This is the complete list of members for rtt_tf::RTT_TF, including all inherited members.
_addTransformsChangedListener(boost::function< void(void)> callback) | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_allFramesAsDot(double current_time) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_allFramesAsDot() const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_chainAsVector(const std::string &target_frame, ros::Time target_time, const std::string &source_frame, ros::Time source_time, const std::string &fixed_frame, std::vector< std::string > &output) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_frameExists(const std::string &frame_id_str) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_getFrameStrings(std::vector< std::string > &ids) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_getLatestCommonTime(CompactFrameID target_frame, CompactFrameID source_frame, ros::Time &time, std::string *error_string) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_getParent(const std::string &frame_id, ros::Time time, std::string &parent) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_lookupFrameNumber(const std::string &frameid_str) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_lookupOrInsertFrameNumber(const std::string &frameid_str) | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_removeTransformsChangedListener(boost::signals2::connection c) | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
_validateFrameId(const char *function_name_arg, const std::string &frame_id) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
activate() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
activate() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
addAttribute(const std::string &name, T &attr) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addAttribute(base::AttributeBase &a) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addAttribute(const std::string &name, T &attr) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addAttribute(base::AttributeBase &a) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addConstant(const std::string &name, const T &attr) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addConstant(const std::string &name, const T &attr) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addEventPort(const std::string &name, base::InputPortInterface &port, SlotFunction callback=SlotFunction()) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addEventPort(base::InputPortInterface &port, SlotFunction callback=SlotFunction()) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addOperation(Operation< Signature > &op) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addOperation(const std::string name, Func func, Service *serv, ExecutionThread et=ClientThread) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addOperation(const std::string name, Signature *func, ExecutionThread et=ClientThread) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addOperation(Operation< Signature > &op) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addOperation(const std::string name, Func func, Service *serv, ExecutionThread et=ClientThread) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addOperation(const std::string name, Signature *func, ExecutionThread et=ClientThread) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addPeer(TaskContext *peer, std::string alias="") | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
addPeer(TaskContext *peer, std::string alias="") | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
addPort(const std::string &name, base::PortInterface &port) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addPort(base::PortInterface &port) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addProperty(const std::string &name, T &attr) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addProperty(base::PropertyBase &pb) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addProperty(const std::string &name, T &attr) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addProperty(base::PropertyBase &pb) | RTT::TaskContext | |
addTFOperations(RTT::Service::shared_ptr service) | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
addTransformableCallback(const TransformableCallback &cb) | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
addTransformableRequest(TransformableCallbackHandle handle, const std::string &target_frame, const std::string &source_frame, ros::Time time) | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
allFramesAsString() const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
allFramesAsYAML(double current_time) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
allFramesAsYAML() const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
attributes() | RTT::TaskContext | |
attributes() | RTT::TaskContext | |
breakUpdateHook() | RTT::base::TaskCore | protectedvirtual |
broadcastStaticTransform(const geometry_msgs::TransformStamped &tform) | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
broadcastStaticTransforms(const std::vector< geometry_msgs::TransformStamped > &tforms) | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
broadcastTransform(const geometry_msgs::TransformStamped &tform) | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
broadcastTransforms(const std::vector< geometry_msgs::TransformStamped > &tforms) | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
buffer_core | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
BufferCore(ros::Duration cache_time_=ros::Duration(DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME)) | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
BufferCorePtr typedef | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
cancelTransformableRequest(TransformableRequestHandle handle) | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
canTransform(const std::string &target, const std::string &source) const | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
tf2::BufferCore::canTransform(const std::string &target_frame, const std::string &source_frame, const ros::Time &time, std::string *error_msg=NULL) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
tf2::BufferCore::canTransform(const std::string &target_frame, const ros::Time &target_time, const std::string &source_frame, const ros::Time &source_time, const std::string &fixed_frame, std::string *error_msg=NULL) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
canTransformAtTime(const std::string &target, const std::string &source, const ros::Time &common_time) const | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
cleanup() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
cleanup() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
cleanupHook() | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | virtual |
RTT::clear() | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
tf2::BufferCore::clear() | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
configure() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
configure() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
configureHook() | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | virtual |
connectPeers(TaskContext *peer) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
connectPeers(TaskContext *peer) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
connectPorts(TaskContext *peer) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
connectServices(TaskContext *peer) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
connectServices(TaskContext *peer) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
dataOnPortCallback(base::PortInterface *port) | RTT::TaskContext | protectedvirtual |
dataOnPortHook(base::PortInterface *port) | RTT::TaskContext | protectedvirtual |
DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | privatestatic |
DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME | tf2::BufferCore | protectedstatic |
disconnect() | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
disconnect() | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
disconnectPeers(const std::string &name) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
disconnectPeers(const std::string &name) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
ee | RTT::base::TaskCore | protected |
engine() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
engine() | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
error() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
error() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
errorHook() | RTT::base::TaskCore | protectedvirtual |
exception() | RTT::base::TaskCore | protectedvirtual |
Exception | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
exceptionHook() | RTT::base::TaskCore | protectedvirtual |
fatal() | RTT::base::TaskCore | protectedvirtual |
FatalError | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
forceActivity(base::ActivityInterface *new_act) | RTT::TaskContext | protected |
