Class SerialPortConfig

Class Documentation

class SerialPortConfig

Public Functions

inline SerialPortConfig(uint32_t baud_rate, FlowControl flow_control, Parity parity, StopBits stop_bits)

Default constructor.

inline uint32_t get_baud_rate() const

Function that returns the configured buad rate.


The configured buad rate in bps

inline spb::baud_rate get_baud_rate_asio() const

Function that returns the configured baud rate as an ASIO object.


The configured baud rate as an ASIO baud_rate object

inline FlowControl get_flow_control() const

\breif Function that returns the configured flow control


The configured flow control type

inline spb::flow_control::type get_flow_control_asio() const

\breif Function that returns the configured flow control as an ASIO object


The configured flow control type as an ASIO flow_control object

inline Parity get_parity() const

Function that returns the configured parity type.


The configured parity type

inline spb::parity::type get_parity_asio() const

Function that returns the configured parity type as an ASIO object.


The configured parity type as an ASIO parity object

inline StopBits get_stop_bits() const

Function that returns the configured stop bits.


The configured stop bits

inline spb::stop_bits::type get_stop_bits_asio() const

Function that returns the configured stop bits as an ASIO object.


The configured stop bits as an ASIO stop_bits object