4 import tf.transformations
8 InteractiveMarkerServer, InteractiveMarkerFeedback
9 from visualization_msgs.msg
import InteractiveMarker, \
10 InteractiveMarkerControl
11 from geometry_msgs.msg
import PoseStamped
12 from franka_msgs.msg
import FrankaState
14 marker_pose = PoseStamped()
15 initial_pose_found =
False 18 position_limits = [[-0.6, 0.6], [-0.6, 0.6], [0.05, 0.9]]
22 marker_pose.header.frame_id = link_name
23 marker_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0)
24 pose_pub.publish(marker_pose)
28 initial_quaternion = \
29 tf.transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(
30 np.transpose(np.reshape(msg.O_T_EE,
32 initial_quaternion = initial_quaternion / np.linalg.norm(initial_quaternion)
33 marker_pose.pose.orientation.x = initial_quaternion[0]
34 marker_pose.pose.orientation.y = initial_quaternion[1]
35 marker_pose.pose.orientation.z = initial_quaternion[2]
36 marker_pose.pose.orientation.w = initial_quaternion[3]
37 marker_pose.pose.position.x = msg.O_T_EE[12]
38 marker_pose.pose.position.y = msg.O_T_EE[13]
39 marker_pose.pose.position.z = msg.O_T_EE[14]
40 global initial_pose_found
41 initial_pose_found =
True 45 if feedback.event_type == InteractiveMarkerFeedback.POSE_UPDATE:
46 marker_pose.pose.position.x = max([min([feedback.pose.position.x,
47 position_limits[0][1]]),
48 position_limits[0][0]])
49 marker_pose.pose.position.y = max([min([feedback.pose.position.y,
50 position_limits[1][1]]),
51 position_limits[1][0]])
52 marker_pose.pose.position.z = max([min([feedback.pose.position.z,
53 position_limits[2][1]]),
54 position_limits[2][0]])
55 marker_pose.pose.orientation = feedback.pose.orientation
59 if __name__ ==
60 rospy.init_node(
61 state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(
62 FrankaState, franka_state_callback)
64 link_name = rospy.get_param(
67 while not initial_pose_found:
69 state_sub.unregister()
71 pose_pub = rospy.Publisher(
72 "equilibrium_pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=10)
73 server = InteractiveMarkerServer(
74 int_marker = InteractiveMarker()
75 int_marker.header.frame_id = link_name
76 int_marker.scale = 0.3
77 int_marker.name =
"equilibrium_pose" 78 int_marker.description = (
"Equilibrium Pose\nBE CAREFUL! " 79 "If you move the \nequilibrium " 80 "pose the robot will follow it\n" 81 "so be aware of potential collisions")
82 int_marker.pose = marker_pose.pose
84 rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.005),
88 control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
89 control.orientation.w = 1
90 control.orientation.x = 1
91 control.orientation.y = 0
92 control.orientation.z = 0
93 control.name =
"rotate_x" 94 control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.ROTATE_AXIS
95 int_marker.controls.append(control)
97 control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
98 control.orientation.w = 1
99 control.orientation.x = 1
100 control.orientation.y = 0
101 control.orientation.z = 0
102 control.name =
"move_x" 103 control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.MOVE_AXIS
104 int_marker.controls.append(control)
105 control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
106 control.orientation.w = 1
107 control.orientation.x = 0
108 control.orientation.y = 1
109 control.orientation.z = 0
110 control.name =
"rotate_y" 111 control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.ROTATE_AXIS
112 int_marker.controls.append(control)
113 control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
114 control.orientation.w = 1
115 control.orientation.x = 0
116 control.orientation.y = 1
117 control.orientation.z = 0
118 control.name =
"move_y" 119 control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.MOVE_AXIS
120 int_marker.controls.append(control)
121 control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
122 control.orientation.w = 1
123 control.orientation.x = 0
124 control.orientation.y = 0
125 control.orientation.z = 1
126 control.name =
"rotate_z" 127 control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.ROTATE_AXIS
128 int_marker.controls.append(control)
129 control = InteractiveMarkerControl()
130 control.orientation.w = 1
131 control.orientation.x = 0
132 control.orientation.y = 0
133 control.orientation.z = 1
134 control.name =
"move_z" 135 control.interaction_mode = InteractiveMarkerControl.MOVE_AXIS
136 int_marker.controls.append(control)
137 server.insert(int_marker, processFeedback)
139 server.applyChanges()
def publisherCallback(msg, link_name)
def processFeedback(feedback)
def franka_state_callback(msg)