35 #ifndef NAV_2D_UTILS_BOUNDS_H 36 #define NAV_2D_UTILS_BOUNDS_H 87 unsigned int n_cols,
unsigned int n_rows);
91 #endif // NAV_2D_UTILS_BOUNDS_H A set of utility functions for Bounds objects interacting with other messages/types.
std::vector< nav_core2::UIntBounds > divideBounds(const nav_core2::UIntBounds &original_bounds, unsigned int n_cols, unsigned int n_rows)
divide the given bounds up into sub-bounds of roughly equal size
nav_core2::UIntBounds translateBounds(const nav_grid::NavGridInfo &info, const nav_core2::Bounds &bounds)
Translate real-valued bounds to uint coordinates based on nav_grid info.
nav_core2::UIntBounds getFullUIntBounds(const nav_grid::NavGridInfo &info)
return an integral bounds that covers the entire NavGrid
nav_core2::Bounds getFullBounds(const nav_grid::NavGridInfo &info)
return a floating point bounds that covers the entire NavGrid