Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /***************************************************************************
2  tag: Peter Soetens Wed Jan 18 14:09:49 CET 2006 TaskContextProxy.cxx
4  TaskContextProxy.cxx - description
5  -------------------
6  begin : Wed January 18 2006
7  copyright : (C) 2006 Peter Soetens
8  email : peter.soetens@fmtc.be
10  ***************************************************************************
11  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public *
13  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; *
14  * version 2 of the License. *
15  * *
16  * As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free *
17  * software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files *
18  * instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this *
19  * file, or you compile this file and link it with other files to *
20  * produce an executable, this file does not by itself cause the *
21  * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public *
22  * License. This exception does not however invalidate any other *
23  * reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GNU General *
24  * Public License. *
25  * *
26  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
27  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
29  * Lesser General Public License for more details. *
30  * *
31  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public *
32  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software *
33  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, *
34  * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
35  * *
36  ***************************************************************************/
38 #include "TaskContextProxy.hpp"
39 #include "TaskContextServer.hpp"
40 #include "TaskContextC.h"
42 #include "CorbaLib.hpp"
43 #include "OperationCallerProxy.hpp"
45 #include "../../types/Types.hpp"
46 #include "../../extras/SequentialActivity.hpp"
47 #include "corba.h"
48 #ifdef CORBA_IS_TAO
49 #include "tao/TimeBaseC.h"
50 #include "tao/Messaging/Messaging.h"
51 #include "tao/Messaging/Messaging_RT_PolicyC.h"
52 #include "orbsvcs/CosNamingC.h"
53 #include <ace/String_Base.h>
54 #else
55 #include <omniORB4/Naming.hh>
56 #endif
57 #include <iostream>
58 #include <fstream>
59 #include <string>
61 #include "RemotePorts.hpp"
63 using namespace std;
64 using namespace RTT::detail;
66 namespace RTT
67 {namespace corba
68 {
69  IllegalServer::IllegalServer() : reason("This server does not exist or has the wrong type.") {}
71  IllegalServer::IllegalServer(const std::string& r) : reason(r) {}
75  const char* IllegalServer::what() const throw() { return reason.c_str(); }
78  std::map<TaskContextProxy*, corba::CTaskContext_ptr> TaskContextProxy::proxies;
80  PortableServer::POA_var TaskContextProxy::proxy_poa;
83  {
84  log(Info) << "Terminating TaskContextProxy for " << this->getName() <<endlog();
85  if ( this->properties() ) {
86  deletePropertyBag( *this->properties() );
87  }
88  this->attributes()->clear();
89  for (list<PortInterface*>::iterator it = port_proxies.begin(); it != port_proxies.end(); ++it)
90  delete *it;
91  proxies.erase(this);
92  }
94  TaskContextProxy::TaskContextProxy(std::string name, bool is_ior)
95  : TaskContext("NotFound")
96  {
97  initFromURIOrTaskname(name, is_ior);
98  }
101  {
103  }
105  void TaskContextProxy::initFromURIOrTaskname(string name, bool is_ior)
106  {
107  Logger::In in("TaskContextProxy");
108  this->clear();
109  this->setActivity( new SequentialActivity() );
110  try {
111  if (is_ior) {
112  // Use the first argument to create the task object reference,
113  // in real applications we use the naming service, but let's do
114  // the easy part first!
115  CORBA::Object_var task_object =
116  orb->string_to_object ( name.c_str() );
118  // Now downcast the object reference to the appropriate type
119  mtask = corba::CTaskContext::_narrow (task_object.in ());
120  } else {
121  // NameService
122  CORBA::Object_var rootObj;
123  CosNaming::NamingContext_var rootContext;
124  try {
125  rootObj = orb->resolve_initial_references("NameService");
126  rootContext = CosNaming::NamingContext::_narrow(rootObj);
127  } catch (...) {}
129  if (CORBA::is_nil(rootContext)) {
130  std::string err("TaskContextProxy could not acquire NameService.");
131  log(Error) << err <<endlog();
132  throw IllegalServer(err);
133  }
134  Logger::log() <<Logger::Debug << "TaskContextProxy found CORBA NameService."<<endlog();
135  CosNaming::Name serverName;
136  serverName.length(2);
137  serverName[0].id = CORBA::string_dup("TaskContexts");
138  serverName[1].id = CORBA::string_dup( name.c_str() );
140  // Get object reference
141  CORBA::Object_var task_object = rootContext->resolve(serverName);
142  mtask = corba::CTaskContext::_narrow (task_object.in ());
143  }
144  if ( CORBA::is_nil( mtask ) ) {
145  std::string err("Failed to acquire TaskContextServer '"+name+"'.");
146  Logger::log() << Logger::Error << err <<endlog();
147  throw IllegalServer(err);
