Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CSVHControlCommandControlCommands are given as a single target position for the position controller (given in ticks)
 CSVHControlCommandAllChannelsStructure for transmitting all controllcommands at once
 CSVHControllerThis class controls the the SCHUNK five finger hand
 CSVHControllerFeedbackThe SVHControllerFeedback saves the feedback of a single motor
 CSVHControllerFeedbackAllChannelsThe SVHControllerFeedbackAllChannes saves the feedback of a all motors
 CSVHControllerStateThe SVHControllerState indicates the current state of the MeCoVis controller IC which is used in the SVH
 CSVHCurrentSettingsThe SVHCurrentSettings save the current controller paramters for a single motor
 CSVHEncoderSettingsThe SVHEncoderSettings hold the settings for the encoder scaling of each channel
 CSVHFeedbackPollingThreadThread for periodically requesting feedback messages from the SCHUNK five finger hand
 CSVHFirmwareInfoThe SVHFirmwareInfo holds the data of a firmware response from the hardware
 CSVHHomeSettingsData sctructure for home positions
 CSVHPositionSettingsThe SVHPositionSettings save the position controller paramters for a single motor
 CSVHReceiveThreadThread for receiving messages from the serial device
 CSVHSerialInterfaceBasic communication handler for the SCHUNK five finger hand
 CSVHSerialPacketThe SerialPacket holds the (non generated) header and data of one message to the SVH-Hardware
 CDynamicParameterClass to read parameter file and set the correct hardware parameters
 CSettingsInline struct to store the settings

Author(s): Georg Heppner
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:04:59