3 Call snapshot service of rviz (provided by ScreenshotListener tool) 4 when a topic is published. 6 This script is useful to automatically record result of ros processing. 9 rviz should be in fron of other windows because 13 from jsk_rviz_plugins.srv
import Screenshot
17 rospy.loginfo(
'received a message, save a screenshot to {0}'.format(file_format.format(counter)))
21 except rospy.ServiceException
as e:
22 rospy.logerr(
'Failed to call screenshot service call. Have you add ScreenshotListener to rviz and file_format is correct? file_format is "{0}"'.format(file_format))
25 if __name__ ==
27 rospy.init_node(
28 screenshot_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(
'/rviz/screenshot', Screenshot)
29 file_format = rospy.get_param(
30 sub = rospy.Subscriber(
'~input', rospy.msg.AnyMsg, callback)