148  }
149  CORBA::String_var nm = mtask->getName(); // force connect to object.
150  std::string newname( nm.in() );
151  this->provides()->setName( newname );
152  Logger::log() << Logger::Info << "Successfully connected to TaskContextServer '"+name+"'."<<endlog();
153  proxies[this] = mtask.in();
154  }
155  catch (CORBA::Exception &e) {
156  log(Error)<< "CORBA exception raised when resolving Object !" << endlog();
158  throw;
159  }
160  catch (IllegalServer& e) {
161  // rethrow
162  throw e;
163  }
164  catch (...) {
165  log(Error) <<"Unknown Exception in TaskContextProxy construction!"<<endlog();
166  throw;
167  }
169  this->synchronize();
170  }
172  TaskContextProxy::TaskContextProxy( ::RTT::corba::CTaskContext_ptr taskc)
173  : TaskContext("CORBAProxy"), mtask( corba::CTaskContext::_duplicate(taskc) )
174  {
175  Logger::In in("TaskContextProxy");
176  this->clear();
177  // We can't use setActivity() since that would check isRunning() first.
178  this->forceActivity( new SequentialActivity );
179  try {
180  CORBA::String_var nm = mtask->getName(); // force connect to object.
181  std::string name( nm.in() );
182  this->provides()->setName( name );
183  proxies[this] = mtask.in();
184  }
185  catch (CORBA::Exception &e) {
186  log(Error) << "CORBA exception raised when creating TaskContextProxy!" << Logger::nl;
188  }
189  catch (...) {
190  throw;
191  }
192  this->synchronize();
193  }
196  {
197  // Add here the interfaces that need to be synchronised every time a lookup is done.
198  // Detect already added parts of an interface, does not yet detect removed parts...
199  if (CORBA::is_nil(mtask))
200  return;
202  CTaskContextDescription_var tcd = mtask->getCTaskContextDescription();
204  CService_var serv = tcd->mainprovider;
205  synchronizeServices(this->provides(), serv.in(), tcd->mainprovider_description);
207  CServiceRequester_var srq = tcd->mainrequester;
208  synchronizeRequesters(this->requires(), srq, tcd->mainrequester_description);
210  log(Debug) << "All Done."<<endlog();
211  }
213  void TaskContextProxy::synchronizeRequesters(ServiceRequester::shared_ptr parent, CServiceRequester_ptr csrq, const CServiceRequesterDescription & cdescription)
214  {
215  for ( size_t i=0; i < cdescription.operationcallernames.length(); ++i) {
216  if ( parent->getOperationCaller( string(cdescription.operationcallernames[i].in() )))
217  continue; // already added.
218  log(Debug) << "Requiring operation: "<< cdescription.operationcallernames[i].in() <<endlog();
219  parent->addOperationCaller( * new OperationCallerProxy(string(cdescription.operationcallernames[i].in() ), CServiceRequester::_duplicate(csrq) ));
220  }
222  assert(cdescription.children.length() == cdescription.children_descriptions.length());
223  for( size_t i =0; i != cdescription.children.length(); ++i) {
224  CServiceRequester_ptr cobj = cdescription.children[i];
225  ServiceRequester::shared_ptr tobj = this->requires(std::string(cdescription.children_descriptions[i].name));
227  // Recurse:
228  this->synchronizeRequesters(tobj, cobj, cdescription.children_descriptions[i]);
229  }
230  }
232  void TaskContextProxy::synchronizeServices(Service::shared_ptr parent, CService_ptr serv, const CServiceDescription & cdescription)
233  {
234  log(Debug) << "Synchronizing "<<parent->getName()<<" Service:"<<endlog();
236  // Fetch ports
237  this->synchronizePorts(parent, serv, cdescription);
239  // load command and method factories.
240  // methods:
241  log(Debug) << "Synchronizing Operations."<<endlog();
242  for ( size_t i=0; i < cdescription.operations.length(); ++i) {
243  if ( parent->hasMember( string(cdescription.operations[i].name.in() )))
244  continue; // already added.
245  log(Debug) << "Providing operation: "<< cdescription.operations[i].name.in() <<endlog();
246  parent->add( cdescription.operations[i].name.in(), new CorbaOperationCallerFactory( cdescription.operations[i], serv, ProxyPOA() ) );
247  }
249  // first do properties:
250  log(Debug) << "Synchronizing Properties."<<endlog();
251  for (size_t i=0; i != cdescription.properties.length(); ++i) {
252  if ( findProperty( *parent->properties(), string(cdescription.properties[i].name.in()), "." ) )
253  continue; // previously added.
254 // if ( !serv->hasProperty( cdescription.properties[i].name.in() ) ) {
255 // log(Error) <<"Property "<< string(cdescription.properties[i].name.in()) << " present in getPropertyList() but not accessible."<<endlog();
256 // continue;
257 // }
258  // If the type is known, immediately build the correct property and datasource.
