34 #ifndef RC_DISPARITYPUBLISHER_H 35 #define RC_DISPARITYPUBLISHER_H 40 #include <stereo_msgs/DisparityImage.h> Interface for all publishers relating to images, point clouds or other stereo-camera data...
void publish(const rcg::Buffer *buffer, uint32_t part, uint64_t pixelformat) override
Offers a buffer for publication.
bool used() override
Returns true if there are subscribers to the topic.
DisparityPublisher & operator=(const DisparityPublisher &)
DisparityPublisher(ros::NodeHandle &nh, const std::string &frame_id_prefix, double f, double t, double scale)
Initialization of publisher.
void setDepthRange(double _mindepth, double _maxdepth)
Set the depth range of the disparity images.