▼Cdwb_local_planner::GoalChecker [external] | |
▼Cdwb_plugins::SimpleGoalChecker | Goal Checker plugin that only checks the position difference |
Cdwb_plugins::StoppedGoalChecker | Goal Checker plugin that checks the position difference and velocity |
Cdwb_plugins::KinematicParameters | A dynamically reconfigurable class containing one representation of the robot's kinematics |
Cdwb_plugins::OneDVelocityIterator | An iterator for generating a number of samples in a range |
▼Cdwb_local_planner::TrajectoryGenerator [external] | |
▼Cdwb_plugins::StandardTrajectoryGenerator | Standard DWA-like trajectory generator |
Cdwb_plugins::LimitedAccelGenerator | Limits the acceleration in the generated trajectories to a fraction of the simulated time |
▼Cdwb_plugins::VelocityIterator | |
Cdwb_plugins::XYThetaIterator |