Python Module Index

- py_trees_ros is your robot misbehaving?
    py_trees_ros.actions action server/client behaviours
    py_trees_ros.battery helpers for getting the most out of your battery
    py_trees_ros.blackboard the ros blackboard and the blackboard watcher
    py_trees_ros.conversions py_trees - ros messages conversion library
    py_trees_ros.mock utilities and components for mocking a robot
    py_trees_ros.mock.action_server reusable action server for mock components
    py_trees_ros.mock.battery mock the state of a battery component
    py_trees_ros.mock.move_base mock the ROS navistack move base
    py_trees_ros.mock.rotate mock a very simple rotation action server
    py_trees_ros.programs.blackboard_watcher call Exchange services to open up a watcher to a blackboard
    py_trees_ros.subscribers put a lid on the asynchronicity
    py_trees_ros.trees extensions with ros handles for debugging, visualisation messages and more
    py_trees_ros.tutorials everything to support the tutorials
    py_trees_ros.tutorials.behaviours behaviours crafted specifically for the tutorials
    py_trees_ros.tutorials.eight loading jobs specified at runtime and dynamically inserting job subtrees
    py_trees_ros.tutorials.five action client behaviours and a manually triggered work priority branch behaviours crafted specifically for the tutorials data gathering with the battery to blackboard behaviour
    py_trees_ros.tutorials.qt graphical widgets specifically for interaction with the tutorials full job subtree with docking, cancelling and failure notifications
    py_trees_ros.tutorials.six adding a context switch around an action(s)
    py_trees_ros.tutorials.two decision making conditional on a low battery state
    py_trees_ros.utilities assorted utility functions
    py_trees_ros.visitors entities that visit behaviours as a tree is traversed