
Specific remapping management function. More...

Collaboration diagram for Specific remapping management function:


void TIM_RemapConfig (TIM_TypeDef *TIMx, uint16_t TIM_Remap)
 Configures the TIM2, TIM5 and TIM11 Remapping input capabilities. More...

Detailed Description

Specific remapping management function.

              ##### Specific remapping management function #####

Function Documentation

void TIM_RemapConfig ( TIM_TypeDef TIMx,
uint16_t  TIM_Remap 

Configures the TIM2, TIM5 and TIM11 Remapping input capabilities.

Configures the TIM16 Remapping input Capabilities.

TIMxwhere x can be 2, 5 or 11 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_Remapspecifies the TIM input remapping source. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM2_TIM8_TRGO: TIM2 ITR1 input is connected to TIM8 Trigger output(default)
  • TIM2_ETH_PTP: TIM2 ITR1 input is connected to ETH PTP trogger output.
  • TIM2_USBFS_SOF: TIM2 ITR1 input is connected to USB FS SOF.
  • TIM2_USBHS_SOF: TIM2 ITR1 input is connected to USB HS SOF.
  • TIM5_GPIO: TIM5 CH4 input is connected to dedicated Timer pin(default)
  • TIM5_LSI: TIM5 CH4 input is connected to LSI clock.
  • TIM5_LSE: TIM5 CH4 input is connected to LSE clock.
  • TIM5_RTC: TIM5 CH4 input is connected to RTC Output event.
  • TIM11_GPIO: TIM11 CH4 input is connected to dedicated Timer pin(default)
  • TIM11_HSE: TIM11 CH4 input is connected to HSE_RTC clock (HSE divided by a programmable prescaler)
Return values
TIMxwhere x can be 1, 8 or 16 to select the TIM peripheral.
TIM_Remapspecifies the TIM input reampping source. This parameter can be one of the following values:
  • TIM16_GPIO: TIM16 Channel 1 is connected to GPIO.
  • TIM16_RTC_CLK: TIM16 Channel 1 is connected to RTC input clock.
  • TIM16_HSE_DIV32: TIM16 Channel 1 is connected to HSE/32 clock.
  • TIM16_MCO: TIM16 Channel 1 is connected to MCO clock.
  • TIM1_ADC1_AWDG1: TIM1 ETR is connected to ADC1 AWDG1.
  • TIM1_ADC1_AWDG2: TIM1 ETR is connected to ADC1 AWDG2.
  • TIM1_ADC1_AWDG3: TIM1 ETR is connected to ADC1 AWDG3.
  • TIM1_ADC4_AWDG1: TIM1 ETR is connected to ADC4 AWDG1.
  • TIM1_ADC4_AWDG2: TIM1 ETR is connected to ADC4 AWDG2.
  • TIM1_ADC4_AWDG3: TIM1 ETR is connected to ADC4 AWDG3.
  • TIM8_ADC2_AWDG1: TIM8 ETR is connected to ADC2 AWDG1.
  • TIM8_ADC2_AWDG2: TIM8 ETR is connected to ADC2 AWDG2.
  • TIM8_ADC2_AWDG3: TIM8 ETR is connected to ADC2 AWDG3.
  • TIM8_ADC4_AWDG1: TIM8 ETR is connected to ADC4 AWDG1.
  • TIM8_ADC4_AWDG2: TIM8 ETR is connected to ADC4 AWDG2.
  • TIM8_ADC4_AWDG3: TIM8 ETR is connected to ADC4 AWDG3.
Return values

Definition at line 3173 of file stm32f4xx_tim.c.

Author(s): Daniel Koch , James Jackson
autogenerated on Thu Apr 15 2021 05:07:55