QProblem Member List

This is the complete list of members for QProblem, including all inherited members.

addBound(int number, SubjectToStatus B_status, BooleanType updateCholesky)QProblemprotected
addBound(int number, SubjectToStatus B_status, BooleanType updateCholesky)QProblemprotected
addBound(int number, SubjectToStatus B_status, BooleanType updateCholesky, BooleanType ensureLI=BT_TRUE)QProblemprotected
addBound(int_t number, SubjectToStatus B_status, BooleanType updateCholesky, BooleanType ensureLI=BT_TRUE)QProblemprotectedvirtual
addBound_checkLI(int number)QProblemprotected
addBound_checkLI(int number)QProblemprotected
addBound_checkLI(int number)QProblemprotected
addBound_checkLI(int_t number)QProblemprotectedvirtual
addBound_ensureLI(int number, SubjectToStatus B_status)QProblemprotected
addBound_ensureLI(int number, SubjectToStatus B_status)QProblemprotected
addBound_ensureLI(int number, SubjectToStatus B_status)QProblemprotected
addBound_ensureLI(int_t number, SubjectToStatus B_status)QProblemprotectedvirtual
addConstraint(int number, SubjectToStatus C_status, BooleanType updateCholesky)QProblemprotected
addConstraint(int number, SubjectToStatus C_status, BooleanType updateCholesky)QProblemprotected
addConstraint(int number, SubjectToStatus C_status, BooleanType updateCholesky, BooleanType ensureLI=BT_TRUE)QProblemprotected
addConstraint(int_t number, SubjectToStatus C_status, BooleanType updateCholesky, BooleanType ensureLI=BT_TRUE)QProblemprotectedvirtual
addConstraint_checkLI(int number)QProblemprotected
addConstraint_checkLI(int number)QProblemprotected
addConstraint_checkLI(int number)QProblemprotected
addConstraint_checkLI(int_t number)QProblemprotectedvirtual
addConstraint_ensureLI(int number, SubjectToStatus C_status)QProblemprotected
addConstraint_ensureLI(int number, SubjectToStatus C_status)QProblemprotected
addConstraint_ensureLI(int number, SubjectToStatus C_status)QProblemprotected
addConstraint_ensureLI(int_t number, SubjectToStatus C_status)QProblemprotectedvirtual
applyGivens(real_t c, real_t s, real_t xold, real_t yold, real_t &xnew, real_t &ynew) const QProblemBinlineprotected
applyGivens(real_t c, real_t s, real_t xold, real_t yold, real_t &xnew, real_t &ynew) const QProblemBinlineprotected
applyGivens(real_t c, real_t s, real_t nu, real_t xold, real_t yold, real_t &xnew, real_t &ynew) const QProblemBinlineprotected
applyGivens(real_t c, real_t s, real_t nu, real_t xold, real_t yold, real_t &xnew, real_t &ynew) const QProblemBinlineprotected
areBoundsConsistent(const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA) const QProblemprotected
areBoundsConsistent(const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA) const QProblemprotected
areBoundsConsistent(const real_t *const lb, const real_t *const ub, const real_t *const lbA, const real_t *const ubA) const QProblemprotected
QProblemB::areBoundsConsistent(const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub) const QProblemBprotected
backsolveR(const real_t *const b, BooleanType transposed, real_t *const a)QProblemprotected
backsolveR(const real_t *const b, BooleanType transposed, BooleanType removingBound, real_t *const a)QProblemprotected
backsolveR(const real_t *const b, BooleanType transposed, real_t *const a)QProblemprotected
backsolveR(const real_t *const b, BooleanType transposed, BooleanType removingBound, real_t *const a)QProblemprotected
QProblemB::backsolveR(const real_t *const b, BooleanType transposed, real_t *const a) const QProblemBprotected
QProblemB::backsolveR(const real_t *const b, BooleanType transposed, BooleanType removingBound, real_t *const a) const QProblemBprotected
backsolveT(const real_t *const b, BooleanType transposed, real_t *const a)QProblemprotected
backsolveT(const real_t *const b, BooleanType transposed, real_t *const a)QProblemprotected
backsolveT(const real_t *const b, BooleanType transposed, real_t *const a) const QProblemprotected
backsolveT(const real_t *const b, BooleanType transposed, real_t *const a) const QProblemprotectedvirtual
changeActiveSet(int BC_idx, SubjectToStatus BC_status, BooleanType BC_isBound)QProblemprotected
changeActiveSet(int_t BC_idx, SubjectToStatus BC_status, BooleanType BC_isBound)QProblemprotected
computeGivens(real_t xold, real_t yold, real_t &xnew, real_t &ynew, real_t &c, real_t &s) const QProblemBinlineprotected
computeGivens(real_t xold, real_t yold, real_t &xnew, real_t &ynew, real_t &c, real_t &s) const QProblemBinlineprotected
computeGivens(real_t xold, real_t yold, real_t &xnew, real_t &ynew, real_t &c, real_t &s) const QProblemBinlineprotected
computeGivens(real_t xold, real_t yold, real_t &xnew, real_t &ynew, real_t &c, real_t &s) const QProblemBinlineprotected
copy(const QProblem &rhs)QProblemprotected
