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moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools Class Reference

#include <moveit_visual_tools.h>

Inheritance diagram for moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools:
Inheritance graph

Public Member Functions

bool attachCO (const std::string &name, const std::string &ee_parent_link)
 Attach a collision object from the planning scene. More...
bool cleanupACO (const std::string &name)
 Remove an active collision object from the planning scene. More...
bool cleanupCO (const std::string &name)
 Remove a collision object from the planning scene. More...
void disableRobotStateRootOffet ()
 Turn off the root offset feature. More...
void enableRobotStateRootOffet (const Eigen::Affine3d &offset)
 All published robot states will have their virtual joint moved by offset. More...
void getCollisionWallMsg (double x, double y, double z, double angle, double width, double height, const std::string name, moveit_msgs::CollisionObject &collision_obj)
 Helper for publishCollisionWall. More...
planning_scene_monitor::PlanningSceneMonitorPtr getPlanningSceneMonitor ()
 Get the planning scene monitor that this class is using. More...
moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr getRobotModel ()
 Get a pointer to the robot model. More...
moveit::core::RobotStatePtr & getRootRobotState ()
 Allow robot state to be altered. More...
moveit::core::RobotStatePtr & getSharedRobotState ()
 Allow robot state to be altered. More...
bool hideRobot ()
 Fake removing a Robot State display in Rviz by simply moving it very far away. More...
bool loadCollisionSceneFromFile (const std::string &path)
 Load a planning scene to a planning_scene_monitor from file. More...
bool loadCollisionSceneFromFile (const std::string &path, const Eigen::Affine3d &offset)
bool loadEEMarker (const robot_model::JointModelGroup *ee_jmg, const std::vector< double > &ee_joint_pos={})
 Call this once at begining to load the end effector markers and then whenever a joint changes. More...
bool loadPlanningSceneMonitor ()
 Load a planning scene monitor if one was not passed into the constructor. More...
void loadRobotStatePub (const std::string &robot_state_topic="", bool blocking=true)
bool loadSharedRobotState ()
 Load robot state only as needed. More...
void loadTrajectoryPub (const std::string &display_planned_path_topic=DISPLAY_PLANNED_PATH_TOPIC, bool blocking=true)
 Load publishers as needed. More...
bool moveCollisionObject (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, const std::string &name, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color)
 Move an already published collision object to a new locaiton in space. More...
bool moveCollisionObject (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const std::string &name, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color)
 MoveItVisualTools (const std::string &base_frame, const std::string &marker_topic, planning_scene_monitor::PlanningSceneMonitorPtr psm)
 Constructor. More...
 MoveItVisualTools (const std::string &base_frame, const std::string &marker_topic=rviz_visual_tools::RVIZ_MARKER_TOPIC, robot_model::RobotModelConstPtr robot_model=robot_model::RobotModelConstPtr())
 Constructor. More...
bool processAttachedCollisionObjectMsg (const moveit_msgs::AttachedCollisionObject &msg)
 Skip a ROS message call by sending directly to planning scene monitor. More...
bool processCollisionObjectMsg (const moveit_msgs::CollisionObject &msg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
 Skip a ROS message call by sending directly to planning scene monitor. More...
bool publishAnimatedGrasp (const moveit_msgs::Grasp &grasp, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *ee_jmg, double animate_speed)
 Animate a single grasp in its movement direction. More...
bool publishAnimatedGrasps (const std::vector< moveit_msgs::Grasp > &possible_grasps, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *ee_jmg, double animate_speed=0.01)
 Display an animated vector of grasps including its approach movement in Rviz. More...
bool publishCollisionBlock (const geometry_msgs::Pose &block_pose, const std::string &block_name="block", double block_size=0.1, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
 Create a MoveIt Collision block at the given pose. More...
bool publishCollisionCuboid (const Eigen::Vector3d &point1, const Eigen::Vector3d &point2, const std::string &name, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
 Create a MoveIt collision rectangular cuboid at the given pose. More...
bool publishCollisionCuboid (const geometry_msgs::Point &point1, const geometry_msgs::Point &point2, const std::string &name, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
bool publishCollisionCuboid (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, double width, double depth, double height, const std::string &name, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color)
 Create a MoveIt collision rectangular cuboid at the given pose. More...
bool publishCollisionCuboid (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, double width, double depth, double height, const std::string &name, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color)
bool publishCollisionCylinder (const geometry_msgs::Point &a, const geometry_msgs::Point &b, const std::string &object_name, double radius, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
 Create a MoveIt Collision cylinder between two points. More...
bool publishCollisionCylinder (const Eigen::Vector3d &a, const Eigen::Vector3d &b, const std::string &object_name, double radius, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
bool publishCollisionCylinder (const Eigen::Affine3d &object_pose, const std::string &object_name, double radius, double height, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
 Create a MoveIt Collision cylinder with a center point pose. More...
bool publishCollisionCylinder (const geometry_msgs::Pose &object_pose, const std::string &object_name, double radius, double height, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
bool publishCollisionFloor (double z=0.0, const std::string &plane_name="Floor", const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
 Make the floor a collision object. More...
bool publishCollisionGraph (const graph_msgs::GeometryGraph &graph, const std::string &object_name, double radius, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
 Publish a connected birectional graph. More...
bool publishCollisionMesh (const geometry_msgs::Pose &object_pose, const std::string &object_name, const std::string &mesh_path, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
 Create a collision object using a mesh. More...
bool publishCollisionMesh (const Eigen::Affine3d &object_pose, const std::string &object_name, const std::string &mesh_path, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
bool publishCollisionMesh (const Eigen::Affine3d &object_pose, const std::string &object_name, const shape_msgs::Mesh &mesh_msg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
bool publishCollisionMesh (const geometry_msgs::Pose &object_pose, const std::string &object_name, const shape_msgs::Mesh &mesh_msg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
RVIZ_VISUAL_TOOLS_DEPRECATED bool publishCollisionTable (double x, double y, double angle, double width, double height, double depth, const std::string name, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
 Publish a typical room table. More...
bool publishCollisionTable (double x, double y, double z, double angle, double width, double height, double depth, const std::string name, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
bool publishCollisionWall (double x, double y, double angle=0.0, double width=2.0, double height=1.5, const std::string name="wall", const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
 Publish a typical room wall. More...
bool publishCollisionWall (double x, double y, double z, double angle=0.0, double width=2.0, double height=1.5, const std::string name="wall", const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::GREEN)
bool publishContactPoints (const moveit::core::RobotState &robot_state, const planning_scene::PlanningScene *planning_scene, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::RED)
 Given a planning scene and robot state, publish any collisions. More...
