Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs
AdditionsServiceProvider.h File Reference
#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Pose.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/PoseArray.h>
#include <visualization_msgs/Marker.h>
#include <visualization_msgs/MarkerArray.h>
#include <std_srvs/SetBool.h>
#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
#include <std_srvs/Trigger.h>
#include <std_msgs/Float64.h>
#include <move_base_msgs/MoveBaseAction.h>
#include <actionlib/server/simple_action_server.h>
#include <std_msgs/Bool.h>
#include <rsm_msgs/GetNavigationGoal.h>
#include <rsm_msgs/GoalCompleted.h>
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class  rsm::AdditionsServiceProvider
 Class that establishes communication between the different states and the RSM's periphery including the GUI for the states and classes defined in rsm_additions package. It offers services and publishes topics based on the variables that need to be saved during state transitions. More...




typedef actionlib::SimpleActionServer< move_base_msgs::MoveBaseAction > MoveBaseActionServer

Typedef Documentation

typedef actionlib::SimpleActionServer<move_base_msgs::MoveBaseAction> MoveBaseActionServer

Definition at line 21 of file AdditionsServiceProvider.h.

Author(s): Marco Steinbrink
autogenerated on Tue Mar 16 2021 02:44:35