copy(const QProblem &rhs)QProblemprotected
QProblemB::copy(const QProblemB &rhs)QProblemBprotected
createDiagSparseMat(int_t n, real_t diagVal=1.0)QProblemBprotected
determineDataShift(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, real_t *const delta_g, real_t *const delta_lbA, real_t *const delta_ubA, real_t *const delta_lb, real_t *const delta_ub, BooleanType &Delta_bC_isZero, BooleanType &Delta_bB_isZero)QProblemprotected
determineDataShift(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, real_t *const delta_g, real_t *const delta_lbA, real_t *const delta_ubA, real_t *const delta_lb, real_t *const delta_ub, BooleanType &Delta_bC_isZero, BooleanType &Delta_bB_isZero)QProblemprotected
QProblemB::determineDataShift(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, real_t *const delta_g, real_t *const delta_lb, real_t *const delta_ub, BooleanType &Delta_bB_isZero)QProblemBprotected
determineStepDirection(const real_t *const delta_g, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA, const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, BooleanType Delta_bC_isZero, BooleanType Delta_bB_isZero, real_t *const delta_xFX, real_t *const delta_xFR, real_t *const delta_yAC, real_t *const delta_yFX)QProblemprotected
determineStepDirection(const real_t *const delta_g, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA, const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, BooleanType Delta_bC_isZero, BooleanType Delta_bB_isZero, real_t *const delta_xFX, real_t *const delta_xFR, real_t *const delta_yAC, real_t *const delta_yFX)QProblemprotectedvirtual
dropInfeasibles(int_t BC_number, SubjectToStatus BC_status, BooleanType BC_isBound, real_t *xiB, real_t *xiC)QProblemprotected
ensureNonzeroCurvature(BooleanType removeBoundNotConstraint, int remIdx, BooleanType &exchangeHappened, BooleanType &addBoundNotConstraint, int &addIdx, SubjectToStatus &addStatus)QProblemprotected
ensureNonzeroCurvature(BooleanType removeBoundNotConstraint, int_t remIdx, BooleanType &exchangeHappened, BooleanType &addBoundNotConstraint, int_t &addIdx, SubjectToStatus &addStatus)QProblemprotected
getA(real_t *const _A) const QProbleminline
getA(int number, real_t *const row) const QProbleminline
getA(real_t *const _A) const QProbleminline
getA(int number, real_t *const row) const QProbleminline
getBounds(Bounds *const _bounds) const QProblemBinline
getBounds(Bounds *const _bounds) const QProblemBinline
getBounds(Bounds &_bounds) const QProblemBinline
getBounds(Bounds &_bounds) const QProblemBinline
getConstraints(Constraints *const _constraints) const QProbleminline
getConstraints(Constraints *const _constraints) const QProbleminline
getConstraints(Constraints &_constraints) const QProbleminline
getConstraints(Constraints &_constraints) const QProbleminline
getCount() const QProblemBinline
getDualSolution(real_t *const yOpt) const QProblemvirtual
getDualSolution(real_t *const yOpt) const QProblemvirtual
getDualSolution(real_t *const yOpt) const QProblemvirtual
getDualSolution(real_t *const yOpt) const QProblemvirtual
getFreeVariablesFlags(BooleanType *varIsFree)QProblem
getG(real_t *const _g) const QProblemBinline
getG(real_t *const _g) const QProblemBinline
getH(real_t *const _H) const QProblemBinline
getH(real_t *const _H) const QProblemBinline
getHessianType() const QProblemBinline
getHessianType() const QProblemBinline
getHessianType() const QProblemBinline
getHessianType() const QProblemBinline
getLB(real_t *const _lb) const QProblemBinline
getLB(int number, real_t &value) const QProblemBinline
getLB(real_t *const _lb) const QProblemBinline
getLB(int number, real_t &value) const QProblemBinline
getLBA(real_t *const _lbA) const QProbleminline
getLBA(int number, real_t &value) const QProbleminline
getLBA(real_t *const _lbA) const QProbleminline
getLBA(int number, real_t &value) const QProbleminline
getNAC() const QProbleminline
getNAC() const QProbleminline
getNC() const QProbleminline
getNC() const QProbleminline
getNC() const QProbleminline
getNC() const QProbleminline
getNEC() const QProbleminline
getNEC() const QProbleminline
getNEC() const QProbleminline
getNEC() const QProbleminline
getNFR() const QProblemBinline
getNFR() const QProblemBinline
getNFV() const QProblemBinline
getNFV() const QProblemBinline
getNFV() const QProblemBinline
getNFV() const QProblemBinline
getNFX() const QProblemBinline
getNFX() const QProblemBinline
getNIAC() const QProbleminline
getNIAC() const QProbleminline
getNV() const QProblemBinline
getNV() const QProblemBinline
getNV() const QProblemBinline
getNV() const QProblemBinline
getNZ() const QProblemvirtual
getNZ() const QProblemvirtual
getObjVal() const QProblemB
getObjVal(const real_t *const _x) const QProblemB
getObjVal() const QProblemB
