30 from nav_msgs.msg
import Odometry
35 """ Subscribes to a platform's odom topic and sends SPAN 36 wheelvelocity messages about the platform's linear movement. """ 49 self.
latency = rospy.get_param(
"~wheel_velocity_latency", 100)
50 max_frequency = rospy.get_param(
"~wheel_velocity_max_frequency", 1.0)
55 cmd =
'setwheelparameters %d %f %f' % (
60 rospy.logdebug(
"Sending: %s" % cmd)
71 velocity = abs(odom.twist.twist.linear.x)
77 cmd =
'wheelvelocity %d %d %d 0 %f 0 0 %d \r\n' % (
85 rospy.logdebug(
"Sending: %s" % repr(cmd))
def odom_handler(self, odom)