Class DashboardClient
Defined in File dashboard_client.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public urcl::comm::TCPSocket
(Class TCPSocket)
Class Documentation
class DashboardClient : public urcl::comm::TCPSocket
This class is a wrapper around the dashboard server.
For every Dashboard command there exists a wrapper function that will send the request and wait for the server’s response.
For documentation about the dashboard server, please see
Public Functions
DashboardClient(const std::string &host)
Constructor that shall be used by default.
- Parameters:
host – IP address of the robot
DashboardClient() = delete
virtual ~DashboardClient() = default
bool connect(const size_t max_num_tries = 0, const std::chrono::milliseconds reconnection_time = std::chrono::seconds(10))
Opens a connection to the dashboard server on the host as specified in the constructor.
- Parameters:
max_num_tries – Maximum number of connection attempts before counting the connection as failed. Unlimited number of attempts when set to 0.
reconnection_time – time in between connection attempts to the server
- Returns:
True on successful connection, false otherwise.
void disconnect()
Makes sure no connection to the dashboard server is held inside the object.
std::string sendAndReceive(const std::string &command)
Sends a command through the socket and waits for an answer.
- Parameters:
command – Command that will be sent to the server.
- Throws:
UrException – if no response was read from the dashboard server
- Returns:
Answer as received by the server cut off any trailing newlines.
bool sendRequest(const std::string &command, const std::string &expected)
Sends command and compare it with the expected answer.
- Parameters:
command – Command that will be sent to the server.
expected – Expected response as a regex string
- Returns:
True if the reply to the command is as expected
std::string sendRequestString(const std::string &command, const std::string &expected)
Sends command and compare it with the expected answer.
- Parameters:
command – Command that will be sent to the server.
expected – Expected response as a regex string
- Throws:
UrException – if the received answer does not match the expected one.
- Returns:
Answer string as received by the server
bool waitForReply(const std::string &command, const std::string &expected, std::chrono::duration<double> timeout = std::chrono::seconds(30))
brief Sends a command and wait until it returns the expected answer
- Parameters:
command – Command that will be sent to the server
expected – Expected replay
timeout – Timeout to wait before the command is considered failed.
- Returns:
True if the reply was as expected within the timeout time
bool retryCommand(const std::string &requestCommand, const std::string &requestExpectedResponse, const std::string &waitRequest, const std::string &waitExpectedResponse, const std::chrono::duration<double> timeout, const std::chrono::duration<double> retry_period = std::chrono::seconds(1))
Keep Sending the requesting Command and wait until it returns the expected answer.
- Parameters:
requestCommand – Request command that will be sent to the server
requestExpectedResponse – The expected reply to the request
waitRequest – The status request
waitExpectedResponse – The expected reply on the status
timeout – Timeout before the command is ultimately considered failed
retry_period – Retries will be done with this period
- Returns:
True when both the requested command was receive with the expected reply as well as the resulting status also is as expected within the timeout time
bool commandPowerOff()
Send Power off command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandPowerOn(const std::chrono::duration<double> timeout = std::chrono::seconds(300))
Send Power on command.
- Parameters:
timeout – Timeout in seconds - The robot might take some time to boot before this call can be made successfully.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandBrakeRelease()
Send Brake release command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandLoadProgram(const std::string &program_file_name)
Send Load program command.
- Parameters:
program_file_name – The urp program file name with the urp extension
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandLoadInstallation(const std::string &installation_file_name)
Send Load installation command.
- Parameters:
installation_file_name – The installation file name with the installation extension
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandPlay()
Send Play program command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandPause()
Send Pause program command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandStop()
Send Stop program command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandClosePopup()
Send Close popup command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandCloseSafetyPopup()
Send Close safety popup command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandRestartSafety()
Send Restart Safety command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandUnlockProtectiveStop()
Send Unlock Protective stop popup command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandShutdown()
Send Shutdown command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandQuit()
Send Quit command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandRunning()
Send Running command.
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandIsProgramSaved()
Send “Is program saved” request command.
- Returns:
True if the program is saved correctly
bool commandIsInRemoteControl()
Send “Is in remote control” query command.
- Throws:
an – UrException when called on CB3 robots
- Returns:
True if the robot is currently in remote control
bool commandPopup(const std::string &popup_text)
Send popup command.
- Parameters:
popup_text – The text to be shown in the popup
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandAddToLog(const std::string &log_text)
Send text to log.
- Parameters:
log_text – The text to be sent to the log
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandPolyscopeVersion(std::string &polyscope_version)
Get Polyscope version.
- Parameters:
polyscope_version – The string for the polyscope version number returned
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandGetRobotModel(std::string &robot_model)
Get Robot model.
- Parameters:
robot_model – The string for the robot model returned
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandGetSerialNumber(std::string &serial_number)
Get Serial number.
- Parameters:
serial_number – The serial number of the robot returned
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandRobotMode(std::string &robot_mode)
Get Robot mode.
- Parameters:
robot_mode – The mode of the robot returned
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandGetLoadedProgram(std::string &loaded_program)
Get Loaded Program.
- Parameters:
loaded_program – The path to the loaded program
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandSafetyMode(std::string &safety_mode)
Get Safety mode.
- Parameters:
safety_mode – The safety mode of the robot returned
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandSafetyStatus(std::string &safety_status)
Get Safety status.
- Parameters:
safety_status – The safety status of the robot returned
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandProgramState(std::string &program_state)
Get Program state.
- Parameters:
program_state – The program state of the robot returned
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandGetOperationalMode(std::string &operational_mode)
Get Operational mode.
- Parameters:
operational_mode – The operational mode of the robot returned (Only available for e-series)
- Throws:
an – UrException when called on CB3 robots
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandSetOperationalMode(const std::string &operational_mode)
Send Set operational mode command (Only available for e-series)
- Parameters:
operational_mode – The operational mode to set on the robot
- Throws:
an – UrException when called on CB3 robots
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandClearOperationalMode()
Send Clear operational mode command.
- Throws:
an – UrException when called on CB3 robots
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandSetUserRole(const std::string &user_role)
Send Set user role command (Only available for CB3)
- Parameters:
user_role – The user role to set on the robot
- Throws:
an – UrException when called on e-series robots
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandGetUserRole(std::string &user_role)
Send Get user role command (Only available for CB3)
- Parameters:
user_role – The user role on the robot
- Throws:
an – UrException when called on e-series robots
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandGenerateFlightReport(const std::string &report_type)
Send Generate flight report command.
- Parameters:
report_type – The report type to set for the flight report
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandGenerateSupportFile(const std::string &dir_path)
Send Generate support file command.
- Parameters:
dir_path – The path to the directory of an already existing directory location inside the programs directory, where the support file is saved
- Returns:
True succeeded
bool commandSaveLog()
Flush the polyscope log to the log_history.txt file.
- Returns:
True succeeded
void assertVersion(const std::string &e_series_min_ver, const std::string &cb3_min_ver, const std::string &required_call)
Makes sure that the dashboard_server’s version is above the required version.
- Parameters:
e_series_min_ver – SW version for e-Series
cb3_min_ver – SW version for cb3
required_call – The dashboard call that should be checked
- Throws:
UrException – if the robot’s version isn’t large enough
timeval getConfiguredReceiveTimeout() const
Gets the configured receive timeout. If receive timeout is unconfigured “normal” socket timeout of 1 second will be returned.
- Returns:
configured receive timeout
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr int DASHBOARD_SERVER_PORT = 29999
Protected Attributes
VersionInformation polyscope_version_