Modules | Variables
Collaboration diagram for Stm32f30x_StdPeriph_Driver:


 TIM driver modules.


uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_AutomaticOutput
uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_Break
uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_BreakPolarity
uint16_t TIM_ICInitTypeDef::TIM_Channel
uint16_t TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef::TIM_ClockDivision
uint16_t TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef::TIM_CounterMode
uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_DeadTime
uint16_t TIM_ICInitTypeDef::TIM_ICFilter
uint16_t TIM_ICInitTypeDef::TIM_ICPolarity
uint16_t TIM_ICInitTypeDef::TIM_ICPrescaler
uint16_t TIM_ICInitTypeDef::TIM_ICSelection
uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_LOCKLevel
uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OCIdleState
uint32_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OCMode
uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OCNIdleState
uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OCNPolarity
uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OCPolarity
uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_OSSIState
uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_OSSRState
uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OutputNState
uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OutputState
uint32_t TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef::TIM_Period
uint16_t TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef::TIM_Prescaler
uint32_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_Pulse
uint16_t TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef::TIM_RepetitionCounter

Detailed Description

Variable Documentation

uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_AutomaticOutput

Specifies whether the TIM Automatic Output feature is enabled or not. This parameter can be a value of TIM_AOE_Bit_Set_Reset

Definition at line 165 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_Break

Specifies whether the TIM Break input is enabled or not. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Break_Input_enable_disable

Specifies whether the TIM Break input is enabled or not. This parameter can be a value of Break_Input_enable_disable

Definition at line 159 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_BreakPolarity

Specifies the TIM Break Input pin polarity. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Break_Polarity

Specifies the TIM Break Input pin polarity. This parameter can be a value of Break_Polarity

Definition at line 162 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_ICInitTypeDef::TIM_Channel

Specifies the TIM channel. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Channel

Definition at line 122 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef::TIM_ClockDivision

Specifies the clock division. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Clock_Division_CKD

Definition at line 67 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef::TIM_CounterMode

Specifies the counter mode. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Counter_Mode

Definition at line 60 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_DeadTime

Specifies the delay time between the switching-off and the switching-on of the outputs. This parameter can be a number between 0x00 and 0xFF

Definition at line 155 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_ICInitTypeDef::TIM_ICFilter

Specifies the input capture filter. This parameter can be a number between 0x0 and 0xF

Definition at line 134 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_ICInitTypeDef::TIM_ICPolarity

Specifies the active edge of the input signal. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Input_Capture_Polarity

Definition at line 125 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_ICInitTypeDef::TIM_ICPrescaler

Specifies the Input Capture Prescaler. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Input_Capture_Prescaler

Definition at line 131 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_ICInitTypeDef::TIM_ICSelection

Specifies the input. This parameter can be a value of RC

Specifies the input. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Input_Capture_Selection

Definition at line 128 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_LOCKLevel

Specifies the LOCK level parameters. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Lock_level

Specifies the LOCK level parameters. This parameter can be a value of Lock_level

Definition at line 152 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OCIdleState

Specifies the TIM Output Compare pin state during Idle state. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Output_Compare_Idle_State

This parameter is valid only for TIM1 and TIM8.

Definition at line 106 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint32_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OCMode

Specifies the TIM mode. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Output_Compare_and_PWM_modes

Definition at line 86 of file stm32f30x_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OCNIdleState

Specifies the TIM Output Compare pin state during Idle state. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Output_Compare_N_Idle_State

This parameter is valid only for TIM1 and TIM8.

Definition at line 110 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OCNPolarity

Specifies the complementary output polarity. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Output_Compare_N_Polarity

This parameter is valid only for TIM1 and TIM8.

Definition at line 102 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OCPolarity

Specifies the output polarity. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Output_Compare_Polarity

Definition at line 99 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_OSSIState

Specifies the Off-State used in Idle state. This parameter can be a value of TIM_OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state

Specifies the Off-State used in Idle state. This parameter can be a value of OSSI_Off_State_Selection_for_Idle_mode_state

Definition at line 149 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_BDTRInitTypeDef::TIM_OSSRState

Specifies the Off-State selection used in Run mode. This parameter can be a value of TIM_OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state

Specifies the Off-State selection used in Run mode. This parameter can be a value of OSSR_Off_State_Selection_for_Run_mode_state

Definition at line 146 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OutputNState

Specifies the TIM complementary Output Compare state. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Output_Compare_N_State

This parameter is valid only for TIM1 and TIM8.

Specifies the TIM complementary Output Compare state. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Output_Compare_N_state

This parameter is valid only for TIM1 and TIM8.

Definition at line 92 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_OutputState

Specifies the TIM Output Compare state. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Output_Compare_State

Specifies the TIM Output Compare state. This parameter can be a value of TIM_Output_Compare_state

Definition at line 89 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint32_t TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef::TIM_Period

Specifies the period value to be loaded into the active Auto-Reload Register at the next update event. This parameter must be a number between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF.

Definition at line 63 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef::TIM_Prescaler

Specifies the prescaler value used to divide the TIM clock. This parameter can be a number between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF

Definition at line 57 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint32_t TIM_OCInitTypeDef::TIM_Pulse

Specifies the pulse value to be loaded into the Capture Compare Register. This parameter can be a number between 0x0000 and 0xFFFF

Definition at line 96 of file stm32f4xx_tim.h.

uint16_t TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef::TIM_RepetitionCounter

Specifies the repetition counter value. Each time the RCR downcounter reaches zero, an update event is generated and counting restarts from the RCR value (N). This means in PWM mode that (N+1) corresponds to:

  • the number of PWM periods in edge-aligned mode
  • the number of half PWM period in center-aligned mode This parameter must be a number between 0x00 and 0xFF.
    This parameter is valid only for TIM1 and TIM8.

Definition at line 70 of file stm32f30x_tim.h.

Author(s): Daniel Koch , James Jackson
autogenerated on Thu Apr 15 2021 05:07:58