getObjVal(const real_t *const _x) const QProblemB
getObjVal() const QProblemB
getObjVal(const real_t *const _x) const QProblemB
getObjVal() const QProblemB
getObjVal(const real_t *const _x) const QProblemB
getOptions() const QProblemBinline
getOptions() const QProblemBinline
getPrimalSolution(real_t *const xOpt) const QProblemB
getPrimalSolution(real_t *const xOpt) const QProblemB
getPrimalSolution(real_t *const xOpt) const QProblemB
getPrimalSolution(real_t *const xOpt) const QProblemB
getPrintLevel() const QProblemBinline
getPrintLevel() const QProblemBinline
getPrintLevel() const QProblemBinline
getPrintLevel() const QProblemBinline
getRelativeHomotopyLength(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new)QProblemprotected
QProblemB::getRelativeHomotopyLength(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new)QProblemBprotected
getStatus() const QProblemBinline
getStatus() const QProblemBinline
getStatus() const QProblemBinline
getStatus() const QProblemBinline
getUB(real_t *const _ub) const QProblemBinline
getUB(int number, real_t &value) const QProblemBinline
getUB(real_t *const _ub) const QProblemBinline
getUB(int number, real_t &value) const QProblemBinline
getUBA(real_t *const _ubA) const QProbleminline
getUBA(int number, real_t &value) const QProbleminline
getUBA(real_t *const _ubA) const QProbleminline
getUBA(int number, real_t &value) const QProbleminline
getWorkingSet(real_t *workingSet)QProblemvirtual
getWorkingSetBounds(real_t *workingSetB)QProblemvirtual
getWorkingSetConstraints(real_t *workingSetC)QProblemvirtual
hotstart(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblem
hotstart(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblem
hotstart(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblem
hotstart(const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, const char *const lbA_file, const char *const ubA_file, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblem
hotstart(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints)QProblem
hotstart(const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, const char *const lbA_file, const char *const ubA_file, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints)QProblem
hotstart(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime=0, const Bounds *const guessedBounds=0, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints=0)QProblem
hotstart(const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, const char *const lbA_file, const char *const ubA_file, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime=0, const Bounds *const guessedBounds=0, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints=0)QProblem
QProblemB::hotstart(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblemB
QProblemB::hotstart(const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblemB
QProblemB::hotstart(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const Bounds *const guessedBounds)QProblemB
QProblemB::hotstart(const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const Bounds *const guessedBounds)QProblemB
hotstart_determineDataShift(const int *const FX_idx, const int *const AC_idx, const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, real_t *const delta_g, real_t *const delta_lbA, real_t *const delta_ubA, real_t *const delta_lb, real_t *const delta_ub, BooleanType &Delta_bC_isZero, BooleanType &Delta_bB_isZero)QProblemprotected
hotstart_determineDataShift(const int *const FX_idx, const int *const AC_idx, const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, real_t *const delta_g, real_t *const delta_lbA, real_t *const delta_ubA, real_t *const delta_lb, real_t *const delta_ub, BooleanType &Delta_bC_isZero, BooleanType &Delta_bB_isZero)QProblemprotected
QProblemB::hotstart_determineDataShift(const int *const FX_idx, const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, real_t *const delta_g, real_t *const delta_lb, real_t *const delta_ub, BooleanType &Delta_bB_isZero)QProblemBprotected
hotstart_determineStepDirection(const int *const FR_idx, const int *const FX_idx, const int *const AC_idx, const real_t *const delta_g, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA, const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, BooleanType Delta_bC_isZero, BooleanType Delta_bB_isZero, real_t *const delta_xFX, real_t *const delta_xFR, real_t *const delta_yAC, real_t *const delta_yFX)QProblemprotected
hotstart_determineStepDirection(const int *const FR_idx, const int *const FX_idx, const int *const AC_idx, const real_t *const delta_g, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA, const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, BooleanType Delta_bC_isZero, BooleanType Delta_bB_isZero, real_t *const delta_xFX, real_t *const delta_xFR, real_t *const delta_yAC, real_t *const delta_yFX)QProblemprotected
