▼Cdlux_global_planner::PotentialCalculator [external] | |
Cdlux_plugins::AStar | Potential calculator that explores using a distance heuristic (A*) but not the kernel function |
Cdlux_plugins::Dijkstra | Potential calculator that explores the potential breadth first while using the kernel function |
Cdlux_plugins::AStar::QueueEntry | Helper Class for sorting indexes by their heuristic |
Cdlux_plugins::AStar::QueueEntryComparator | Comparator for sorting the QueueEntrys |
▼Cdlux_global_planner::Traceback [external] | |
Cdlux_plugins::GradientPath | Traceback function that creates a smooth gradient from the start to the goal |
Cdlux_plugins::GridPath | Traceback function that moves from cell to cell using any of the eight neighbors |
Cdlux_plugins::VonNeumannPath | Traceback function that moves from cell to cell using only the four neighbors |