41 #ifndef KEYOP_CORE_NODE_HPP_ 42 #define KEYOP_CORE_NODE_HPP_ 51 #include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h> 52 #include <geometry_msgs/TwistStamped.h> 53 #include <kobuki_msgs/KeyboardInput.h> 92 geometry_msgs::TwistPtr
void enable()
Reset/re-enable the navigation system.
void disable()
Disables commands to the navigation system.
bool init()
Initialises the node.
Keyboard remote control for our robot core (mobile base).
void decrementLinearVelocity()
If not already minned, decrement the linear velocities..
geometry_msgs::TwistStampedPtr cmd_stamped
ros::Subscriber keyinput_subscriber
geometry_msgs::TwistPtr cmd
ros::Publisher motor_power_publisher_
void remoteKeyInputReceived(const kobuki_msgs::KeyboardInput &key)
Callback function for remote keyboard inputs subscriber.
bool wait_for_connection_
void keyboardInputLoop()
The worker thread function that accepts input keyboard commands.
Default constructor, needs initialisation.
ros::Publisher velocity_publisher_
void incrementLinearVelocity()
If not already maxxed, increment the command velocities..
void spin()
Worker thread loop; sends current velocity command at a fixed rate.
void processKeyboardInput(char c)
Process individual keyboard inputs.
void decrementAngularVelocity()
If not already mined, decrement the angular velocities..
struct termios original_terminal_state
void incrementAngularVelocity()
If not already maxxed, increment the angular velocities..