hotstart_determineStepLength(const int *const FR_idx, const int *const FX_idx, const int *const AC_idx, const int *const IAC_idx, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA, const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, const real_t *const delta_xFX, const real_t *const delta_xFR, const real_t *const delta_yAC, const real_t *const delta_yFX, real_t *const delta_Ax, int &BC_idx, SubjectToStatus &BC_status, BooleanType &BC_isBound)QProblemprotected
hotstart_determineStepLength(const int *const FR_idx, const int *const FX_idx, const int *const AC_idx, const int *const IAC_idx, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA, const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, const real_t *const delta_xFX, const real_t *const delta_xFR, const real_t *const delta_yAC, const real_t *const delta_yFX, real_t *const delta_Ax, int &BC_idx, SubjectToStatus &BC_status, BooleanType &BC_isBound)QProblemprotected
hotstart_performStep(const int *const FR_idx, const int *const FX_idx, const int *const AC_idx, const int *const IAC_idx, const real_t *const delta_g, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA, const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, const real_t *const delta_xFX, const real_t *const delta_xFR, const real_t *const delta_yAC, const real_t *const delta_yFX, const real_t *const delta_Ax, int BC_idx, SubjectToStatus BC_status, BooleanType BC_isBound)QProblemprotected
hotstart_performStep(const int *const FR_idx, const int *const FX_idx, const int *const AC_idx, const int *const IAC_idx, const real_t *const delta_g, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA, const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, const real_t *const delta_xFX, const real_t *const delta_xFR, const real_t *const delta_yAC, const real_t *const delta_yFX, const real_t *const delta_Ax, int BC_idx, SubjectToStatus BC_status, BooleanType BC_isBound)QProblemprotected
init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA, int &nWSR, const real_t *const yOpt=0, real_t *const cputime=0)QProblem
init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA, int &nWSR, const real_t *const yOpt=0, real_t *const cputime=0)QProblem
init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _R, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA, int &nWSR, const real_t *const yOpt=0, real_t *const cputime=0)QProblem
init(SymmetricMatrix *_H, const real_t *const _g, Matrix *_A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblem
init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblem
init(const char *const H_file, const char *const g_file, const char *const A_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, const char *const lbA_file, const char *const ubA_file, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblem
init(SymmetricMatrix *_H, const real_t *const _g, Matrix *_A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints)QProblem
init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints)QProblem
init(const char *const H_file, const char *const g_file, const char *const A_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, const char *const lbA_file, const char *const ubA_file, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints)QProblem
init(SymmetricMatrix *_H, const real_t *const _g, Matrix *_A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime=0, const real_t *const xOpt=0, const real_t *const yOpt=0, const Bounds *const guessedBounds=0, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints=0, const real_t *const _R=0)QProblem
init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime=0, const real_t *const xOpt=0, const real_t *const yOpt=0, const Bounds *const guessedBounds=0, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints=0, const real_t *const _R=0)QProblem
init(const char *const H_file, const char *const g_file, const char *const A_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, const char *const lbA_file, const char *const ubA_file, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime=0, const real_t *const xOpt=0, const real_t *const yOpt=0, const Bounds *const guessedBounds=0, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints=0, const char *const R_file=0)QProblem
QProblemB::init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, int &nWSR, const real_t *const yOpt=0, real_t *const cputime=0)QProblemB
QProblemB::init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _R, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, int &nWSR, const real_t *const yOpt=0, real_t *const cputime=0)QProblemB
QProblemB::init(SymmetricMatrix *_H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblemB
