File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 bayes_update.cppAccumulates probability a cell is occupied
 filters.hppFilters that operate on a grid map instance
 inflation.cppFilter implementation for inflating area surrounding obstacles
 outlier_removal.cppFilter implementation for removing isolated outliers
 ray_trace_2d.cppFilter implementation of ray tracing algorithm in 2d space
 sensor_map.cppProvides functionality for rapidly changing local maps
 static_map.hppMapping solution for largely static obstacles. Despite the name, it can be modified, but all modifications are considered permanent unless explicitly removed. Not for use as a rapidly changing dynamic map. See the SensorMap for that capability
 static_map_node.cppStartup node for a static map instance

autogenerated on Thu Mar 11 2021 03:06:49