259  TypeInfo* ti = TypeInfoRepository::Instance()->type( cdescription.properties[i].type_name.in() );
261  // decode the prefix and property name from the given name:
262  string pname = string( cdescription.properties[i].name.in() );
263  pname = pname.substr( pname.rfind(".") + 1 );
264  string prefix = string( cdescription.properties[i].name.in() );
265  if ( prefix.rfind(".") == string::npos ) {
266  prefix.clear();
267  }
268  else {
269  prefix = prefix.substr( 0, prefix.rfind(".") );
270  }
272  if ( ti && ti->hasProtocol(ORO_CORBA_PROTOCOL_ID)) {
274  assert(ctt);
275  // data source needs full remote path name
276  DataSourceBase::shared_ptr ds = ctt->createPropertyDataSource( serv, cdescription.properties[i].name.in() );
277  storeProperty( *parent->properties(), prefix, ti->buildProperty( pname, cdescription.properties[i].description.in(), ds));
278  log(Debug) << "Looked up Property " << cdescription.properties[i].type_name.in() << " "<< pname <<": created."<<endlog();
279  }
280  else {
281  if ( string("PropertyBag") == cdescription.properties[i].type_name.in() ) {
282  storeProperty(*parent->properties(), prefix, new Property<PropertyBag>( pname, cdescription.properties[i].description.in()) );
283  log(Debug) << "Looked up PropertyBag " << cdescription.properties[i].type_name.in() << " "<< pname <<": created."<<endlog();
284  } else
285  log(Error) << "Looked up Property " << cdescription.properties[i].type_name.in() << " "<< pname <<": type not known. Check your RTT_COMPONENT_PATH ( \""<<getenv("RTT_COMPONENT_PATH")<<" \")."<<endlog();
286  }
287  }
289  log(Debug) << "Synchronizing Attributes."<<endlog();
290  for (size_t i=0; i != cdescription.attributes.length(); ++i) {
291  if ( parent->hasAttribute( string(cdescription.attributes[i].name.in()) ) )
292  continue; // previously added.
293 #if 0
294  if ( !serv->hasAttribute( cdescription.attributes[i].name.in() ) ) {
295  log(Error) <<"Attribute '"<< string(cdescription.attributes[i].name.in()) << "' present in getAttributeList() but not accessible."<<endlog();
296  continue;
297  }
298 #endif
299  // If the type is known, immediately build the correct attribute and datasource,
300  TypeInfo* ti = TypeInfoRepository::Instance()->type( cdescription.attributes[i].type_name.in() );
301  if ( ti && ti->hasProtocol(ORO_CORBA_PROTOCOL_ID) ) {
302  log(Debug) << "Looking up Attribute " << cdescription.attributes[i].type_name.in() <<": found!"<<endlog();
304  assert(ctt);
305  // this function should check itself for const-ness of the remote Attribute:
306  DataSourceBase::shared_ptr ds = ctt->createAttributeDataSource( serv, cdescription.attributes[i].name.in(), cdescription.attributes[i].assignable );
307  if ( cdescription.attributes[i].assignable )
308  parent->setValue( ti->buildAttribute( cdescription.attributes[i].name.in(), ds));
309  else
310  parent->setValue( ti->buildConstant( cdescription.attributes[i].name.in(), ds));
311  } else {
312  log(Error) << "Looking up Attribute '" << cdescription.attributes[i].name.in() << "' of type " << cdescription.attributes[i].type_name.in() << ": ";
313  if (!ti) {
314  log() << ": type not known. Check your RTT_COMPONENT_PATH ( \""<<getenv("RTT_COMPONENT_PATH")<<" \")." << endlog();
315  } else {
316  log() << ": type does not support CORBA (no transport plugin loaded)" << endlog();
317  }
318  }
319  }
321  assert(cdescription.children.length() == cdescription.children_descriptions.length());
322  for( size_t i =0; i != cdescription.children.length(); ++i) {
323  CService_ptr cobj = cdescription.children[i];
324  Service::shared_ptr tobj = parent->provides(std::string(cdescription.children_descriptions[i].name));
325  tobj->doc( cdescription.children_descriptions[i].description.in() );
327  // Recurse:
328  this->synchronizeServices(tobj, cobj, cdescription.children_descriptions[i]);
329  }
330  }
332  void TaskContextProxy::synchronizePorts(Service::shared_ptr parent, CDataFlowInterface_ptr dfact, const CServiceDescription & cdescription)
333  {
334  log(Debug) << "Synchronizing Ports for service "<<parent->getName()<<"."<<endlog();
336  if (dfact) {
337  for ( size_t i=0; i < cdescription.ports.length(); ++i) {
338  if (parent->getPort( cdescription.ports[i].name.in() ))
339  continue; // already added.