bool publishEEMarkers (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *ee_jmg, const std::vector< double > &ee_joint_pos, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::CLEAR, const std::string &ns="end_effector")
 Publish an end effector to rviz. More...
bool publishEEMarkers (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *ee_jmg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::CLEAR, const std::string &ns="end_effector")
bool publishEEMarkers (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *ee_jmg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::CLEAR, const std::string &ns="end_effector")
bool publishEEMarkers (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *ee_jmg, const std::vector< double > &ee_joint_pos, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::CLEAR, const std::string &ns="end_effector")
bool publishGrasps (const std::vector< moveit_msgs::Grasp > &possible_grasps, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *ee_jmg, double animate_speed=0.1)
 Show grasps generated from moveit_simple_grasps or other MoveIt Grasp message sources. More...
bool publishIKSolutions (const std::vector< trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint > &ik_solutions, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *arm_jmg, double display_time=0.4)
 Display an vector of inverse kinematic solutions for the IK service in Rviz Note: this is published to the 'Planned Path' section of the 'MotionPlanning' display in Rviz. More...
bool publishRobotState (const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint &trajectory_pt, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *jmg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::DEFAULT)
 Publish a MoveIt robot state to a topic that the Rviz "RobotState" display can show. More...
bool publishRobotState (const std::vector< double > joint_positions, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *jmg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::DEFAULT)
 Publish a MoveIt robot state to a topic that the Rviz "RobotState" display can show. More...
bool publishRobotState (const moveit::core::RobotState &robot_state, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::DEFAULT)
 Publish a complete robot state to Rviz To use, add a RobotState marker to Rviz and subscribe to the DISPLAY_ROBOT_STATE_TOPIC, above. More...
bool publishRobotState (const moveit::core::RobotStatePtr &robot_state, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::DEFAULT)
bool publishTrajectoryLine (const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &trajectory_msg, const moveit::core::LinkModel *ee_parent_link, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *arm_jmg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN)
 Display a line of the end effector path from a robot trajectory path. More...
bool publishTrajectoryLine (const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectoryPtr robot_trajectory, const moveit::core::LinkModel *ee_parent_link, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN)
bool publishTrajectoryLine (const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory &robot_trajectory, const moveit::core::LinkModel *ee_parent_link, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN)
bool publishTrajectoryLine (const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &trajectory_msg, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *arm_jmg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN)
 Display a line of the end effector(s) path(s) from a robot trajectory path This version can visualize multiple end effectors. More...
bool publishTrajectoryLine (const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectoryPtr robot_trajectory, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *arm_jmg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN)
bool publishTrajectoryLine (const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory &robot_trajectory, const robot_model::JointModelGroup *arm_jmg, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN)
bool publishTrajectoryPath (const std::vector< moveit::core::RobotStatePtr > &trajectory, const moveit::core::JointModelGroup *jmg, double speed=0.01, bool blocking=false)
 Animate trajectory in rviz. These functions do not need a trigger() called because use different publisher. More...
bool publishTrajectoryPath (const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectoryPtr &trajectory, bool blocking=false)
bool publishTrajectoryPath (const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory &trajectory, bool blocking=false)
bool publishTrajectoryPath (const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &trajectory_msg, const moveit::core::RobotStateConstPtr robot_state, bool blocking=false)
bool publishTrajectoryPath (const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &trajectory_msg, const moveit::core::RobotState &robot_state, bool blocking=false)
bool publishTrajectoryPath (const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &trajectory_msg, const moveit_msgs::RobotState &robot_state, bool blocking=false)
bool publishTrajectoryPoint (const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint &trajectory_pt, const std::string &planning_group, double display_time=0.1)
 Move a joint group in MoveIt for visualization make sure you have already set the planning group name this assumes the trajectory_pt position is the size of the number of joints in the planning group This will be displayed in the Planned Path section of the MoveIt Rviz plugin. More...
bool publishTrajectoryPoints (const std::vector< moveit::core::RobotStatePtr > &robot_state_trajectory, const moveit::core::LinkModel *ee_parent_link, const rviz_visual_tools::colors &color=rviz_visual_tools::YELLOW)
 Display trajectory as series of end effector position points. More...
bool publishWorkspaceParameters (const moveit_msgs::WorkspaceParameters &params)
 Display size of workspace used for planning with OMPL, etc. Important for virtual joints. More...
bool removeAllCollisionObjects ()
 Remove all collision objects that this class has added to the MoveIt! planning scene Communicates directly to a planning scene monitor e.g. if this is the move_group node. More...
void setManualSceneUpdating (bool enable_manual=true)
 Prevent the planning scene from always auto-pushing, but rather do it manually. More...
void setPlanningSceneMonitor (planning_scene_monitor::PlanningSceneMonitorPtr psm)
 Allow a pre-configured planning scene monitor to be set for publishing collision objects, etc. More...
void setPlanningSceneTopic (const std::string &planning_scene_topic)
 Set the planning scene topic. More...
void setRobotStateTopic (const std::string &robot_state_topic)
 Set the ROS topic for publishing a robot state. More...
void showJointLimits (moveit::core::RobotStatePtr robot_state)
 Print to console the current robot state's joint values within its limits visually. More...
bool triggerPlanningSceneUpdate ()
 When mannual_trigger_update_ is true, use this to tell the planning scene to send an update out. Do not use otherwise. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from rviz_visual_tools::RvizVisualTools
std_msgs::ColorRGBA createRandColor () const
bool deleteAllMarkers ()
void enableBatchPublishing (bool enable=true)
void enableFrameLocking (bool enable=true)
const std::string getBaseFrame () const
Eigen::Vector3d getCenterPoint (const Eigen::Vector3d &a, const Eigen::Vector3d &b) const
std_msgs::ColorRGBA getColor (colors color) const
std_msgs::ColorRGBA getColorScale (double value) const
double getGlobalScale () const
bool getPsychedelicMode () const
RemoteControlPtrgetRemoteControl ()
geometry_msgs::Vector3 getScale (scales scale, double marker_scale=1.0) const
Eigen::Affine3d getVectorBetweenPoints (const Eigen::Vector3d &a, const Eigen::Vector3d &b) const
void loadMarkerPub (bool wait_for_subscriber=false, bool latched=false)
void loadRemoteControl ()
bool loadRvizMarkers ()
void prompt (const std::string &msg)
bool publishArrow (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0, std::size_t id=0)
bool publishArrow (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0, std::size_t id=0)
bool publishArrow (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0, std::size_t id=0)
bool publishArrow (const geometry_msgs::Point &start, const geometry_msgs::Point &end, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, std::size_t id=0)
bool publishAxis (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Axis")
