This is the complete list of members for SCPmethod, including all inherited members.
addLogRecord(LogRecord &_record) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
addOption(OptionsName name, int value) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
addOption(OptionsName name, double value) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
addOption(uint idx, OptionsName name, int value) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
addOption(uint idx, OptionsName name, double value) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
addOptionsList() | AlgorithmicBase | |
AlgorithmicBase() | AlgorithmicBase | |
AlgorithmicBase(UserInteraction *_userInteraction) | AlgorithmicBase | |
AlgorithmicBase(const AlgorithmicBase &rhs) | AlgorithmicBase | |
bandedCP | SCPmethod | protected |
bandedCPsolver | SCPmethod | protected |
checkForConvergence() | SCPmethod | protected |
checkForRealTimeMode(const DVector &x0_, const DVector &p_) | SCPmethod | protected |
clock | SCPmethod | protected |
clockTotalTime | SCPmethod | protected |
clone() const | SCPmethod | virtual |
computeHessianMatrix(const BlockMatrix &oldLagrangeGradient, const BlockMatrix &newLagrangeGradient) | SCPmethod | protected |
derivativeApproximation | SCPmethod | protected |
eval | SCPmethod | protected |
feedbackStep(const DVector &x0_, const DVector &p_=emptyConstVector) | SCPmethod | virtual |
get(OptionsName name, int &value) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
get(OptionsName name, double &value) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
get(OptionsName name, std::string &value) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
get(uint idx, OptionsName name, int &value) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
get(uint idx, OptionsName name, double &value) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
getAlgebraicStates(VariablesGrid &xa_) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getAll(LogName _name, MatrixVariablesGrid &values) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
getAnySensitivities(BlockMatrix &_sens, uint idx) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getControls(VariablesGrid &u_) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getDifferentialStates(VariablesGrid &xd_) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getDisturbances(VariablesGrid &w_) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getFirst(LogName _name, DMatrix &firstValue) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
getFirst(LogName _name, VariablesGrid &firstValue) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
getFirstControl(DVector &u0_) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getLast(LogName _name, DMatrix &lastValue) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
getLast(LogName _name, VariablesGrid &lastValue) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
getNC() const | SCPmethod | inlineprotected |
getNP() const | SCPmethod | inlineprotected |
getNU() const | SCPmethod | inlineprotected |
getNumberOfSteps() const | NLPsolver | inline |
getNumPoints() const | SCPmethod | inlineprotected |
getNW() const | SCPmethod | inlineprotected |
getNX() const | SCPmethod | inlineprotected |
getNXA() const | SCPmethod | inlineprotected |
getObjectiveValue() const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getOptions(uint idx) const | AlgorithmicBase | |
getParameters(VariablesGrid &p_) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getParameters(DVector &p_) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getSensitivitiesP(BlockMatrix &_sens) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getSensitivitiesU(BlockMatrix &_sens) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getSensitivitiesW(BlockMatrix &_sens) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getSensitivitiesX(BlockMatrix &_sens) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getSensitivitiesXA(BlockMatrix &_sens) const | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
getVarianceCovariance(DMatrix &var) | SCPmethod | virtual |
hasPerformedStep | SCPmethod | protected |
haveOptionsChanged() const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
haveOptionsChanged(uint idx) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
init(VariablesGrid *x_init, VariablesGrid *xa_init, VariablesGrid *p_init, VariablesGrid *u_init, VariablesGrid *w_init) | SCPmethod | virtual |
initializeHessianProjection() | SCPmethod | protected |
isCP | SCPmethod | protected |
isInRealTimeMode | SCPmethod | protected |
iter | SCPmethod | protected |
needToReevaluate | SCPmethod | protected |
NLPsolver(UserInteraction *_userInteraction=0) | NLPsolver | |
NLPsolver(const NLPsolver &rhs) | NLPsolver | |
numberOfSteps | NLPsolver | protected |
oldIter | SCPmethod | protected |
operator=(const SCPmethod &rhs) | SCPmethod | |
NLPsolver::operator=(const NLPsolver &rhs) | NLPsolver | |
AlgorithmicBase::operator=(const AlgorithmicBase &rhs) | AlgorithmicBase | |
outputLoggingIdx | AlgorithmicBase | protected |
performCurrentStep() | SCPmethod | virtual |
plot(PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
prepareNextStep() | SCPmethod | virtual |
printIterate() const | SCPmethod | protected |
printIteration() | SCPmethod | protected |
printLogRecord(std::ostream &_stream, int idx, LogPrintMode _mode=PRINT_ITEM_BY_ITEM) const | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
printRuntimeProfile() const | SCPmethod | virtual |
replot(PlotFrequency _frequency=PLOT_IN_ANY_CASE) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
resetNumberOfSteps() | NLPsolver | inline |
SCPmethod() | SCPmethod | |
SCPmethod(UserInteraction *_userInteraction, const Objective *objective_, const DynamicDiscretization *dynamic_discretization_, const Constraint *constraint_, BooleanType _isCP=BT_FALSE) | SCPmethod | |
SCPmethod(const SCPmethod &rhs) | SCPmethod | |
scpStep | SCPmethod | protected |
set(OptionsName name, int value) | AlgorithmicBase | |
set(OptionsName name, double value) | AlgorithmicBase | |
set(OptionsName name, const std::string &value) | AlgorithmicBase | |
set(uint idx, OptionsName name, int value) | AlgorithmicBase | |
set(uint idx, OptionsName name, double value) | AlgorithmicBase | |
setAll(LogName _name, const MatrixVariablesGrid &values) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
setLast(LogName _name, int lastValue, double time=-INFTY) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
setLast(LogName _name, double lastValue, double time=-INFTY) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
setLast(LogName _name, const DVector &lastValue, double time=-INFTY) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
setLast(LogName _name, const DMatrix &lastValue, double time=-INFTY) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
setLast(LogName _name, const VariablesGrid &lastValue, double time=-INFTY) | AlgorithmicBase | inline |
setOptions(const Options &arg) | AlgorithmicBase | |
setOptions(uint idx, const Options &arg) | AlgorithmicBase | |
setReference(const VariablesGrid &ref) | SCPmethod | virtual |
setup() | SCPmethod | protected |
setupLogging() | SCPmethod | protectedvirtual |
setupOptions() | NLPsolver | protectedvirtual |
setupRealTimeParameters(const DVector &x0_=emptyConstVector, const DVector &p_=emptyConstVector) | SCPmethod | protected |
shiftVariables(double timeShift=-1.0, DVector lastX=emptyVector, DVector lastXA=emptyVector, DVector lastP=emptyVector, DVector lastU=emptyVector, DVector lastW=emptyVector) | SCPmethod | virtual |
solve(const DVector &x0_=emptyConstVector, const DVector &p_=emptyConstVector) | SCPmethod | virtual |
status | SCPmethod | protected |
step(const DVector &x0_=emptyConstVector, const DVector &p_=emptyConstVector) | SCPmethod | virtual |
stopClockAndPrintRuntimeProfile() | SCPmethod | protected |
timeLoggingIdx | SCPmethod | protected |
useModuleStandalone | AlgorithmicBase | protected |
userInteraction | AlgorithmicBase | protected |
~AlgorithmicBase() | AlgorithmicBase | virtual |
~NLPsolver() | NLPsolver | virtual |
~SCPmethod() | SCPmethod | virtual |