341  TypeInfo const* type_info = type_repo->type(cdescription.ports[i].type_name.in());
342  if (!type_info)
343  {
344  log(Warning) << "remote port '" << cdescription.ports[i].name << "' "
345  << " has unknown type " << cdescription.ports[i].type_name << " and cannot be marshalled over CORBA. "
346  << "It is ignored by TaskContextProxy" << endlog();
347  }
348  else if (!type_info->hasProtocol(ORO_CORBA_PROTOCOL_ID))
349  {
350  log(Warning) << "remote port '" << cdescription.ports[i].name << "' "
351  << " has type " << cdescription.ports[i].type_name << " which cannot be marshalled over CORBA. "
352  << "It is ignored by TaskContextProxy" << endlog();
353  }
354  else
355  {
356  PortInterface* new_port;
357  if (cdescription.ports[i].type == RTT::corba::CInput)
358  new_port = new RemoteInputPort( type_info, dfact, cdescription.ports[i].name.in(), ProxyPOA() );
359  else
360  new_port = new RemoteOutputPort( type_info, dfact, cdescription.ports[i].name.in(), ProxyPOA() );
362  new_port->doc(cdescription.ports[i].description.in());
363  parent->addLocalPort(*new_port);
364  port_proxies.push_back(new_port); // see comment in definition of port_proxies
365  }
366  }
367  }
368  }
370 // // Recursively fetch remote objects and create local proxies.
371 // void TaskContextProxy::fetchServices(Service::shared_ptr parent, CService_ptr serv)
372 // {
373 // log(Debug) << "Fetching "<<parent->getName()<<" Service:"<<endlog();
375 // // Fetch ports
376 // this->fetchPorts(parent, serv);
378 // // load command and method factories.
379 // // methods:
380 // log(Debug) << "Fetching Operations."<<endlog();
381 // COperationInterface::COperationList_var objs;
382 // objs = serv->getOperations();
383 // for ( size_t i=0; i < objs->length(); ++i) {
384 // if ( parent->hasMember( string(objs[i].in() )))
385 // continue; // already added.
386 // log(Debug) << "Providing operation: "<< objs[i].in() <<endlog();
387 // parent->add( objs[i].in(), new CorbaOperationCallerFactory( objs[i].in(), serv, ProxyPOA() ) );
388 // }
390 // // first do properties:
391 // log(Debug) << "Fetching Properties."<<endlog();
392 // // a dot-separated list of subbags and items
393 // CConfigurationInterface::CPropertyNames_var props = serv->getPropertyList();
395 // for (size_t i=0; i != props->length(); ++i) {
396 // if ( findProperty( *parent->properties(), string(props[i].name.in()), "." ) )
397 // continue; // previously added.
398 // if ( !serv->hasProperty( props[i].name.in() ) ) {
399 // log(Error) <<"Property "<< string(props[i].name.in()) << " present in getPropertyList() but not accessible."<<endlog();
400 // continue;
401 // }
402 // // If the type is known, immediately build the correct property and datasource.
403 // CORBA::String_var tn = serv->getPropertyTypeName(props[i].name.in());
404 // TypeInfo* ti = TypeInfoRepository::Instance()->type( tn.in() );
406 // // decode the prefix and property name from the given name:
407 // string pname = string( props[i].name.in() );
408 // pname = pname.substr( pname.rfind(".") + 1 );
409 // string prefix = string( props[i].name.in() );
410 // if ( prefix.rfind(".") == string::npos ) {
411 // prefix.clear();
412 // }
413 // else {
414 // prefix = prefix.substr( 0, prefix.rfind(".") );
415 // }
417 // if ( ti && ti->hasProtocol(ORO_CORBA_PROTOCOL_ID)) {
418 // CorbaTypeTransporter* ctt = dynamic_cast<CorbaTypeTransporter*>(ti->getProtocol(ORO_CORBA_PROTOCOL_ID));
419 // assert(ctt);
420 // // data source needs full remote path name
421 // DataSourceBase::shared_ptr ds = ctt->createPropertyDataSource( serv, props[i].name.in() );
422 // storeProperty( *parent->properties(), prefix, ti->buildProperty( pname, props[i].description.in(), ds));
423 // log(Debug) << "Looked up Property " << tn.in() << " "<< pname <<": created."<<endlog();
424 // }
425 // else {
426 // if ( string("PropertyBag") == tn.in() ) {
427 // storeProperty(*parent->properties(), prefix, new Property<PropertyBag>( pname, props[i].description.in()) );
428 // log(Debug) << "Looked up PropertyBag " << tn.in() << " "<< pname <<": created."<<endlog();
429 // } else
430 // log(Error) << "Looked up Property " << tn.in() << " "<< pname <<": type not known. Check your RTT_COMPONENT_PATH ( \""<<getenv("RTT_COMPONENT_PATH")<<" \")."<<endlog();
431 // }
432 // }
434 // log(Debug) << "Fetching Attributes."<<endlog();
435 // CConfigurationInterface::CAttributeNames_var attrs = serv->getAttributeList();
436 // for (size_t i=0; i != attrs->length(); ++i) {
437 // if ( parent->hasAttribute( string(attrs[i].in()) ) )
438 // continue; // previously added.