bool publishAxis (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Axis")
bool publishAxis (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, double length, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Axis")
bool publishAxis (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, double length, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Axis")
bool publishAxisLabeled (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, const std::string &label, scales scale=MEDIUM, colors color=WHITE)
bool publishAxisLabeled (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const std::string &label, scales scale=MEDIUM, colors color=WHITE)
bool publishAxisPath (const EigenSTL::vector_Affine3d &path, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Axis Path")
bool publishAxisPath (const EigenSTL::vector_Affine3d &path, double length=0.1, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Axis Path")
bool publishCone (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, double angle, colors color=TRANSLUCENT, double scale=1.0)
bool publishCone (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, double angle, colors color=TRANSLUCENT, double scale=1.0)
bool publishCuboid (const Eigen::Vector3d &point1, const Eigen::Vector3d &point2, colors color=BLUE)
bool publishCuboid (const geometry_msgs::Point &point1, const geometry_msgs::Point &point2, colors color=BLUE, const std::string &ns="Cuboid", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishCuboid (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, double depth, double width, double height, colors color=BLUE)
bool publishCuboid (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, double depth, double width, double height, colors color=BLUE)
bool publishCylinder (const Eigen::Vector3d &point1, const Eigen::Vector3d &point2, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Cylinder")
bool publishCylinder (const Eigen::Vector3d &point1, const Eigen::Vector3d &point2, colors color, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Cylinder")
bool publishCylinder (const Eigen::Vector3d &point1, const Eigen::Vector3d &point2, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Cylinder")
bool publishCylinder (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, colors color=BLUE, double height=0.1, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Cylinder")
bool publishCylinder (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color=BLUE, double height=0.1, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Cylinder")
bool publishCylinder (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, double height=0.1, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Cylinder")
bool publishGraph (const graph_msgs::GeometryGraph &graph, colors color, double radius)
bool publishLine (const Eigen::Affine3d &point1, const Eigen::Affine3d &point2, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM)
bool publishLine (const Eigen::Vector3d &point1, const Eigen::Vector3d &point2, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM)
bool publishLine (const Eigen::Vector3d &point1, const Eigen::Vector3d &point2, colors color, double radius)
bool publishLine (const Eigen::Vector3d &point1, const Eigen::Vector3d &point2, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, scales scale=MEDIUM)
bool publishLine (const Eigen::Vector3d &point1, const Eigen::Vector3d &point2, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, double radius)
bool publishLine (const geometry_msgs::Point &point1, const geometry_msgs::Point &point2, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM)
bool publishLine (const geometry_msgs::Point &point1, const geometry_msgs::Point &point2, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, scales scale=MEDIUM)
bool publishLine (const geometry_msgs::Point &point1, const geometry_msgs::Point &point2, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &scale)
bool publishLines (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &aPoints, const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &bPoints, const std::vector< colors > &colors, scales scale=MEDIUM)
bool publishLines (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &aPoints, const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &bPoints, const std::vector< std_msgs::ColorRGBA > &colors, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &scale)
bool publishLineStrip (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &path, colors color=RED, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Path")
bool publishMarker (visualization_msgs::Marker &marker)
bool publishMarkers (visualization_msgs::MarkerArray &markers)
bool publishMesh (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, const std::string &file_name, colors color=CLEAR, double scale=1, const std::string &ns="mesh", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishMesh (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const std::string &file_name, colors color=CLEAR, double scale=1, const std::string &ns="mesh", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishPath (const EigenSTL::vector_Affine3d &path, colors color=RED, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Path")
bool publishPath (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &path, const std::vector< colors > &colors, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Path")
bool publishPath (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &path, const std::vector< std_msgs::ColorRGBA > &colors, double radius, const std::string &ns="Path")
bool publishPath (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Pose > &path, colors color=RED, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Path")
bool publishPath (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &path, colors color=RED, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Path")
bool publishPath (const EigenSTL::vector_Affine3d &path, colors color=RED, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Path")
bool publishPath (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &path, colors color=RED, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Path")
bool publishPath (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &path, colors color=RED, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Path")
bool publishPath (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &path, colors color=RED, double radius=0.01, const std::string &ns="Path")
bool publishPolygon (const geometry_msgs::Polygon &polygon, colors color=RED, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Polygon")
bool publishSphere (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSphere (const Eigen::Vector3d &point, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSphere (const Eigen::Vector3d &point, colors color, double scale, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSphere (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSphere (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color, double scale, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSphere (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 scale, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSphere (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 scale, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSphere (const Eigen::Vector3d &point, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 scale, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSphere (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose, colors color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 scale, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSphere (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const std_msgs::ColorRGBA &color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 scale, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSphere (const geometry_msgs::Point &point, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Sphere", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishSpheres (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &points, colors color, double scale=0.1, const std::string &ns="Spheres")
bool publishSpheres (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &points, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Spheres")
bool publishSpheres (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &points, colors color=BLUE, double scale=0.1, const std::string &ns="Spheres")
