▼Cmbf_abstract_core::AbstractController [external] | |
▼Cmbf_costmap_core::CostmapController [external] | |
Cmbf_nav_core_wrapper::WrapperLocalPlanner | |
▼Cmbf_abstract_nav::AbstractExecutionBase [external] | |
▼Cmbf_abstract_nav::AbstractControllerExecution [external] | |
Cmbf_costmap_nav::CostmapControllerExecution | The CostmapControllerExecution binds a local costmap to the AbstractControllerExecution and uses the nav_core/BaseLocalPlanner class as base plugin interface. This class makes move_base_flex compatible to the old move_base |
▼Cmbf_abstract_nav::AbstractPlannerExecution [external] | |
Cmbf_costmap_nav::CostmapPlannerExecution | The CostmapPlannerExecution binds a global costmap to the AbstractPlannerExecution and uses the nav_core/BaseCostmapPlanner class as base plugin interface. This class makes move_base_flex compatible to the old move_base |
▼Cmbf_abstract_nav::AbstractRecoveryExecution [external] | |
Cmbf_costmap_nav::CostmapRecoveryExecution | The CostmapRecoveryExecution binds a local and a global costmap to the AbstractRecoveryExecution and uses the nav_core/CostmapRecovery class as base plugin interface. This class makes move_base_flex compatible to the old move_base |
▼Cmbf_abstract_nav::AbstractNavigationServer [external] | |
Cmbf_costmap_nav::CostmapNavigationServer | The CostmapNavigationServer makes Move Base Flex backwards compatible to the old move_base. It combines the execution classes which use the nav_core/BaseLocalPlanner, nav_core/BaseCostmapPlanner and the nav_core/RecoveryBehavior base classes as plugin interfaces. These plugin interface are the same for the old move_base |
▼Cmbf_abstract_core::AbstractPlanner [external] | |
▼Cmbf_costmap_core::CostmapPlanner [external] | |
Cmbf_nav_core_wrapper::WrapperGlobalPlanner | |
▼Cmbf_abstract_core::AbstractRecovery [external] | |
▼Cmbf_costmap_core::CostmapRecovery [external] | |
Cmbf_nav_core_wrapper::WrapperRecoveryBehavior | |
Cmbf_costmap_nav::Cell | |
▼Ccostmap_2d::Costmap2DROS [external] | |
Cmbf_costmap_nav::CostmapWrapper | Manages access to a costmap by locking/unlocking its mutex and handles (de)activation |
CCostmapPlanner | Provides an interface for global planners used in navigation. All global planners written to work as MBF plugins must adhere to this interface. Alternatively, this class can also operate as a wrapper for old API nav_core-based plugins, providing backward compatibility |
CCostmapRecovery | Provides an interface for recovery behaviors used in navigation. All recovery behaviors written to work as MBF plugins must adhere to this interface. Alternatively, this class can also operate as a wrapper for old API nav_core-based plugins, providing backward compatibility |
Cmbf_costmap_nav::FootprintHelper | |
CLocalPlanner | Provides an interface for local planners used in navigation. All local planners written to work as MBF plugins must adhere to this interface. Alternatively, this class can also operate as a wrapper for old API nav_core-based plugins, providing backward compatibility |