QProblemB::init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblemB
QProblemB::init(const char *const H_file, const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblemB
QProblemB::init(SymmetricMatrix *_H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds)QProblemB
QProblemB::init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds)QProblemB
QProblemB::init(const char *const H_file, const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds)QProblemB
QProblemB::init(SymmetricMatrix *_H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime=0, const real_t *const xOpt=0, const real_t *const yOpt=0, const Bounds *const guessedBounds=0, const real_t *const _R=0)QProblemB
QProblemB::init(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime=0, const real_t *const xOpt=0, const real_t *const yOpt=0, const Bounds *const guessedBounds=0, const real_t *const _R=0)QProblemB
QProblemB::init(const char *const H_file, const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime=0, const real_t *const xOpt=0, const real_t *const yOpt=0, const Bounds *const guessedBounds=0, const char *const R_file=0)QProblemB
isBlocking(real_t num, real_t den, real_t epsNum, real_t epsDen, real_t &t) const QProblemBinlineprotected
isBlocking(real_t num, real_t den, real_t epsNum, real_t epsDen, real_t &t) const QProblemBinlineprotected
isCPUtimeLimitExceeded(const real_t *const cputime, real_t starttime, int nWSR) const QProblemBprotected
isCPUtimeLimitExceeded(const real_t *const cputime, real_t starttime, int_t nWSR) const QProblemBprotected
isInfeasible() const QProblemBinline
isInfeasible() const QProblemBinline
isInfeasible() const QProblemBinline
isInfeasible() const QProblemBinline
isInitialised() const QProblemBinline
isInitialised() const QProblemBinline
isInitialised() const QProblemBinline
isInitialised() const QProblemBinline
isSolved() const QProblemBinline
isSolved() const QProblemBinline
isSolved() const QProblemBinline
isSolved() const QProblemBinline
isUnbounded() const QProblemBinline
isUnbounded() const QProblemBinline
isUnbounded() const QProblemBinline
isUnbounded() const QProblemBinline
loadQPvectorsFromFile(const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, const char *const lbA_file, const char *const ubA_file, real_t *const g_new, real_t *const lb_new, real_t *const ub_new, real_t *const lbA_new, real_t *const ubA_new) const QProblemprotected
loadQPvectorsFromFile(const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, const char *const lbA_file, const char *const ubA_file, real_t *const g_new, real_t *const lb_new, real_t *const ub_new, real_t *const lbA_new, real_t *const ubA_new) const QProblemprotected
QProblemB::loadQPvectorsFromFile(const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, real_t *const g_new, real_t *const lb_new, real_t *const ub_new) const QProblemBprotected
obtainAuxiliaryWorkingSet(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints, Bounds *auxiliaryBounds, Constraints *auxiliaryConstraints) const QProblemprotected
obtainAuxiliaryWorkingSet(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints, Bounds *auxiliaryBounds, Constraints *auxiliaryConstraints) const QProblemprotected
obtainAuxiliaryWorkingSet(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints, Bounds *auxiliaryBounds, Constraints *auxiliaryConstraints) const QProblemprotected
obtainAuxiliaryWorkingSet(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints, Bounds *auxiliaryBounds, Constraints *auxiliaryConstraints) const QProblemprotected
QProblemB::obtainAuxiliaryWorkingSet(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, Bounds *auxiliaryBounds) const QProblemBprotected
operator=(const QProblem &rhs)QProblem
operator=(const QProblem &rhs)QProblem
operator=(const QProblem &rhs)QProblem
operator=(const QProblem &rhs)QProblemvirtual
QProblemB::operator=(const QProblemB &rhs)QProblemB
performPlainRatioTest(int nIdx, const int *const idxList, const real_t *const num, const real_t *const den, real_t epsNum, real_t epsDen, real_t &t, int &BC_idx) const QProblemprotected
performPlainRatioTest(int_t nIdx, const int_t *const idxList, const real_t *const num, const real_t *const den, real_t epsNum, real_t epsDen, real_t &t, int_t &BC_idx) const QProblemprotected
performRatioTest(int nIdx, const int *const idxList, const SubjectTo *const subjectTo, const real_t *const num, const real_t *const den, real_t epsNum, real_t epsDen, real_t &t, int &BC_idx) const QProblemBprotected
performRatioTest(int_t nIdx, const int_t *const idxList, const SubjectTo *const subjectTo, const real_t *const num, const real_t *const den, real_t epsNum, real_t epsDen, real_t &t, int_t &BC_idx) const QProblemBprotected
