This is the complete list of members for stdr_robot::Robot, including all inherited members.
_currentPose | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_footprint | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_map | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_mapSubscriber | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_motionControllerPtr | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_moveRobotService | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_odomPublisher | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_previousMovementXAxis | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_previousMovementYAxis | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_previousPose | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_registerClientPtr | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_sensors | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_tfBroadcaster | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
_tfTimer | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
checkUnknownOccupancy(const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &newPose) | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
collisionExists(const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &newPose, const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &collisionPoint) | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
collisionExistsNoPath(const geometry_msgs::Pose2D &newPose) | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
getMTCallbackQueue() const | nodelet::Nodelet | protected |
getMTNodeHandle() const | nodelet::Nodelet | protected |
getMTPrivateNodeHandle() const | nodelet::Nodelet | protected |
getMyArgv() const | nodelet::Nodelet | protected |
getName() const | nodelet::Nodelet | protected |
getNodeHandle() const | nodelet::Nodelet | protected |
getPointsBetween(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
getPrivateNodeHandle() const | nodelet::Nodelet | protected |
getRemappingArgs() const | nodelet::Nodelet | protected |
getSTCallbackQueue() const | nodelet::Nodelet | protected |
getSuffixedName(const std::string &suffix) const | nodelet::Nodelet | protected |
init(const std::string &name, const M_string &remapping_args, const V_string &my_argv, ros::CallbackQueueInterface *st_queue=NULL, ros::CallbackQueueInterface *mt_queue=NULL) | nodelet::Nodelet | |
initializeRobot(const actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState &state, const stdr_msgs::RegisterRobotResultConstPtr result) | stdr_robot::Robot | |
mapCallback(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGridConstPtr &msg) | stdr_robot::Robot | |
moveRobotCallback(stdr_msgs::MoveRobot::Request &req, stdr_msgs::MoveRobot::Response &res) | stdr_robot::Robot | |
Nodelet() | nodelet::Nodelet | |
onInit(void) | stdr_robot::Robot | virtual |
publishTransforms(const ros::TimerEvent &) | stdr_robot::Robot | private |
Robot(void) | stdr_robot::Robot | |
~Nodelet() | nodelet::Nodelet | virtual |
~Robot(void) | stdr_robot::Robot | |