37 #ifndef GEOMETRIC_SHAPES_SHAPE_MESSAGES_ 38 #define GEOMETRIC_SHAPES_SHAPE_MESSAGES_ 40 #include <shape_msgs/SolidPrimitive.h> 41 #include <shape_msgs/Mesh.h> 42 #include <shape_msgs/Plane.h> 43 #include <boost/variant.hpp> 45 #if __cplusplus <= 199711L 46 #error This header requires at least C++11 (boost::variant is incompatible between c++98 and c++11 and we enforce 11) 52 typedef boost::variant<shape_msgs::SolidPrimitive, shape_msgs::Mesh, shape_msgs::Plane>
Definition of various shapes. No properties such as position are included. These are simply the descr...
boost::variant< shape_msgs::SolidPrimitive, shape_msgs::Mesh, shape_msgs::Plane > ShapeMsg
Type that can hold any of the desired shape message types.