getActivity() | RTT::TaskContext | |
getActivity() | RTT::TaskContext | |
getAttribute(const std::string &name) const | RTT::TaskContext | |
getAttribute(const std::string &name) const | RTT::TaskContext | |
getCacheLength() | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
getCpuAffinity() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
getCpuAffinity() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
getCycleCounter() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
getIOCounter() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
getLatestCommonTime(const std::string &target, const std::string &source) const | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
getName() const | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
getOperation(std::string name) | RTT::TaskContext | |
getOperation(std::string name) | RTT::TaskContext | |
getPeer(const std::string &peer_name) const | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
getPeer(const std::string &peer_name) const | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
getPeerList() const | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
getPeerList() const | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
getPeriod() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
getPeriod() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
getPort(const std::string &name) const | RTT::TaskContext | |
getProperty(const std::string &name) const | RTT::TaskContext | |
getProperty(const std::string &name) const | RTT::TaskContext | |
getProvider(const std::string &name) | RTT::TaskContext | |
getProvider(const std::string &name) | RTT::TaskContext | |
getTargetState() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
getTaskState() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
getTimeOutCounter() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
getTriggerCounter() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
hasPeer(const std::string &peer_name) const | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
hasPeer(const std::string &peer_name) const | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
inException() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
inException() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
inFatalError() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
inFatalError() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
Init | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
inRunTimeError() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
inRunTimeError() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
internalUpdate(tf2_msgs::TFMessage &msg, RTT::InputPort< tf2_msgs::TFMessage > &port, bool is_static) | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
isActive() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
isActive() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
isConfigured() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
isConfigured() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
isRunning() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
isRunning() const | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
isUsingDedicatedThread() const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
listTrackers() | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
loadService(const std::string &service_name) | RTT::TaskContext | |
loadService(const std::string &service_name) | RTT::TaskContext | |
lookupTransform(const std::string &target, const std::string &source) const | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
tf2::BufferCore::lookupTransform(const std::string &target_frame, const std::string &source_frame, const ros::Time &time) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
tf2::BufferCore::lookupTransform(const std::string &target_frame, const ros::Time &target_time, const std::string &source_frame, const ros::Time &source_time, const std::string &fixed_frame) const | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
lookupTransformAtTime(const std::string &target, const std::string &source, const ros::Time &common_time) const | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
MAX_GRAPH_DEPTH | tf2::BufferCore | protectedstatic |
mCycleCounter | RTT::base::TaskCore | protected |
mIOCounter | RTT::base::TaskCore | protected |
mName | RTT::base::TaskCore | protected |
mTaskState | RTT::base::TaskCore | protected |
mTimeOutCounter | RTT::base::TaskCore | protected |
mTriggerCounter | RTT::base::TaskCore | protected |
mTriggerOnStart | RTT::base::TaskCore | protected |
operations() | RTT::TaskContext | |
operations() | RTT::TaskContext | |
OutputPortGeometryTransfromStampedPtr typedef | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
PeerList typedef | RTT::TaskContext | |
port_tf_in | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
port_tf_out | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
port_tf_static_in | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
port_tf_static_out | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
ports() | RTT::TaskContext | |
ports() const | RTT::TaskContext | |
ports_trackers | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
PreOperational | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
prop_buffer_size | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
prop_cache_time | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
prop_tf_prefix | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
properties() | RTT::TaskContext | |
properties() | RTT::TaskContext | |
provides() | RTT::TaskContext | |
provides(const std::string &service_name) | RTT::TaskContext | |
provides() | RTT::TaskContext | |
provides(const std::string &service_name) | RTT::TaskContext | |
ready() | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
recover() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
recover() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
removePeer(const std::string &name) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
removePeer(TaskContext *peer) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
removePeer(const std::string &name) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
removePeer(TaskContext *peer) | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
removeTransformableCallback(TransformableCallbackHandle handle) | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
requires() | RTT::TaskContext | |
requires(const std::string &service_name) | RTT::TaskContext | |
requires() | RTT::TaskContext | |
requires(const std::string &service_name) | RTT::TaskContext | |
RTT_TF(std::string const &name) | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | |
Running | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
RunTimeError | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
setActivity(base::ActivityInterface *new_act) | RTT::TaskContext | |
setCpuAffinity(unsigned cpu) | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
setCpuAffinity(unsigned cpu) | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
setPeriod(Seconds s) | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
setPeriod(Seconds s) | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
setTransform(const geometry_msgs::TransformStamped &transform, const std::string &authority, bool is_static=false) | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
setUsingDedicatedThread(bool value) | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
SlotFunction typedef | RTT::TaskContext | |
start() | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
startHook() | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | virtual |
stop() | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
stopHook() | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | virtual |
Stopped | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
subscribeTransfrom(const std::string &target, const std::string &source) | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
TaskContext(const std::string &name, TaskState initial_state=Stopped) | RTT::TaskContext | |
TaskCore(TaskState initial_state=Stopped, const std::string &name=std::string()) | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
TaskState enum name | RTT::base::TaskCore | |
transform_listener | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
TransformableCallback typedef | tf2::BufferCore | protected |
TransformListenerPtr typedef | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | private |
trigger() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
trigger() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
update() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
update() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |
updateHook() | rtt_tf::RTT_TF | virtual |
~BufferCore(void) | tf2::BufferCore | protectedvirtual |
~TaskContext() | RTT::TaskContext | virtual |
~TaskCore() | RTT::base::TaskCore | virtual |