bool publishSpheres (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &points, const std::vector< colors > &colors, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Spheres")
bool publishSpheres (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &points, const std::vector< std_msgs::ColorRGBA > &colors, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &scale, const std::string &ns="Spheres")
bool publishSpheres (const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &points, colors color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &scale, const std::string &ns="Spheres")
bool publishSpheres (const EigenSTL::vector_Vector3d &points, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, const std::string &ns="Spheres")
bool publishText (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const std::string &text, colors color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 scale, bool static_id=true)
bool publishText (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, const std::string &text, colors color=WHITE, scales scale=MEDIUM, bool static_id=true)
bool publishText (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, const std::string &text, colors color, const geometry_msgs::Vector3 scale, bool static_id=true)
bool publishText (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, const std::string &text, colors color=WHITE, scales scale=MEDIUM, bool static_id=true)
bool publishWireframeCuboid (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, double depth, double width, double height, colors color=BLUE, const std::string &ns="Wireframe Cuboid", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishWireframeCuboid (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, const Eigen::Vector3d &min_point, const Eigen::Vector3d &max_point, colors color=BLUE, const std::string &ns="Wireframe Cuboid", std::size_t id=0)
bool publishWireframeRectangle (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, const Eigen::Vector3d &p1_in, const Eigen::Vector3d &p2_in, const Eigen::Vector3d &p3_in, const Eigen::Vector3d &p4_in, colors color, scales scale)
bool publishWireframeRectangle (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, double height, double width, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, std::size_t id=0)
bool publishXArrow (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, colors color=RED, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0)
bool publishXArrow (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color=RED, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0)
bool publishXArrow (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose, colors color=RED, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0)
bool publishXYPlane (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, colors color=TRANSLUCENT, double scale=1.0)
bool publishXYPlane (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color=TRANSLUCENT, double scale=1.0)
bool publishXZPlane (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color=TRANSLUCENT, double scale=1.0)
bool publishXZPlane (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, colors color=TRANSLUCENT, double scale=1.0)
bool publishYArrow (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color=GREEN, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0)
bool publishYArrow (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose, colors color=GREEN, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0)
bool publishYArrow (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, colors color=GREEN, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0)
bool publishYZPlane (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, colors color=TRANSLUCENT, double scale=1.0)
bool publishYZPlane (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color=TRANSLUCENT, double scale=1.0)
bool publishZArrow (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0, std::size_t id=0)
bool publishZArrow (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0)
bool publishZArrow (const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped &pose, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0, std::size_t id=0)
bool publishZArrow (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, colors color=BLUE, scales scale=MEDIUM, double length=0.0)
void resetMarkerCounts ()
 RvizVisualTools (std::string base_frame, std::string marker_topic=RVIZ_MARKER_TOPIC, ros::NodeHandle nh=ros::NodeHandle("~"))
void setAlpha (double alpha)
void setBaseFrame (const std::string &base_frame)
void setGlobalScale (double global_scale)
void setLifetime (double lifetime)
void setMarkerTopic (const std::string &topic)
void setPsychedelicMode (bool psychedelic_mode=true)
bool trigger ()
RVIZ_VISUAL_TOOLS_DEPRECATED bool triggerAndDisable ()
RVIZ_VISUAL_TOOLS_DEPRECATED bool triggerBatchPublish ()
bool triggerEvery (std::size_t queueSize)
void waitForMarkerPub ()
void waitForMarkerPub (double wait_time)
bool waitForSubscriber (const ros::Publisher &pub, double wait_time=0.5, bool blocking=false)
 ~RvizVisualTools ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool applyVirtualJointTransform (moveit::core::RobotState &robot_state, const Eigen::Affine3d &offset)
 Before publishing a robot state, optionally change its root transform. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from rviz_visual_tools::RvizVisualTools
static RVIZ_VISUAL_TOOLS_DEPRECATED Eigen::Affine3d convertFromXYZRPY (double x, double y, double z, double roll, double pitch, double yaw)
static RVIZ_VISUAL_TOOLS_DEPRECATED Eigen::Affine3d convertFromXYZRPY (const std::vector< double > &transform6)
static Eigen::Affine3d convertFromXYZRPY (const std::vector< double > &transform6, EulerConvention convention)
static Eigen::Affine3d convertFromXYZRPY (double tx, double ty, double tz, double rx, double ry, double rz, EulerConvention convention)
static Eigen::Vector3d convertPoint (const geometry_msgs::Point &point)
static geometry_msgs::Point convertPoint (const geometry_msgs::Vector3 &point)
static geometry_msgs::Point convertPoint (const Eigen::Vector3d &point)
static Eigen::Vector3d convertPoint32 (const geometry_msgs::Point32 &point)
static geometry_msgs::Point32 convertPoint32 (const Eigen::Vector3d &point)
static Eigen::Affine3d convertPoint32ToPose (const geometry_msgs::Point32 &point)
static geometry_msgs::Pose convertPointToPose (const geometry_msgs::Point &point)
static Eigen::Affine3d convertPointToPose (const Eigen::Vector3d &point)
static geometry_msgs::Pose convertPose (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose)
static Eigen::Affine3d convertPose (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose)
static void convertPoseSafe (const geometry_msgs::Pose &pose_msg, Eigen::Affine3d &pose)
static void convertPoseSafe (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, geometry_msgs::Pose &pose_msg)
static geometry_msgs::Point convertPoseToPoint (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose)
static void convertToXYZRPY (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, std::vector< double > &xyzrpy)
static void convertToXYZRPY (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose, double &x, double &y, double &z, double &roll, double &pitch, double &yaw)
static double dRand (double min, double max)
static float fRand (float min, float max)
static void generateEmptyPose (geometry_msgs::Pose &pose)
static void generateRandomCuboid (geometry_msgs::Pose &cuboid_pose, double &depth, double &width, double &height, RandomPoseBounds pose_bounds=RandomPoseBounds(), RandomCuboidBounds cuboid_bounds=RandomCuboidBounds())
static void generateRandomPose (geometry_msgs::Pose &pose, RandomPoseBounds pose_bounds=RandomPoseBounds())
static void generateRandomPose (Eigen::Affine3d &pose, RandomPoseBounds pose_bounds=RandomPoseBounds())
static colors getRandColor ()
static colors intToRvizColor (std::size_t color)
static rviz_visual_tools::scales intToRvizScale (std::size_t scale)
static int iRand (int min, int max)
static bool posesEqual (const Eigen::Affine3d &pose1, const Eigen::Affine3d &pose2, double threshold=0.000001)
static void printTransform (const Eigen::Affine3d &transform)
static void printTransformFull (const Eigen::Affine3d &transform)
static void printTransformRPY (const Eigen::Affine3d &transform)
static void printTranslation (const Eigen::Vector3d &translation)
static std::string scaleToString (scales scale)
static double slerp (double start, double end, double range, double value)

