Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::CanOpenReceiveThread | Handles incoming canOpen messages |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ds402::Controlword | Data union for access to DSP 402 6040 controlword, |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ds402::Controlword_ | Bit field for DSP 402 6040 controlword, |
▼Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::DS301Group | Base Class for all canOpen device groups, providing basic interfaces to the DS301 functionality |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::DS402Group | Base class for canOpen devices implementing the DS402 device protocol (motors) |
▼Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::DS301Node | Is the base class representation of canOpen devices. It is the access point to the most relevant functionalities of the DS301 protocol (canOpen) |
▼Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::DS402Node | Class that holds devices according to the DS402 (drives and motion control) specification |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::SchunkPowerBallNode | This class gives a device specific interface for Schunk Powerballs, as they need some "special" treatment such as commutation search instead of homing |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::EMCY | Handles the spontaneously occurring Emergency (EMCY) messages, keeps track of a nodes EMCY state and offers translation of the error codes to human readable form |
▼Cexception | |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::DeviceException | If something goes wrong with the host's CAN controller, this exception will be used |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::NotFoundException | This exception is thrown if a requested node or node group does not exist |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::PDOException | PDO related exceptions go here |
▼Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ProtocolException | Basic CanOpen exception that contains the Object dictionary index and subindex |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ResponseException | Exceptions relating to device responses |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::TimeoutException | If a device response times out, this exception will be thrown |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::HeartBeatMonitor | |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ds402::HomingModeConfiguration | Configuration parameters for a Homing_Mode according to CiA DSP-402 V1.1 section 13.2.1 |
▼Chardware_interface::InterfaceManager [external] | |
▼Chardware_interface::RobotHW [external] | |
CSchunkCanopenHardwareInterface | This class defines a ros-control hardware interface |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::PDO::Mapping | Holds the mapping parameter plus the actual data |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::PDO::MappingConfiguration | Mapping of a PDO. This is basically a description that says where to look in the object dictionary and how many bits to read |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::NMT | Access to NMT functions of the canOpen protocol and keeps the NMT state of canOpen nodes |
▼Cnoncopyable | |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::CanOpenController | Main entry point for any calls to the canOpen System |
▼Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::PDO | Access to one (of the possible multiple) Process Data Object of a canOpen node. The class provides structures for transmit and received data and the functions to trigger down- and uploads |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::RPDO | This class describes Receive PDOs, meaning PDOs that send data from the host to the device |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::TPDO | This class describes Transmit PDOs, meaning PDOs that send data from the device to the host |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::DS301Node::PDOMapEntry | Unique index to find a mapped Object dictionary item in a PDO |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::PDO::PDOStringMatch | Unique index to find a mapped Object dictionary item in a PDO |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ds402::ProfilePositionModeConfiguration | Configuration parameters for a Profile_Position_Mode according to CiA DSP-402 V1.1 section 12.2.1 |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ds402::ProfileTorqueModeConfiguration | Configuration parameters for a Profile_Torque_Mode according to CiA DSP-402 V1.1 section 17.2.1 |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ds402::ProfileVelocityModeConfiguration | Configuration parameters for a Profile_Velocity_Mode according to CiA DSP-402 V1.1 section 16.2.1 |
CSchunkCanopenNode | |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::SDO | Service Data Objects (SDO) that are used for slow access of the canOpen object dictionary. It uses the COB-ID which identifies entry with a 16bit index and 8 bit sub index and allows read and write operations. The SDO is mainly used to set up the system before the actual cyclic operation starts. This class holds the generic data, provides the up- and download functionality and parses incoming SDOs to ensure that they are correct |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ds402::Statusword | Data union for access to DSP 402 6041 statusword, |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ds402::Statusword_ | Bit field for DSP 402 6041 statusword, |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ds402::SupportedDriveModes | Data union for access to DSP 402 6041 statusword, |
Cicl_hardware::canopen_schunk::ds402::SupportedDriveModes_ | |