Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 """
3 Use this class to perform indoor positioning with the metraTec IPS+ system. The position of a receiver is evaluated by
4 UWB ranging of RF beacons placed in the environment. Requires a YAML file with the configuration of beacon positions.
6 Usage:
7 Initialize the class by passing the directory of the config file. Then collect a number of beacon responses to ranging
8 requests (SRG) and use the parse_srg() function to get a list of beacon objects and their respective ranges from a list
9 of SRG responses.
10 Use this list as input for the trilaterate() function to estimate the position of the receiver in 3D space.
12 A few examples can be found in the main function below.
13 """
15 import math
16 from scipy.optimize import minimize
17 from positioning import Positioning
20 class PositioningPlus(Positioning):
21  """Class to extend the functionality of the Positioning class with UWB ranging capabilities."""
23  # options for minimization function used for trilateration
24  minimization_params = dict(method='TNC', # L-BFGS-B, TNC or SLSQP
25  options={'disp': True})
27  def __init__(self, config_dir, min_beacons=4, max_z=None):
28  """
29  Initialize the class with zone and beacon definitions from YAML configuration file.
30  :param config_dir: String: Directory of the YAML config file
31  :param min_beacons: Int: Minimum number of beacons to use for trilateration
32  :param max_z: Float: Maximum z position the receiver can have after ranging
33  """
34  # initialize the positioning class that this class inherits
35  Positioning.__init__(self, config_dir)
37  # minimum number of beacons (and ranges) to use for position estimation
38  self.min_beacons = min_beacons
40  # store EIDs of configured beacons for easy access
41  self.eids = self.get_defined_beacons()
43  # maximum z value the position estimate can have (used as initialization and upper bound for trilateration)
44  self.max_z = max_z
46  def get_top_beacons(self, pings, n):
47  """
48  Get the top n beacons in terms of RSSI values from a list of beacon pings.
49  :param pings: [String]: list of beacon pings
50  :param n: Int: Number of top beacons to return
51  :return: [Beacon]: list of beacon objects ordered according to RSSI values
52  """
53  means = self.get_mean(pings)
54  ret = []
55  # sort mean dictionary by values and return n beacons with the highest signal strength that are configured in
56  # the config-file and meet the threshold criteria
57  for key, value in sorted(means.items(), key=lambda (k, v): v, reverse=True):
58  # look for key (EID) in every zone and return when match is found
59  for z in self.zones: # iterate over zones
60  # continue to next zone if mean RSSI value is lower than the configured threshold
61  if value < z.threshold:
62  continue
63  for b in z.beacons: # iterate over beacons inside the zone
64  if b.eid == key: # if the EID of the beacon is the same as the current key (EID) return the zone
65  ret.append(b)
66  if len(ret) >= n: # TODO continue with next key-value-pair when was found
67  return ret
68  return ret
70  def get_range(self, responses):
71  # get range from a single SRG response if message is valid
72  pass
74  def parse_srg(self, responses):
75  """
76  Parse a list of SRG ranging responses of UWB beacons. For each message (if it is valid) return the positions,
77  frame id and estimated ranges.
78  :param responses: [String]: list of SRG responses from UWB beacons
79  :return: [(Beacon, Float)]: list beacon-object and range pairs
80  """
81  ranges = []
82  # iterate through each response and fill output lists if ranging messages are valid
83  for r in responses:
84  # split single message on spaces
85  split = r.split(' ')
86  # skip this message if it is invalid
87  if len(split) != 6:
88  print('Encountered invalid SRG response: {}'.format(r))
89  continue
90  # get beacon object from EID
91  beacon = self.get_beacon(split[1])
92  # calculate range
93  range = float(split[2]) / 1000.