performStep(const real_t *const delta_g, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA, const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, const real_t *const delta_xFX, const real_t *const delta_xFR, const real_t *const delta_yAC, const real_t *const delta_yFX, int &BC_idx, SubjectToStatus &BC_status, BooleanType &BC_isBound)QProblemprotected
performStep(const real_t *const delta_g, const real_t *const delta_lbA, const real_t *const delta_ubA, const real_t *const delta_lb, const real_t *const delta_ub, const real_t *const delta_xFX, const real_t *const delta_xFR, const real_t *const delta_yAC, const real_t *const delta_yFX, int_t &BC_idx, SubjectToStatus &BC_status, BooleanType &BC_isBound)QProblemprotected
printIteration(int iteration, int BC_idx, SubjectToStatus BC_status, BooleanType BC_isBound)QProblemprotected
printIteration(int_t iter, int_t BC_idx, SubjectToStatus BC_status, BooleanType BC_isBound, real_t homotopyLength, BooleanType isFirstCall=BT_TRUE)QProblemprotected
printOptions() const QProblemB
printOptions() const QProblemB
QProblem(int _nV, int _nC)QProblem
QProblem(const QProblem &rhs)QProblem
QProblem(int _nV, int _nC)QProblem
QProblem(const QProblem &rhs)QProblem
QProblem(int _nV, int _nC, HessianType _hessianType=HST_UNKNOWN)QProblem
QProblem(const QProblem &rhs)QProblem
QProblem(int_t _nV, int_t _nC, HessianType _hessianType=HST_UNKNOWN)QProblem
QProblem(const QProblem &rhs)QProblem
QProblemB(int _nV)QProblemB
QProblemB(const QProblemB &rhs)QProblemB
QProblemB(int _nV)QProblemB
QProblemB(const QProblemB &rhs)QProblemB
QProblemB(int _nV, HessianType _hessianType=HST_UNKNOWN)QProblemB
QProblemB(const QProblemB &rhs)QProblemB
QProblemB(int_t _nV, HessianType _hessianType=HST_UNKNOWN)QProblemB
QProblemB(const QProblemB &rhs)QProblemB
relativeHomotopyLength(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new)QProblemprotected
QProblemB::relativeHomotopyLength(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new)QProblemBprotected
removeBound(int number, BooleanType updateCholesky)QProblemprotected
removeBound(int number, BooleanType updateCholesky)QProblemprotected
removeBound(int number, BooleanType updateCholesky, BooleanType allowFlipping=BT_FALSE, BooleanType ensureNZC=BT_FALSE)QProblemprotected
removeBound(int_t number, BooleanType updateCholesky, BooleanType allowFlipping=BT_FALSE, BooleanType ensureNZC=BT_FALSE)QProblemprotectedvirtual
removeConstraint(int number, BooleanType updateCholesky)QProblemprotected
removeConstraint(int number, BooleanType updateCholesky)QProblemprotected
removeConstraint(int number, BooleanType updateCholesky, BooleanType allowFlipping=BT_FALSE, BooleanType ensureNZC=BT_FALSE)QProblemprotected
removeConstraint(int_t number, BooleanType updateCholesky, BooleanType allowFlipping=BT_FALSE, BooleanType ensureNZC=BT_FALSE)QProblemprotectedvirtual
setA(const real_t *const A_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setA(int number, const real_t *const value)QProbleminlineprotected
setA(const real_t *const A_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setA(int number, const real_t *const value)QProbleminlineprotected
setA(Matrix *A_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setA(const real_t *const A_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setA(Matrix *A_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setA(const real_t *const A_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setConstraintProduct(ConstraintProduct *const _constraintProduct)QProblem
setConstraintProduct(ConstraintProduct *const _constraintProduct)QProblem
setG(const real_t *const g_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setG(const real_t *const g_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setG(const real_t *const g_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setG(const real_t *const g_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setH(const real_t *const H_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setH(const real_t *const H_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setH(SymmetricMatrix *H_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setH(const real_t *const H_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setH(SymmetricMatrix *H_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setH(const real_t *const H_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setHessianType(HessianType _hessianType)QProblemBinline
setHessianType(HessianType _hessianType)QProblemBinline
setHessianType(HessianType _hessianType)QProblemBinline
setHessianType(HessianType _hessianType)QProblemBinline
setInfeasibilityFlag(returnValue returnvalue)QProblemBprotected
setInfeasibilityFlag(returnValue returnvalue, BooleanType doThrowError=BT_FALSE)QProblemBprotected
