTask () const |
virtual void | setMaxOverrun (int m) |
bool | setPeriod (Seconds s) |
bool | setPeriod (secs s, nsecs ns) |
bool | setPeriod (TIME_SPEC p) |
virtual bool | setPriority (int priority) |
virtual bool | setScheduler (int sched_type) |
void | setStopTimeout (Seconds s) |
| Thread (int scheduler, int priority, double period, unsigned cpu_affinity, const std::string &name) |
virtual void | yield () |
virtual | ~Thread () |
bool | isSelf () const |
| ThreadInterface () |
unsigned int | threadNumber () const |
virtual | ~ThreadInterface () |