def | rtm.cdr2data (cdr, classname) |
| convert data from CDR format More...
def | rtm.connectPorts (outP, inPs, subscription="flush", dataflow="Push", bufferlength=1, rate=1000) |
| connect ports More...
def | rtm.data2cdr (data) |
| convert data into CDR format More...
def | rtm.dataTypeOfPort (port) |
| get data type of a port More...
def | rtm.disconnectPorts (outP, inP) |
| disconnect ports More...
def | rtm.findObject (name, kind="", rnc=None) |
| get IOR of the object More...
def | rtm.findPort (rtc, name) |
| get a port of RT component More...
def | rtm.findRTC (name, rnc=None) |
| get RT component More...
def | rtm.findRTCmanager (hostname=None, rnc=None) |
| get RTCmanager More...
def | rtm.findService (rtc, port_name, type_name, instance_name) |
| get a service of RT component More...
def | rtm.getRootNamingContext (corbaloc) |
| get root naming context More...
def | rtm.initCORBA () |
| initialize ORB More...
def | rtm.isConnected (outP, inP) |
| check two ports are connected or not More...
def | rtm.isJython () |
| check if jython or python More...
def | rtm.narrow (ior, klass, package="OpenHRP") |
| narrow ior More...
def | rtm.readDataPort (port, timeout=1.0) |
| read data from a data port More...
def | rtm.serializeComponents (rtcs, stopEC=True) |
| set up execution context of the first RTC so that RTCs are executed sequentially More...
def | rtm.setConfiguration (rtc, nvlist) |
| update default configuration set More...
def | rtm.unbindObject (name, kind) |
| unbind an object reference More...
def | rtm.writeDataPort (port, data, tm=1.0) |
| write data to a data port More...