439 // if ( !serv->hasAttribute( attrs[i].in() ) ) {
440 // log(Error) <<"Attribute '"<< string(attrs[i].in()) << "' present in getAttributeList() but not accessible."<<endlog();
441 // continue;
442 // }
443 // // If the type is known, immediately build the correct attribute and datasource,
444 // CORBA::String_var tn = serv->getAttributeTypeName( attrs[i].in() );
445 // TypeInfo* ti = TypeInfoRepository::Instance()->type( tn.in() );
446 // if ( ti && ti->hasProtocol(ORO_CORBA_PROTOCOL_ID) ) {
447 // log(Debug) << "Looking up Attribute " << tn.in() <<": found!"<<endlog();
448 // CorbaTypeTransporter* ctt = dynamic_cast<CorbaTypeTransporter*>(ti->getProtocol(ORO_CORBA_PROTOCOL_ID));
449 // assert(ctt);
450 // // this function should check itself for const-ness of the remote Attribute:
451 // DataSourceBase::shared_ptr ds = ctt->createAttributeDataSource( serv, attrs[i].in() );
452 // if ( serv->isAttributeAssignable( attrs[i].in() ) )
453 // parent->setValue( ti->buildAttribute( attrs[i].in(), ds));
454 // else
455 // parent->setValue( ti->buildConstant( attrs[i].in(), ds));
456 // } else {
457 // log(Error) << "Looking up Attribute " << tn.in();
458 // Logger::log() <<": type not known. Check your RTT_COMPONENT_PATH ( \""<<getenv("RTT_COMPONENT_PATH")<<" \")."<<endlog();
459 // }
460 // }
462 // CService::CProviderNames_var plist = serv->getProviderNames();
464 // for( size_t i =0; i != plist->length(); ++i) {
465 // if ( string( plist[i] ) == "this")
466 // continue;
467 // CService_var cobj = serv->getService(plist[i]);
468 // CORBA::String_var descr = cobj->getServiceDescription();
470 // Service::shared_ptr tobj = parent->provides(std::string(plist[i]));
471 // tobj->doc( descr.in() );
473 // // Recurse:
474 // this->fetchServices( tobj, cobj.in() );
475 // }
476 // }
478 // // Fetch remote ports and create local proxies
479 // void TaskContextProxy::fetchPorts(RTT::Service::shared_ptr parent, CDataFlowInterface_ptr dfact)
480 // {
481 // log(Debug) << "Fetching Ports for service "<<parent->getName()<<"."<<endlog();
482 // TypeInfoRepository::shared_ptr type_repo = TypeInfoRepository::Instance();
483 // if (dfact) {
484 // CDataFlowInterface::CPortDescriptions_var objs = dfact->getPortDescriptions();
485 // for ( size_t i=0; i < objs->length(); ++i) {
486 // CPortDescription port = objs[i];
487 // if (parent->getPort( port.name.in() ))
488 // continue; // already added.
490 // TypeInfo const* type_info = type_repo->type(port.type_name.in());
491 // if (!type_info)
492 // {
493 // log(Warning) << "remote port " << port.name
494 // << " has a type that cannot be marshalled over CORBA: " << port.type_name << ". "
495 // << "It is ignored by TaskContextProxy" << endlog();
496 // }
497 // else
498 // {
499 // PortInterface* new_port;
500 // if (port.type == RTT::corba::CInput)
501 // new_port = new RemoteInputPort( type_info, dfact, port.name.in(), ProxyPOA() );
502 // else
503 // new_port = new RemoteOutputPort( type_info, dfact, port.name.in(), ProxyPOA() );
505 // parent->addLocalPort(*new_port);
506 // port_proxies.push_back(new_port); // see comment in definition of port_proxies
507 // }
508 // }
509 // }
510 // }
513  {
514  try {
515  // Destroy the POA, waiting until the destruction terminates
516  //poa->destroy (1, 1);
517  if (orb) {
518  orb->destroy();
519  rootPOA = 0;
520  orb = 0;
521  std::cerr <<"Orb destroyed."<<std::endl;
522  }
523  }
524  catch (CORBA::Exception &e) {
525  log(Error) << "Orb Init : CORBA exception raised!" << Logger::nl;
527  }
528  }
530  TaskContextProxy* TaskContextProxy::Create(std::string name, bool is_ior /*=false*/) {
531  if ( CORBA::is_nil(orb) ) {
532  log(Error) << "Won't create a proxy for '"<<name<<"' : orb is nill. Call TaskContextProxy::InitOrb(argc, argv); before TaskContextProxy::Create()." <<endlog();
533  return 0;
534  }
535  if ( name.empty() ) {
536  log(Error) << "Can't create a proxy with an empty name." <<endlog();
537  return 0;
538  }
539  // create new:
540  try {
541  TaskContextProxy* ctp = new TaskContextProxy( name, is_ior );
542  return ctp;
543  }
544  catch( IllegalServer& is ) {
545  log(Error) << is.what() << endlog();
546  }
547  catch (CORBA::Exception &e) {
548  log(Error) << "TaskContextProxy::Create: CORBA exception raised!" << Logger::nl << CORBA_EXCEPTION_INFO(e) << endlog();
549  }
550  return 0;
551  }
554  if ( CORBA::is_nil(orb) ) {
555  log(Error) << "Won't create a proxy for '"<<name<<"' : orb is nill. Call TaskContextProxy::InitOrb(argc, argv); before TaskContextProxy::Create()." <<endlog();
556  return 0;
557  }
558  if ( name.empty() ) {
559  log(Error) << "Can't create a proxy with an empty file name." <<endlog();
560  return 0;
561  }
563  // create new:
564  ifstream namestream( name.c_str() );
565  string ior;
566  namestream >> ior;
567  return Create( ior, true);
568  }
570  TaskContext* TaskContextProxy::Create(::RTT::corba::CTaskContext_ptr t, bool force_remote) {
