Class TCPSocket
Defined in File tcp_socket.h
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
public urcl::comm::URStream< urcl::primary_interface::PrimaryPackage >
(Template Class URStream)public urcl::comm::URStream< urcl::rtde_interface::RTDEPackage >
(Template Class URStream)public urcl::DashboardClient
(Class DashboardClient)public urcl::comm::URStream< T >
(Template Class URStream)
Class Documentation
class TCPSocket
Class for TCP socket abstraction.
Subclassed by urcl::comm::URStream< urcl::primary_interface::PrimaryPackage >, urcl::comm::URStream< urcl::rtde_interface::RTDEPackage >, urcl::DashboardClient, urcl::comm::URStream< T >
Public Functions
virtual ~TCPSocket()
inline SocketState getState()
Getter for the state of the socket.
- Returns:
Returns the current state of the socket
inline socket_t getSocketFD()
Getter for the file descriptor of the socket.
- Returns:
The file descriptor of the socket
std::string getIP() const
Determines the local IP address of the currently configured socket.
- Returns:
The local IP address of the socket associated to the current file descriptor
bool read(char *character)
Reads one byte from the socket.
- Parameters:
character – [out] Target buffer
- Returns:
True on success, false otherwise
bool read(uint8_t *buf, const size_t buf_len, size_t &read)
Reads data from the socket.
- Parameters:
buf – [out] Buffer where the data shall be stored
buf_len – [in] Number of bytes allocated for the buffer
read – [out] Number of bytes actually read
- Returns:
True on success, false otherwise
bool write(const uint8_t *buf, const size_t buf_len, size_t &written)
Writes to the socket.
- Parameters:
buf – [in] Buffer of bytes to write
buf_len – [in] Number of bytes in the buffer
written – [out] Number of bytes actually written
- Returns:
True on success, false otherwise
void close()
Closes the connection to the socket.
void setReceiveTimeout(const timeval &timeout)
Setup Receive timeout used for this socket.
- Parameters:
timeout – Timeout used for setting things up
void setReconnectionTime(const std::chrono::milliseconds reconnection_time)
Set reconnection time, if the server is unavailable during connection this will set the time before trying connect to the server again.
- Parameters:
reconnection_time – time in between connection attempts to the server
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr std::chrono::milliseconds DEFAULT_RECONNECTION_TIME = {10000}
Protected Functions
bool setup(const std::string &host, const int port, const size_t max_num_tries = 0, const std::chrono::milliseconds reconnection_time = DEFAULT_RECONNECTION_TIME)
Protected Attributes
std::unique_ptr<timeval> recv_timeout_
virtual ~TCPSocket()