planner_cspace::planner_3d::RotationCache Member List

This is the complete list of members for planner_cspace::planner_3d::RotationCache, including all inherited members.

getMotion(const int start_angle, const CyclicVecInt< 3, 2 > &end) const planner_cspace::planner_3d::RotationCacheinline
getRadiuses(const int start_angle, const CyclicVecInt< 3, 2 > &end) const planner_cspace::planner_3d::RotationCacheinline
interpolate(const std::list< CyclicVecInt< 3, 2 >> &path_grid, const float interval, const int local_range) const planner_cspace::planner_3d::RotationCache
reset(const float linear_resolution, const float angular_resolution, const int range)planner_cspace::planner_3d::RotationCache

Author(s): Atsushi Watanabe
autogenerated on Wed May 12 2021 02:20:43