571  Logger::In in("TaskContextProxy::Create");
572  if ( CORBA::is_nil(orb) ) {
573  log(Error) << "Can not create proxy when ORB is nill !"<<endlog();
574  return 0;
575  }
576  if ( CORBA::is_nil(t) ) {
577  log(Error) << "Can not create proxy for nill peer !" <<endlog();
578  return 0;
579  }
581  // proxy present for this object ?
582  // is_equivalent is actually our best try.
583  for (PMap::iterator it = proxies.begin(); it != proxies.end(); ++it)
584  if ( (it->second)->_is_equivalent( t ) ) {
585  log(Debug) << "Existing proxy found !" <<endlog();
586  return it->first;
587  }
589  // Check if the CTaskContext is actually a local TaskContext
590  if (! force_remote)
591  {
592  for (TaskContextServer::ServerMap::iterator it = TaskContextServer::servers.begin(); it != TaskContextServer::servers.end(); ++it)
593  if ( it->second->server()->_is_equivalent( t ) ) {
594  log(Debug) << "Local server found !" <<endlog();
595  return it->first;
596  }
597  }
599  log(Debug) << "No local taskcontext found..." <<endlog();
600  // create new:
601  try {
602  TaskContextProxy* ctp = new TaskContextProxy( t );
603  return ctp;
604  }
605  catch( IllegalServer& is ) {
606  log(Error) << is.what() << endlog();
607  }
608  catch (CORBA::Exception &e) {
609  log(Error) << "TaskContextProxy::Create: CORBA exception raised!" << Logger::nl << CORBA_EXCEPTION_INFO(e) << endlog();
610  }
612  return 0;
613  }
616  try {
617  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
618  return mtask->start();
619  } catch(...) {
620  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
621  this->setName("NotFound");
622  this->clear();
623  }
624  return false;
625  }
628  try {
629  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
630  return mtask->stop();
631  } catch(...) {
632  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
633  this->setName("NotFound");
634  this->clear();
635  }
636  return false;
637  }
640  {
641  try {
642  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
643  return mtask->recover();
644  } catch(...) {
645  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
646  this->setName("NotFound");
647  this->clear();
648  }
649  return false;
650  }
654  try {
655  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
656  return mtask->activate();
657  } catch(...) {
658  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
659  this->setName("NotFound");
660  this->clear();
661  }
662  return false;
663  }
666  try {
667  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
668  return mtask->isActive();
669  } catch(...) {
670  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
671  }
672  return false;
673  }
676  try {
677  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
678  return mtask->isRunning();
679  } catch(...) {
680  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
681  }
682  return false;
683  }
686  try {
687  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
688  return mtask->configure();
689  } catch(...) {
690  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
691  this->setName("NotFound");
692  this->clear();
693  }
694  return false;
695  }
698  try {
699  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
700  return mtask->cleanup();
701  } catch(...) {
702  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
703  this->setName("NotFound");
704  this->clear();
705  }
706  return false;
707  }
710  try {
711  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
712  return mtask->isConfigured();
713  } catch(...) {
714  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
715  }
716  return false;
717  }
720  try {
721  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
722  return mtask->inFatalError();
723  } catch(...) {
724  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
725  }
726  return false;
727  }
730  try {
731  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
732  return mtask->inRunTimeError();
733  } catch(...) {
734  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
735  }
736  return false;
737  }
740  {
741  try {
742  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
743  return mtask->inException();
744  } catch(...) {
745  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
746  }
747  return false;
748  }
752  try {
753  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
754  return TaskContext::TaskState( mtask->getTaskState() );
755  } catch(...) {
756  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
757  }
758  return TaskContext::Init;
759  }
761  void TaskContextProxy::setName(const std::string& n)
762  {
763  //mtask->setName( n.c_str() );
764  }
766  bool TaskContextProxy::addPeer( TaskContext* peer, std::string alias /*= ""*/ )
767  {
768  try {
769  if (CORBA::is_nil(mtask))
770  return false;
772  // if peer is a proxy, add the proxy, otherwise, create new server.