Protected Attributes

std::map< rviz_visual_tools::colors, moveit_msgs::DisplayRobotState > display_robot_msgs_
std::map< const robot_model::JointModelGroup *, std::vector< double > > ee_joint_pos_map_
std::map< const robot_model::JointModelGroup *, visualization_msgs::MarkerArray > ee_markers_map_
std::map< const robot_model::JointModelGroup *, EigenSTL::vector_Affine3dee_poses_map_
moveit::core::RobotStatePtr hidden_robot_state_
bool mannual_trigger_update_ = false
std::string planning_scene_topic_
planning_scene_monitor::PlanningSceneMonitorPtr psm_
ros::Publisher pub_display_path_
ros::Publisher pub_robot_state_
robot_model_loader::RobotModelLoaderPtr rm_loader_
moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr robot_model_
Eigen::Affine3d robot_state_root_offset_
bool robot_state_root_offset_enabled_ = false
std::string robot_state_topic_
moveit::core::RobotStatePtr root_robot_state_
moveit::core::RobotStatePtr shared_robot_state_
- Protected Attributes inherited from rviz_visual_tools::RvizVisualTools
double alpha_
visualization_msgs::Marker arrow_marker_
std::string base_frame_
bool batch_publishing_enabled_
visualization_msgs::Marker block_marker_
visualization_msgs::Marker cuboid_marker_
visualization_msgs::Marker cylinder_marker_
bool frame_locking_enabled_
double global_scale_
visualization_msgs::Marker line_list_marker_
visualization_msgs::Marker line_strip_marker_
ros::Duration marker_lifetime_
std::string marker_topic_
visualization_msgs::MarkerArray markers_
visualization_msgs::Marker mesh_marker_
ros::NodeHandle nh_
bool psychedelic_mode_
ros::Publisher pub_rviz_markers_
bool pub_rviz_markers_connected_
bool pub_rviz_markers_waited_
RemoteControlPtr remote_control_
visualization_msgs::Marker reset_marker_
visualization_msgs::Marker sphere_marker_
visualization_msgs::Marker spheres_marker_
visualization_msgs::Marker text_marker_
visualization_msgs::Marker triangle_marker_

Static Private Member Functions

static bool checkForVirtualJoint (const moveit::core::RobotState &robot_state)
 Error check that the robot's SRDF was properly setup with a virtual joint that was named a certain way. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from rviz_visual_tools::RvizVisualTools
static const std::array< colors, 14 > all_rand_colors_
static const std::string name_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 74 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::MoveItVisualTools ( const std::string &  base_frame,
const std::string &  marker_topic,
planning_scene_monitor::PlanningSceneMonitorPtr  psm 


base_frame- common base for all visualization markers, usually "/world" or "/odom"
marker_topic- rostopic to publish markers to - your Rviz display should match
planning_scene_monitor- optionally pass in a pre-loaded planning scene monitor to avoid having to re-load the URDF, kinematic solvers, etc

Definition at line 67 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::MoveItVisualTools ( const std::string &  base_frame,
const std::string &  marker_topic = rviz_visual_tools::RVIZ_MARKER_TOPIC,
robot_model::RobotModelConstPtr  robot_model = robot_model::RobotModelConstPtr() 


base_frame- common base for all visualization markers, usually "/world" or "/odom"
marker_topic- rostopic to publish markers to - your Rviz display should match
robot_model- load robot model pointer so that we don't have do re-parse it here

Definition at line 76 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::applyVirtualJointTransform ( moveit::core::RobotState robot_state,
const Eigen::Affine3d &  offset 

Before publishing a robot state, optionally change its root transform.

Definition at line 1576 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::attachCO ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  ee_parent_link 

Attach a collision object from the planning scene.

Nameof object

Definition at line 608 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::checkForVirtualJoint ( const moveit::core::RobotState robot_state)

Error check that the robot's SRDF was properly setup with a virtual joint that was named a certain way.

true on success

Definition at line 1544 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::cleanupACO ( const std::string &  name)

Remove an active collision object from the planning scene.

Nameof object
true on sucess

Definition at line 595 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::cleanupCO ( const std::string &  name)

Remove a collision object from the planning scene.

Nameof object
true on sucess

Definition at line 583 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

void moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::disableRobotStateRootOffet ( )

Turn off the root offset feature.

Definition at line 1368 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

void moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::enableRobotStateRootOffet ( const Eigen::Affine3d &  offset)

All published robot states will have their virtual joint moved by offset.

Definition at line 1362 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

void moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::getCollisionWallMsg ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double  angle,
double  width,
double  height,
const std::string  name,
moveit_msgs::CollisionObject &  collision_obj 

Helper for publishCollisionWall.