setLB(const real_t *const lb_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setLB(int number, real_t value)QProblemBinlineprotected
setLB(const real_t *const lb_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setLB(int number, real_t value)QProblemBinlineprotected
setLB(const real_t *const lb_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setLB(int number, real_t value)QProblemBinlineprotected
setLB(const real_t *const lb_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setLB(int_t number, real_t value)QProblemBinlineprotected
setLBA(const real_t *const lbA_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setLBA(int number, real_t value)QProbleminlineprotected
setLBA(const real_t *const lbA_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setLBA(int number, real_t value)QProbleminlineprotected
setLBA(const real_t *const lbA_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setLBA(int number, real_t value)QProbleminlineprotected
setLBA(const real_t *const lbA_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setLBA(int_t number, real_t value)QProbleminlineprotected
setOptions(const Options &_options)QProblemBinline
setOptions(const Options &_options)QProblemBinline
setPrintLevel(PrintLevel _printlevel)QProblemB
setPrintLevel(PrintLevel _printlevel)QProblemB
setPrintLevel(PrintLevel _printlevel)QProblemB
setPrintLevel(PrintLevel _printlevel)QProblemB
setUB(const real_t *const ub_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setUB(int number, real_t value)QProblemBinlineprotected
setUB(const real_t *const ub_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setUB(int number, real_t value)QProblemBinlineprotected
setUB(const real_t *const ub_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setUB(int number, real_t value)QProblemBinlineprotected
setUB(const real_t *const ub_new)QProblemBinlineprotected
setUB(int_t number, real_t value)QProblemBinlineprotected
setUBA(const real_t *const ubA_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setUBA(int number, real_t value)QProbleminlineprotected
setUBA(const real_t *const ubA_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setUBA(int number, real_t value)QProbleminlineprotected
setUBA(const real_t *const ubA_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setUBA(int number, real_t value)QProbleminlineprotected
setUBA(const real_t *const ubA_new)QProbleminlineprotected
setUBA(int_t number, real_t value)QProbleminlineprotected
setupAuxiliaryQP(const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints)QProblemprotectedvirtual
setupAuxiliaryQP(const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints)QProblemprotectedvirtual
QProblemB::setupAuxiliaryQP(const Bounds *const guessedBounds)QProblemBprotectedvirtual
setupAuxiliaryQPbounds(const Bounds *const auxiliaryBounds, const Constraints *const auxiliaryConstraints, BooleanType useRelaxation)QProblemprotected
setupAuxiliaryQPbounds(const Bounds *const auxiliaryBounds, const Constraints *const auxiliaryConstraints, BooleanType useRelaxation)QProblemprotected
setupAuxiliaryQPbounds(const Bounds *const auxiliaryBounds, const Constraints *const auxiliaryConstraints, BooleanType useRelaxation)QProblemprotected
setupAuxiliaryQPbounds(const Bounds *const auxiliaryBounds, const Constraints *const auxiliaryConstraints, BooleanType useRelaxation)QProblemprotected
QProblemB::setupAuxiliaryQPbounds(BooleanType useRelaxation)QProblemBprotected
setupAuxiliaryQPsolution(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt)QProblemprotected
setupAuxiliaryQPsolution(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt)QProblemprotected
setupAuxiliaryQPsolution(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt)QProblemprotected
setupAuxiliaryQPsolution(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt)QProblemprotected
setupAuxiliaryWorkingSet(const Bounds *const auxiliaryBounds, const Constraints *const auxiliaryConstraints, BooleanType setupAfresh)QProblemprotected
setupAuxiliaryWorkingSet(const Bounds *const auxiliaryBounds, const Constraints *const auxiliaryConstraints, BooleanType setupAfresh)QProblemprotected
setupAuxiliaryWorkingSet(const Bounds *const auxiliaryBounds, const Constraints *const auxiliaryConstraints, BooleanType setupAfresh)QProblemprotected
setupAuxiliaryWorkingSet(const Bounds *const auxiliaryBounds, const Constraints *const auxiliaryConstraints, BooleanType setupAfresh)QProblemprotectedvirtual
QProblemB::setupAuxiliaryWorkingSet(const Bounds *const auxiliaryBounds, BooleanType setupAfresh)QProblemBprotected
setupQPdata(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA)QProblemprotected
setupQPdata(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _R, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA)QProblemprotected