773  TaskContextProxy* ctp = dynamic_cast<TaskContextProxy*>( peer );
774  if (ctp) {
775  if ( mtask->addPeer( ctp->server(), alias.c_str() ) ) {
776  this->synchronize();
777  return true;
778  }
779  return false;
780  }
781  // no server yet, create it.
783  if ( mtask->addPeer( newpeer->server(), alias.c_str() ) ) {
784  this->synchronize();
785  return true;
786  }
787  } catch(...) {
788  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
789  this->setName("NotFound");
790  this->clear();
791  }
792  return false;
793  }
795  void TaskContextProxy::removePeer( const std::string& name )
796  {
797  try {
798  if (CORBA::is_nil(mtask))
799  return;
800  mtask->removePeer( name.c_str() );
801  } catch(...) {
802  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
803  this->setName("NotFound");
804  this->clear();
805  }
806  }
809  {
810  try {
811  if (CORBA::is_nil(mtask))
812  return;
813  mtask->removePeer( peer->getName().c_str() );
814  } catch(...) {
815  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
816  this->setName("NotFound");
817  this->clear();
818  }
819  }
822  {
823  try {
824  if (CORBA::is_nil(mtask))
825  return false;
827  return mtask->connectPeers( newpeer->server() );
828  } catch(...) {
829  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
830  this->setName("NotFound");
831  this->clear();
832  }
833  return false;
834  }
836  void TaskContextProxy::disconnectPeers( const std::string& name )
837  {
838  try {
839  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
840  mtask->disconnectPeers( name.c_str() );
841  } catch(...) {
842  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
843  this->setName("NotFound");
844  this->clear();
845  }
846  }
849  {
851  TaskContext::PeerList vlist;
852  try {
853  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask) ) {
854  corba::CTaskContext::CPeerNames_var plist = mtask->getPeerList();
855  for( size_t i =0; i != plist->length(); ++i)
856  vlist.push_back( std::string( plist[i] ) );
857  }
858  } catch(...) {
859  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
860  }
861  return vlist;
862  }
864  bool TaskContextProxy::hasPeer( const std::string& peer_name ) const
865  {
866  try {
867  if (! CORBA::is_nil(mtask))
868  return mtask->hasPeer( peer_name.c_str() );
869  } catch(...) {
870  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
871  }
872  return false;
873  }
875  TaskContext* TaskContextProxy::getPeer(const std::string& peer_name ) const
876  {
877  try {
878  if (CORBA::is_nil(mtask))
879  return 0;
880  corba::CTaskContext_ptr ct = mtask->getPeer( peer_name.c_str() );
881  if ( CORBA::is_nil(ct) )
882  return 0;
883  return TaskContextProxy::Create( ct );
884  } catch(...) {
885  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
886  }
887  return 0;
888  }
891  {
892  try {
893  if (CORBA::is_nil(mtask))
894  return false;
896  return mtask->connectPorts( newpeer->server() );
897  } catch(...) {
898  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
899  this->setName("NotFound");
900  this->clear();
901  }
902  return false;
903  }
906  {
907  try {
908  if (CORBA::is_nil(mtask))
909  return false;
911  return mtask->connectServices( newpeer->server() );
912  } catch(...) {
913  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
914  this->setName("NotFound");
915  this->clear();
916  }
917  return false;
918  }
921  {
922  if (CORBA::is_nil(mtask)) {
923  this->clear();
924  return false;
925  }
926  try {
927  mtask->getName(); // basic check
928  return true;
929  } catch(...) {
930  // we could also try to re-establish the connection in case of naming...
931  this->clear();
932  mtask = CTaskContext::_nil();
933  }
934  return false;
935  }
937  corba::CTaskContext_ptr TaskContextProxy::server() const {
938  if ( CORBA::is_nil(mtask) )
939  return CTaskContext::_nil();
940  return mtask.in();
941  }
943  PortableServer::POA_ptr TaskContextProxy::ProxyPOA() {
944  if ( CORBA::is_nil(orb) )
945  return PortableServer::POA::_nil();
946  if ( CORBA::is_nil(proxy_poa) ) {
947  CORBA::Object_var poa_object =
948  orb->resolve_initial_references ("RootPOA");
950  // new POA for the proxies:
951  // Use default manager, is already activated !
