19 msgs::ExecuteStepPlanFeedback feedback;
21 feedback.last_performed_step_index = -2;
22 feedback.currently_executing_step_index =-1;
23 feedback.first_changeable_step_index = 0;
"[StepControllerTestPlugin] Start fake execution.");
46 feedback.last_performed_step_index++;
49 if (
step_queue_->lastStepIndex() == feedback.last_performed_step_index)
"[StepControllerTestPlugin] Fake execution finished.");
53 feedback.currently_executing_step_index = -1;
54 feedback.first_changeable_step_index = -1;
65 feedback.currently_executing_step_index++;
66 feedback.first_changeable_step_index++;
"[StepControllerTestPlugin] Fake execution of step %i", step.step_index);
82 #include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
void preProcess(const ros::TimerEvent &event) override
Simulates handling of walking engine and triggers in regular interval a succesful execution of a step...
void setFeedbackState(const msgs::ExecuteStepPlanFeedback &feedback)
virtual void preProcess(const ros::TimerEvent &event)
PreProcess Method is called before processing the walk controller, e.g. for precompute/update data or...
virtual ~StepControllerTestPlugin()
The StepControllerPlugin class provides the basic interface in order to handle robot-specific behavio...
ros::Time next_step_needed_time_
const msgs::ExecuteStepPlanFeedback & getFeedbackState() const
Returns current feedback information provided by the plugin.
void updateQueueFeedback()
Updates feedback information with internal state data.
StepControllerState getState() const
Get current state of execution.
void initWalk() override
We have to initialize all variables at beginning of new step plan execution here. ...
StepQueue::Ptr step_queue_
bool executeStep(const msgs::Step &step) override
Handles fake execution of step. In fact it does nothing as accepting the step.
void setState(StepControllerState state)
void setNextStepIndexNeeded(int index)