Definition at line 925 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

planning_scene_monitor::PlanningSceneMonitorPtr moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::getPlanningSceneMonitor ( )

Get the planning scene monitor that this class is using.

a ptr to a planning scene

Private Functions

Definition at line 1532 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::getRobotModel ( )

Get a pointer to the robot model.

const RobotModel

Definition at line 231 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

moveit::core::RobotStatePtr& moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::getRootRobotState ( )

Allow robot state to be altered.

shared pointer to robot state

Definition at line 170 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

moveit::core::RobotStatePtr & moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::getSharedRobotState ( )

Allow robot state to be altered.

shared pointer to robot state

Definition at line 224 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::hideRobot ( )

Fake removing a Robot State display in Rviz by simply moving it very far away.

true on success

Definition at line 1457 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::loadCollisionSceneFromFile ( const std::string &  path)

Load a planning scene to a planning_scene_monitor from file.

path- path to planning scene, e.g. as exported from Rviz Plugin
offsetfor scene to be placed
true on success

Definition at line 1018 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::loadCollisionSceneFromFile ( const std::string &  path,
const Eigen::Affine3d &  offset 

Definition at line 1023 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::loadEEMarker ( const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  ee_jmg,
const std::vector< double > &  ee_joint_pos = {} 

Call this once at begining to load the end effector markers and then whenever a joint changes.

ee_jmg- the set of joints to use, e.g. the MoveIt! planning group, e.g. "left_gripper"
ee_joint_pos- the values of all active joints in this planning group
true if it is successful

Definition at line 238 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::loadPlanningSceneMonitor ( )

Load a planning scene monitor if one was not passed into the constructor.

true if successful in loading

Definition at line 82 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

void moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::loadRobotStatePub ( const std::string &  robot_state_topic = "",
bool  blocking = true 

Definition at line 338 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::loadSharedRobotState ( )

Load robot state only as needed.

true if successful in loading

Definition at line 196 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

void moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::loadTrajectoryPub ( const std::string &  display_planned_path_topic = DISPLAY_PLANNED_PATH_TOPIC,
bool  blocking = true 

Load publishers as needed.

Definition at line 324 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::moveCollisionObject ( const Eigen::Affine3d &  pose,
const std::string &  name,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color 

Move an already published collision object to a new locaiton in space.

pose- location of center of object
name- semantic name of MoveIt collision object
true on success

Definition at line 163 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::moveCollisionObject ( const geometry_msgs::Pose pose,
const std::string &  name,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color 

Definition at line 169 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::processAttachedCollisionObjectMsg ( const moveit_msgs::AttachedCollisionObject &  msg)

Skip a ROS message call by sending directly to planning scene monitor.

attachedcollision object message
true on success

Definition at line 145 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::processCollisionObjectMsg ( const moveit_msgs::CollisionObject &  msg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Skip a ROS message call by sending directly to planning scene monitor.

collisionobject message
colorto display the collision object with
true on success

Definition at line 126 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishAnimatedGrasp ( const moveit_msgs::Grasp &  grasp,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  ee_jmg,
double  animate_speed 

Animate a single grasp in its movement direction.

ee_jmg- the set of joints to use, e.g. the MoveIt! planning group, e.g. "left_arm"
animate_speed- how fast the gripper approach is animated
true on sucess

Definition at line 447 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishAnimatedGrasps ( const std::vector< moveit_msgs::Grasp > &  possible_grasps,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  ee_jmg,
double  animate_speed = 0.01 

Display an animated vector of grasps including its approach movement in Rviz.

possible_grasps- a set of grasp positions to visualize
ee_jmg- the set of joints to use, e.g. the MoveIt! planning group, e.g. "left_arm"
animate_speed- how fast the gripper approach is animated, optional

Definition at line 428 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionBlock ( const geometry_msgs::Pose block_pose,
const std::string &  block_name = "block",
double  block_size = 0.1,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Create a MoveIt Collision block at the given pose.

pose- location of center of block
name- semantic name of MoveIt collision object
size- height=width=depth=size
colorto display the collision object with
true on sucess

Definition at line 624 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionCuboid ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  point1,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  point2,
const std::string &  name,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Create a MoveIt collision rectangular cuboid at the given pose.

point1- top left of rectangle
point2- bottom right of rectangle
name- semantic name of MoveIt collision object
colorto display the collision object with
true on sucess

Definition at line 648 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionCuboid ( const geometry_msgs::Point point1,
const geometry_msgs::Point point2,
const std::string &  name,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Definition at line 654 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionCuboid ( const Eigen::Affine3d &  pose,
double  width,
double  depth,
double  height,
const std::string &  name,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color 

Create a MoveIt collision rectangular cuboid at the given pose.

pose- position of the centroid of the cube
width- width of the object in its local frame
depth- depth of the object in its local frame
height- height of the object in its local frame
name- semantic name of MoveIt collision object
colorto display the collision object with
true on sucess

Definition at line 690 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionCuboid ( const geometry_msgs::Pose pose,
double  width,
double  depth,
double  height,
const std::string &  name,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color 

Definition at line 698 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionCylinder ( const geometry_msgs::Point a,
const geometry_msgs::Point b,
const std::string &  object_name,
double  radius,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Create a MoveIt Collision cylinder between two points.

pointa - x,y,z in space of a point
pointb - x,y,z in space of a point
name- semantic name of MoveIt collision object
radius- size of cylinder
colorto display the collision object with
true on sucess

Definition at line 750 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionCylinder ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  a,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  b,
const std::string &  object_name,
double  radius,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Definition at line 757 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionCylinder ( const Eigen::Affine3d &  object_pose,
const std::string &  object_name,
double  radius,
double  height,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Create a MoveIt Collision cylinder with a center point pose.

pose- vector pointing along axis of cylinder
name- semantic name of MoveIt collision object
radius- size of cylinder
height- size of cylinder
colorto display the collision object with
true on sucess

Definition at line 779 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionCylinder ( const geometry_msgs::Pose object_pose,
const std::string &  object_name,
double  radius,
double  height,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Definition at line 785 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionFloor ( double  z = 0.0,
const std::string &  plane_name = "Floor",
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Make the floor a collision object.

zlocation of floor
nameof floor
colorto display the collision object with
true on success

Definition at line 732 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionGraph ( const graph_msgs::GeometryGraph &  graph,
const std::string &  object_name,
double  radius,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Publish a connected birectional graph.

graphof nodes and edges
nameof collision object
colorto display the collision object with
true on sucess

