This is the complete list of members for LSQEndTerm, including all inherited members.
bSeed | ObjectiveElement | protected |
bSeed2 | ObjectiveElement | protected |
dBackward | ObjectiveElement | protected |
dForward | ObjectiveElement | protected |
evaluate(const OCPiterate &x) | LSQEndTerm | |
evaluateSensitivities(BlockMatrix *hessian) | LSQEndTerm | |
evaluateSensitivitiesGN(BlockMatrix *GNhessian) | LSQEndTerm | |
fcn | ObjectiveElement | protected |
getBackwardSensitivities(BlockMatrix *D, int order) | ObjectiveElement | virtual |
getForwardSensitivities(BlockMatrix *D, int order) | ObjectiveElement | virtual |
getFunction(Function &_function) | ObjectiveElement | |
getGrid() const | ObjectiveElement | inlineprotected |
getNP() const | ObjectiveElement | inline |
getNU() const | ObjectiveElement | inline |
getNW() const | ObjectiveElement | inline |
getNX() const | ObjectiveElement | inline |
getNXA() const | ObjectiveElement | inline |
getObjectiveValue(double &objectiveValue) | ObjectiveElement | virtual |
grid | ObjectiveElement | protected |
init(const Grid &grid_, const DMatrix &S_, const Function &m_, const DVector &r_) | LSQEndTerm | inline |
ObjectiveElement::init(const OCPiterate &x) | ObjectiveElement | |
isAffine() | LSQEndTerm | inline |
isConvex() | LSQEndTerm | inline |
isQuadratic() | LSQEndTerm | inline |
JJ | ObjectiveElement | protected |
LSQEndTerm() | LSQEndTerm | |
LSQEndTerm(const Grid &grid_, const DMatrix &S_, const Function &m_, const DVector &r_) | LSQEndTerm | |
LSQEndTerm(const LSQEndTerm &rhs) | LSQEndTerm | |
na | ObjectiveElement | protected |
np | ObjectiveElement | protected |
nu | ObjectiveElement | protected |
nw | ObjectiveElement | protected |
nx | ObjectiveElement | protected |
ny | ObjectiveElement | protected |
obj | ObjectiveElement | protected |
ObjectiveElement() | ObjectiveElement | |
ObjectiveElement(const Grid &grid_) | ObjectiveElement | |
ObjectiveElement(const ObjectiveElement &rhs) | ObjectiveElement | |
operator=(const LSQEndTerm &rhs) | LSQEndTerm | |
ObjectiveElement::operator=(const ObjectiveElement &rhs) | ObjectiveElement | |
pSeed | ObjectiveElement | protected |
pSeed2 | ObjectiveElement | protected |
r | LSQEndTerm | protected |
S | LSQEndTerm | protected |
S_h_res | LSQEndTerm | protected |
setBackwardSeed(BlockMatrix *seed, int order) | ObjectiveElement | virtual |
setForwardSeed(BlockMatrix *xSeed_, BlockMatrix *xaSeed_, BlockMatrix *pSeed_, BlockMatrix *uSeed_, BlockMatrix *wSeed_, int order) | ObjectiveElement | virtual |
setGrid(const Grid &grid_) | ObjectiveElement | inline |
setReference(const DVector &ref) | LSQEndTerm | inline |
t_index | ObjectiveElement | protected |
uSeed | ObjectiveElement | protected |
uSeed2 | ObjectiveElement | protected |
wSeed | ObjectiveElement | protected |
wSeed2 | ObjectiveElement | protected |
xaSeed | ObjectiveElement | protected |
xaSeed2 | ObjectiveElement | protected |
xSeed | ObjectiveElement | protected |
xSeed2 | ObjectiveElement | protected |
y_index | ObjectiveElement | protected |
z | ObjectiveElement | protected |
~LSQEndTerm() | LSQEndTerm | virtual |
~ObjectiveElement() | ObjectiveElement | virtual |