File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 isolated_async_timer.hIsolatedAsyncTimer class implements ROS Timer served by a single-threaded async spinner on a separate callback queue
 managed_resource.hManaged<Derived,R> class implements a base class which manages ROS resources, such as ros::Subscriber and ros::ServiceServer. It uses CRTP idiom for static polymorphism and adds functionality to pause and resume, as well as acquire and release the resource
 managed_robot_activity.hManagedRobotActivity class implements ROS node lifecycle with managed subscriptions and services
 managed_serviceserver.hManagedServiceServer class implements a wrapper around ros::ServiceServer with same functionality as ros::ServiceServer, but also includes possibility to pause/resume service calls as well as re-advertise subscriptions and services
 managed_subscriber.hManagedSubscriber class implements a wrapper around ros::Subscriber with same functionality as ros::Subscriber, but also includes possibility to pause/resume callbacks as well as re-subscribe subscriptions and services
 resource_manager.hResourceManager<Resource> class implements a resource manager for managed resources, such as ManagedSubscriber and ManagedServiceServer
 robot_activity.hRobotActivity class implements ROS node lifecycle

Author(s): Maciej ZURAD
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 19:32:17