Definition at line 853 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionMesh ( const geometry_msgs::Pose object_pose,
const std::string &  object_name,
const std::string &  mesh_path,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Create a collision object using a mesh.

pose- location of center of mesh
name- semantic name of MoveIt collision object
peth- file location to an .stl file
colorto display the collision object with
true on success

Definition at line 812 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionMesh ( const Eigen::Affine3d &  object_pose,
const std::string &  object_name,
const std::string &  mesh_path,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Definition at line 806 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionMesh ( const Eigen::Affine3d &  object_pose,
const std::string &  object_name,
const shape_msgs::Mesh &  mesh_msg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Definition at line 830 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionMesh ( const geometry_msgs::Pose object_pose,
const std::string &  object_name,
const shape_msgs::Mesh &  mesh_msg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Definition at line 836 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

RVIZ_VISUAL_TOOLS_DEPRECATED bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionTable ( double  x,
double  y,
double  angle,
double  width,
double  height,
double  depth,
const std::string  name,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Publish a typical room table.

colorto display the collision object with
true on sucess

Definition at line 463 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionTable ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double  angle,
double  width,
double  height,
double  depth,
const std::string  name,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Definition at line 980 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionWall ( double  x,
double  y,
double  angle = 0.0,
double  width = 2.0,
double  height = 1.5,
const std::string  name = "wall",
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Publish a typical room wall.

colorto display the collision object with
true on sucess

Definition at line 965 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishCollisionWall ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
double  angle = 0.0,
double  width = 2.0,
double  height = 1.5,
const std::string  name = "wall",
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::GREEN 

Definition at line 971 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishContactPoints ( const moveit::core::RobotState robot_state,
const planning_scene::PlanningScene planning_scene,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::RED 

Given a planning scene and robot state, publish any collisions.

color- display color of markers
true on success

Definition at line 1058 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishEEMarkers ( const Eigen::Affine3d &  pose,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  ee_jmg,
const std::vector< double > &  ee_joint_pos,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::CLEAR,
const std::string &  ns = "end_effector" 

Publish an end effector to rviz.

pose- the location to publish the marker with respect to the base frame
ee_jmg- joint model group of the end effector, e.g. "left_hand"
ee_joint_pos- position of all active joints in the end effector
colorto display the collision object with
true on success

Definition at line 222 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishEEMarkers ( const Eigen::Affine3d &  pose,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  ee_jmg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::CLEAR,
const std::string &  ns = "end_effector" 

Definition at line 229 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishEEMarkers ( const geometry_msgs::Pose pose,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  ee_jmg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::CLEAR,
const std::string &  ns = "end_effector" 

Definition at line 235 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishEEMarkers ( const geometry_msgs::Pose pose,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  ee_jmg,
const std::vector< double > &  ee_joint_pos,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::CLEAR,
const std::string &  ns = "end_effector" 

Definition at line 356 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishGrasps ( const std::vector< moveit_msgs::Grasp > &  possible_grasps,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  ee_jmg,
double  animate_speed = 0.1 

Show grasps generated from moveit_simple_grasps or other MoveIt Grasp message sources.

possible_grasps- a set of grasp positions to visualize
ee_jmg- the set of joints to use, e.g. the MoveIt! planning group, e.g. "left_arm"
animate_speed- how fast the gripper approach is animated, optional

Definition at line 408 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishIKSolutions ( const std::vector< trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint > &  ik_solutions,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  arm_jmg,
double  display_time = 0.4 

Display an vector of inverse kinematic solutions for the IK service in Rviz Note: this is published to the 'Planned Path' section of the 'MotionPlanning' display in Rviz.

ik_solutions- a set of corresponding arm positions to achieve each grasp
arm_jmg- the set of joints to use, e.g. the MoveIt! planning group, e.g. "left_arm"
display_time- amount of time to sleep between sending trajectories, optional

Definition at line 530 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishRobotState ( const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint &  trajectory_pt,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  jmg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::DEFAULT 

Publish a MoveIt robot state to a topic that the Rviz "RobotState" display can show.

trajectory_ptof joint positions
jmg- the set of joints to use, e.g. the MoveIt! planning group, e.g. "left_arm"
color- how to highlight the robot (solid-ly) if desired, default keeps color as specified in URDF
true on success

Definition at line 1373 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishRobotState ( const std::vector< double >  joint_positions,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  jmg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::DEFAULT 

Publish a MoveIt robot state to a topic that the Rviz "RobotState" display can show.

joint_positions- a vector of doubles corresponding 1-to-1 to the kinematic chain named in "jmg"
jmg- the set of joints to use, e.g. the MoveIt! planning group, e.g. "left_arm"
color- how to highlight the robot (solid-ly) if desired, default keeps color as specified in URDF
true on success

Definition at line 1380 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishRobotState ( const moveit::core::RobotState robot_state,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::DEFAULT 

Publish a complete robot state to Rviz To use, add a RobotState marker to Rviz and subscribe to the DISPLAY_ROBOT_STATE_TOPIC, above.

robot_state- joint values of robot
color- how to highlight the robot (solid-ly) if desired, default keeps color as specified in URDF
bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishRobotState ( const moveit::core::RobotStatePtr &  robot_state,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::DEFAULT 
bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryLine ( const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &  trajectory_msg,
const moveit::core::LinkModel ee_parent_link,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  arm_jmg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN 

Display a line of the end effector path from a robot trajectory path.

trajectory_msg- the robot plan
ee_parent_link- the link that we should trace a path of, e.g. the gripper link
arm_jmg- the set of joints to use, e.g. the MoveIt! planning group, e.g. "left_arm"
color- display color of markers
true on success

Definition at line 1233 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryLine ( const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectoryPtr  robot_trajectory,
const moveit::core::LinkModel ee_parent_link,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN 

Definition at line 1256 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryLine ( const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory robot_trajectory,
const moveit::core::LinkModel ee_parent_link,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN 

Definition at line 1263 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryLine ( const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &  trajectory_msg,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  arm_jmg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN 