952  //PortableServer::POAManager_var proxy_manager = poa->the_POAManager ();
953  //CORBA::PolicyList pol;
954  //proxy_poa = poa->create_POA( "ProxyPOA", proxy_manager, pol );
955  proxy_poa =
956  PortableServer::POA::_narrow (poa_object.in ());
957  }
958  // note: do not use _retn(): user must duplicate in constructor.
959  return proxy_poa.in();
960  }
961 }}
static PortableServer::POA_var proxy_poa
virtual void disconnectPeers(const std::string &name)
virtual bool isRunning() const
base::AttributeBase * buildAttribute(std::string name, base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr source=0) const
Definition: TypeInfo.hpp:222
Service::shared_ptr provides()
corba::CTaskContext_ptr server() const
The default, thread-less activity for any newly created TaskContext.
void synchronizePorts(Service::shared_ptr parent, CDataFlowInterface_ptr dfact, const CServiceDescription &cdescription)
static std::ostream & nl(std::ostream &__os)
Definition: Logger.cpp:373
Definition: mystd.hpp:163
void forceActivity(base::ActivityInterface *new_act)
Definition: corba.h:70
boost::shared_ptr< ServiceRequester > shared_ptr
virtual bool isActive() const
virtual void setName(const std::string &n)
virtual bool inException() const
bool setActivity(base::ActivityInterface *new_act)
PropertyBase * findProperty(const PropertyBag &bag, const std::string &nameSequence, const std::string &separator)
boost::shared_ptr< Service > shared_ptr
Definition: Service.hpp:101
virtual base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr createPropertyDataSource(CService_ptr serv, const std::string &vname)=0
ServiceRequester::shared_ptr requires()
corba::CTaskContext_var mtask
virtual bool connectServices(TaskContext *peer)
void deletePropertyBag(PropertyBag &target)
const char * what() const
static PortableServer::POA_var rootPOA
static TaskContextServer * Create(TaskContext *tc, bool use_naming=true, bool require_name_service=false)
void initFromURIOrTaskname(std::string location, bool is_ior)
base::AttributeBase * buildConstant(std::string name, base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr source, int sizehint) const
Definition: TypeInfo.hpp:173
static TaskContextProxy * CreateFromFile(std::string filename)
bool hasProtocol(int protocol_id) const
Definition: TypeInfo.cpp:168
virtual void removePeer(const std::string &name)
std::vector< std::string > PeerList
The state during component construction.
Definition: TaskCore.hpp:100
static PortableServer::POA_ptr ProxyPOA()
virtual bool hasPeer(const std::string &peer_name) const
base::PropertyBase * buildProperty(const std::string &name, const std::string &desc, base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr source=0) const
Definition: TypeInfo.hpp:214
basic_ostreams & endl(basic_ostreams &s)
Definition: rtstreams.cpp:110
std::list< base::PortInterface * > port_proxies
virtual PeerList getPeerList() const
virtual TaskState getTaskState() const
virtual bool inFatalError() const
bool storeProperty(PropertyBag &bag, const std::string &path, base::PropertyBase *item, const std::string &separator)
TypeTransporter * getProtocol(int protocol_id) const
Definition: TypeInfo.cpp:150
virtual bool inRunTimeError() const
Definition: CorbaLib.hpp:45
static Logger & log()
Definition: Logger.cpp:117
virtual bool connectPeers(TaskContext *peer)
virtual TaskContext * getPeer(const std::string &peer_name) const
virtual bool addPeer(TaskContext *peer, std::string alias="")
boost::intrusive_ptr< DataSourceBase > shared_ptr
Contains TaskContext, Activity, OperationCaller, Operation, Property, InputPort, OutputPort, Attribute.
Definition: Activity.cpp:53
PortInterface & doc(const std::string &desc)
boost::shared_ptr< TypeInfoRepository > shared_ptr
virtual bool isConfigured() const
static Logger & log()
Definition: Logger.hpp:350
Logger & in(const std::string &modname)
Definition: Logger.cpp:414
virtual bool connectPorts(TaskContext *peer)
void synchronizeRequesters(ServiceRequester::shared_ptr parent, CServiceRequester_ptr csrq, const CServiceRequesterDescription &cdescription)
static TaskContextProxy * Create(std::string name, bool is_ior=false)
static Logger::LogFunction endlog()
Definition: Logger.hpp:362
CTaskContext_ptr server() const
virtual const std::string & getName() const
virtual base::DataSourceBase::shared_ptr createAttributeDataSource(CService_ptr serv, const std::string &vname, bool is_assignable)=0
void synchronizeServices(Service::shared_ptr parent, CService_ptr serv, const CServiceDescription &cdescription)
virtual void clear()

Author(s): RTT Developers
autogenerated on Fri Oct 25 2019 03:59:44