94  # append to output
95  ranges.append((beacon, range))
96  return ranges
98  def in_range(self, pings):
99  """
100  Get a list of beacons that are in range and are configured in the configuration YAML file from a list of
101  beacon pings recorded over a short duration. The returned beacons (EIDs can be used for UWB ranging)
102  :param pings: [String]: List of BCN pings
103  :return: [String]: List of EIDs that can be used for ranging
104  """
105  eids = []
106  # get unique list of beacon EIDs from list of pings and their average RSSI value
107  mean = self.get_mean(pings)
108  for m in mean:
109  # check if beacon is configured and can be used for ranging
110  if m in self.eids:
111  eids.append(m)
112  return eids
114  def trilaterate(self, ranges):
115  """
116  Estimate the position of the receiver by using trilateration with at least three UWB responses
117  :param ranges: [([Float, Float, Float], Float)]: list of position and range pairs (obtained from parse_srg) or
118  [(Beacon, Float)]: list of beacon object and range pairs (output from parse_srg())
119  :return: [Float, Float, Float]: 3D coordinates of estimated receiver location
120  """
121  # check whether enough points are given
122  if len(ranges) < self.min_beacons:
123  print('Not enough beacons for position estimation ({}/{})'.format(len(ranges), self.min_beacons))
124  return None
125  print('Using {} beacons for trilateration.'.format(len(ranges)))
126  # get points and distances from input and compute sum of distances
127  points, distances, dsum = [], [], 0
128  for r in ranges:
129  # get position of beacon directly from input list or alternatively from Beacon object
130  p = r[0].position if r[0].__class__.__name__ == 'Beacon' else r[0]
131  points.append(p)
132  distances.append(r[1])
133  dsum += r[1]
134  # get weighted centroid
135  initial = [0, 0, 0]
136  for p, d in zip(points, distances):
137  weight = 1. - d / dsum
138  initial = [initial[0] + p[0] * weight, initial[1] + p[1] * weight, initial[2] + p[2] * weight]
139  initial = [initial[0] / len(ranges), initial[1] / len(ranges), initial[2] / len(ranges)]
140  if self.max_z is not None and initial[2] > self.max_z:
141  initial[2] = self.max_z
142  # minimize root mean square error to get estimated position
143  print('guess: ', initial)
144  # impose upper bound on z coordinate
145  bnds = ((None, None), (None, None), (None, self.max_z)) if self.max_z is not None else None
146  res = minimize(self.mse, initial, args=(points, distances), bounds=bnds, **self.minimization_params)
147  print('final: ', res.x)
148  return res.x
150  @staticmethod
151  def mse(x, points, distances):
152  """
153  Cost-function to use for position estimation. Minimize the squared error of the distance between a variable
154  point x and each beacon and the measured UWB distance. mse = SUM(distance - dist(x, points)^2
155  :param x: [Float, Float, Float]: vector with variable components to be optimized
156  :param points: [[x, y, z], ...]: list of positions of the beacons used for UWB ranging
157  :param distances: [Float]: estimated distances from UWB ranging of above beacons
158  :return: Float: mean squared error for all beacon positions
159  """
160  mse = 0.
161  for p, d in zip(points, distances):
162  d_calc = math.sqrt((x[0]-p[0])**2 + (x[1]-p[1])**2 + (x[2]-p[2])**2)
163  mse += (d_calc-d)**2
164  return mse # / len(points)
167 if __name__ == '__main__':
168  """Testing the class and its methods."""
169  # initialize class
170  pos = PositioningPlus('/home/metratec/catkin_ws/src/ros_ips/config/zones.yml')
171  # create a list of pings that would usually be collected from the receiver and stored in a buffer
172  dummy_pings = ['BCN 00124B00090593E6 -060', 'BCN 00124B00090593E6 -070', 'BCN 00124B00090593E6 -070',
173  'BCN 00124B00050CD41E -090', 'BCN 00124B00050CD41E -070', 'BCN 00124B00050CD41E -050',
174  'BCN 00124B00050CDC0A -070', 'BCN 00124B00050CDC0A -060', 'BCN 00124B00050CDC0A -090']
175  # get the beacon object with a specified EID
176  # Note: the above beacons have to be defined in the config file for this to work
177  beacon = pos.get_beacon('00124B00090593E6')
178  # get the current zone the receiver is in based on the passed list of pings
179  zone = pos.get_zone(dummy_pings)
181  # create a list of UWB ranging responses that would usually be collected from a receiver and stored in a buffer
182  resp = ['SRG 00124B00050CDA71 01650 -076 -081 047\r', 'SRG 00124B00090593E6 04300 -076 -080 105\r',
183  'SRG 00124B00050CD41E 00800 -079 -082 049\r']
184  # get beacons in range for ranging
185  in_range = pos.in_range(dummy_pings)
186  # get beacon objects and respective ranges from a list of UWB ranging responses
187  ranges = pos.parse_srg(in_range)
188  # use trilateration (with at least 3 points) to estimate the receiver location from beacon positions and ranges
189  tril = pos.trilaterate(ranges)
190  # break here to investigate variables etc.
191  breakpoint = 0
def __init__(self, config_dir, min_beacons=4, max_z=None)

Author(s): Christian Arndt
autogenerated on Sat May 12 2018 02:24:12