Display a line of the end effector(s) path(s) from a robot trajectory path This version can visualize multiple end effectors.

trajectory_msg- the robot plan
arm_jmg- the set of joints to use, e.g. the MoveIt! planning group, e.g. "left_arm".
color- display color of markers
true on success

Definition at line 1299 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryLine ( const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectoryPtr  robot_trajectory,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  arm_jmg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN 

Definition at line 1320 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryLine ( const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory robot_trajectory,
const robot_model::JointModelGroup *  arm_jmg,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::LIME_GREEN 

Definition at line 1327 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryPath ( const std::vector< moveit::core::RobotStatePtr > &  trajectory,
const moveit::core::JointModelGroup jmg,
double  speed = 0.01,
bool  blocking = false 

Animate trajectory in rviz. These functions do not need a trigger() called because use different publisher.

trajectorythe actual plan
blockingwhether we need to wait for the animation to complete
robot_state- the base state to add the joint trajectory message to
ee_jmg- the set of joints to use, e.g. the MoveIt! planning group, e.g. "left_arm"
true on success
bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryPath ( const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectoryPtr &  trajectory,
bool  blocking = false 

Definition at line 1146 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryPath ( const robot_trajectory::RobotTrajectory trajectory,
bool  blocking = false 

Definition at line 1151 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryPath ( const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &  trajectory_msg,
const moveit::core::RobotStateConstPtr  robot_state,
bool  blocking = false 
bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryPath ( const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &  trajectory_msg,
const moveit::core::RobotState robot_state,
bool  blocking = false 

Definition at line 1177 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryPath ( const moveit_msgs::RobotTrajectory &  trajectory_msg,
const moveit_msgs::RobotState &  robot_state,
bool  blocking = false 

Definition at line 1186 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryPoint ( const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectoryPoint &  trajectory_pt,
const std::string &  planning_group,
double  display_time = 0.1 

Move a joint group in MoveIt for visualization make sure you have already set the planning group name this assumes the trajectory_pt position is the size of the number of joints in the planning group This will be displayed in the Planned Path section of the MoveIt Rviz plugin.

trajectory_pts- a single joint configuration
planning_group- the MoveIt planning group the trajectory applies to
display_time- amount of time for the trajectory to "execute"
true on success

Definition at line 1099 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishTrajectoryPoints ( const std::vector< moveit::core::RobotStatePtr > &  robot_state_trajectory,
const moveit::core::LinkModel ee_parent_link,
const rviz_visual_tools::colors color = rviz_visual_tools::YELLOW 

Display trajectory as series of end effector position points.

trajectorythe actual plan
color- display color of markers
true on success

Definition at line 1348 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::publishWorkspaceParameters ( const moveit_msgs::WorkspaceParameters &  params)

Display size of workspace used for planning with OMPL, etc. Important for virtual joints.

displaybounds of workspace
true on sucess

Definition at line 1052 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::removeAllCollisionObjects ( )

Remove all collision objects that this class has added to the MoveIt! planning scene Communicates directly to a planning scene monitor e.g. if this is the move_group node.

thescene to directly clear the collision objects from
true on sucess

Definition at line 572 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

void moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::setManualSceneUpdating ( bool  enable_manual = true)

Prevent the planning scene from always auto-pushing, but rather do it manually.

booltrue to enable manual mode

Definition at line 209 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

void moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::setPlanningSceneMonitor ( planning_scene_monitor::PlanningSceneMonitorPtr  psm)

Allow a pre-configured planning scene monitor to be set for publishing collision objects, etc.

apointer to a load planning scen

Definition at line 200 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

void moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::setPlanningSceneTopic ( const std::string &  planning_scene_topic)

Set the planning scene topic.


Definition at line 110 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

void moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::setRobotStateTopic ( const std::string &  robot_state_topic)

Set the ROS topic for publishing a robot state.


Definition at line 101 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

void moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::showJointLimits ( moveit::core::RobotStatePtr  robot_state)

Print to console the current robot state's joint values within its limits visually.

robot_state- the robot to show

Definition at line 1475 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::triggerPlanningSceneUpdate ( )

When mannual_trigger_update_ is true, use this to tell the planning scene to send an update out. Do not use otherwise.

Definition at line 186 of file moveit_visual_tools.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

std::map<rviz_visual_tools::colors, moveit_msgs::DisplayRobotState> moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::display_robot_msgs_

Definition at line 669 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

std::map<const robot_model::JointModelGroup*, std::vector<double> > moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::ee_joint_pos_map_

Definition at line 664 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

std::map<const robot_model::JointModelGroup*, visualization_msgs::MarkerArray> moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::ee_markers_map_

Definition at line 662 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

std::map<const robot_model::JointModelGroup*, EigenSTL::vector_Affine3d> moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::ee_poses_map_

Definition at line 663 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

moveit::core::RobotStatePtr moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::hidden_robot_state_

Definition at line 678 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::mannual_trigger_update_ = false

Definition at line 649 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

std::string moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::planning_scene_topic_

Definition at line 653 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

planning_scene_monitor::PlanningSceneMonitorPtr moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::psm_

Definition at line 646 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

ros::Publisher moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::pub_display_path_

Definition at line 656 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

ros::Publisher moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::pub_robot_state_

Definition at line 657 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

robot_model_loader::RobotModelLoaderPtr moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::rm_loader_

Definition at line 659 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::robot_model_

Definition at line 672 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

Eigen::Affine3d moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::robot_state_root_offset_

Definition at line 686 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

bool moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::robot_state_root_offset_enabled_ = false

Definition at line 685 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

std::string moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::robot_state_topic_

Definition at line 652 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

moveit::core::RobotStatePtr moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::root_robot_state_

Definition at line 682 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

moveit::core::RobotStatePtr moveit_visual_tools::MoveItVisualTools::shared_robot_state_

Definition at line 675 of file moveit_visual_tools.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Author(s): Dave Coleman
autogenerated on Thu Jun 6 2019 19:40:28