▼Nrobot_controllers | |
CCartesianPoseController | |
CCartesianTwistController | |
CCartesianWrenchController | |
CDiffDriveBaseController | ROS-aware controller to manage a differential drive mobile base. This subcribes to cmd_vel topic, publishes odom and tf, and manages the two wheel joints |
CFollowJointTrajectoryController | This ROS interface implements a FollowJointTrajectoryAction interface for controlling (primarily) robot arms |
CGravityCompensation | Controller which uses KDL to compute torque needed for static holding of the chain at the current pose |
CParallelGripperController | Controller for a parallel jaw gripper, is really only intended for use in simulation |
CPID | |
CPointHeadController | |
CScaledMimicController | Controller for a having one joint be a (scaled) mimic of another. Primary design use case is making a fake bellows joint that moves in relation to a torso lift joint |
CSpline | Spline |
▼CSplineTrajectorySampler | Sampler that uses splines |
CSegment | |
CTrajectory | |
CTrajectoryPoint | Basis for a Trajectory Point |
CTrajectorySampler | Base class for samplers of trajectories |
CpyDiffDriveLimiter |