setupQPdata(SymmetricMatrix *_H, const real_t *const _g, Matrix *_A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA)QProblemprotected
setupQPdata(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA)QProblemprotected
setupQPdata(SymmetricMatrix *_H, const real_t *const _g, Matrix *_A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA)QProblemprotected
setupQPdata(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _A, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub, const real_t *const _lbA, const real_t *const _ubA)QProblemprotected
QProblemB::setupQPdata(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub)QProblemBprotected
QProblemB::setupQPdata(const real_t *const _H, const real_t *const _R, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub)QProblemBprotected
QProblemB::setupQPdata(SymmetricMatrix *_H, const real_t *const _g, const real_t *const _lb, const real_t *const _ub)QProblemBprotected
setupQPdataFromFile(const char *const H_file, const char *const g_file, const char *const A_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, const char *const lbA_file, const char *const ubA_file)QProblemprotected
setupQPdataFromFile(const char *const H_file, const char *const g_file, const char *const A_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file, const char *const lbA_file, const char *const ubA_file)QProblemprotected
QProblemB::setupQPdataFromFile(const char *const H_file, const char *const g_file, const char *const lb_file, const char *const ub_file)QProblemBprotected
setupSubjectToType(const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new)QProblemprotectedvirtual
setupSubjectToType(const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new)QProblemprotectedvirtual
QProblemB::setupSubjectToType(const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new)QProblemBprotectedvirtual
shallRefactorise(const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints) const QProblemprotected
shallRefactorise(const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints) const QProblemprotected
SolutionAnalysis classQProblemfriend
solveCurrentEQP(const int n_rhs, const real_t *g_in, const real_t *lb_in, const real_t *ub_in, const real_t *lbA_in, const real_t *ubA_in, real_t *x_out, real_t *y_out)QProblem
solveCurrentEQP(const int_t n_rhs, const real_t *g_in, const real_t *lb_in, const real_t *ub_in, const real_t *lbA_in, const real_t *ubA_in, real_t *x_out, real_t *y_out)QProblem
solveInitialQP(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblemprotected
solveInitialQP(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblemprotected
solveInitialQP(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblemprotected
solveInitialQP(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, const Constraints *const guessedConstraints, const real_t *const _R, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblemprotected
QProblemB::solveInitialQP(const real_t *const xOpt, const real_t *const yOpt, const Bounds *const guessedBounds, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime)QProblemBprotected
solveQP(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, int nWSRperformed=0)QProblemprotected
solveQP(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, int_t nWSRperformed=0, BooleanType isFirstCall=BT_TRUE)QProblemprotected
solveRegularisedQP(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, int &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, int nWSRperformed=0)QProblemprotected
solveRegularisedQP(const real_t *const g_new, const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new, int_t &nWSR, real_t *const cputime, int_t nWSRperformed=0, BooleanType isFirstCall=BT_TRUE)QProblemprotected
updateActivitiesForHotstart(const real_t *const lb_new, const real_t *const ub_new, const real_t *const lbA_new, const real_t *const ubA_new)QProblemprotectedvirtual
updateFarBounds(real_t curFarBound, int_t nRamp, const real_t *const lb_new, real_t *const lb_new_far, const real_t *const ub_new, real_t *const ub_new_far, const real_t *const lbA_new, real_t *const lbA_new_far, const real_t *const ubA_new, real_t *const ubA_new_far) const QProblemprotected
QProblemB::updateFarBounds(real_t curFarBound, int_t nRamp, const real_t *const lb_new, real_t *const lb_new_far, const real_t *const ub_new, real_t *const ub_new_far) const QProblemBprotected
usingRegularisation() const QProblemBinline
usingRegularisation() const QProblemBinline
writeQpDataIntoMatFile(const char *const filename) const QProblem
writeQpWorkspaceIntoMatFile(const char *const filename)QProblem

Author(s): Milan Vukov, Rien Quirynen
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 12:35:26