CBCAP_PACKET | A type definition for the b-CAP packet |
CCALL_FUNC_TP | Callback functions of TP event |
CCONN_BCAP_CLIENT | B-CAP client communication object |
CCONN_BCAP_SERVER | B-CAP server communication object |
CCONN_PARAM_COM | A type definition for serial connection parameters |
CCONN_PARAM_COMMON | A type definition for common communication parameters |
CCONN_PARAM_ETH | A type definition for Ethernet connection parameters |
CCONN_PARAM_TP | TP communication object |
Cfd_set | |
Cin_addr | |
CMAP_ID | A map for function id information |
CRTK_PACKET | A type definition for the ROBOTalk packet |
CSAFEARRAY | A type definition for the array |
CSAFEARRAYBOUND | A type definition for the bound of SAFEARRAY |
Csockaddr | |
Csockaddr_in | |
CtagCY | A type definition for the signed 64bit integer |
Ctimeval | |
CTP_FLAGS | TP flag objects |
CTP_KEY_INFO | TP key bit mapping |
CTP_TOUCH_INFO | TP touch bit mapping |
Cudpaddr | A type definition for parameters of udp_send and udp_recv |
CVARIANT | A type definition for the multi type variable |
CVEC_OBJECT | A vector for stacking created objects |