<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
<package format="3">
  <description>Generate the C interfaces for eProsima FastRTPS.</description>

  <maintainer email="">Shane Loretz</maintainer>

  <license>Apache License 2.0</license>

  <author email="">Dirk Thomas</author>
  <author email="">Michel Hidalgo</author>
  <author>Ricardo González</author>

  <!-- Used in the CMakeLists.txt of this package and only needed by CMake-->

  <!-- Used in the projectConfig.cmake or generator extension and only needed by CMake -->

  <!-- Generator depends on output of this other generator -->

  <!-- Needed by downstream targets to use this package's headers or the headers it generates, but header only so not needed to link against -->

  <!-- Needed for headers in this package, or the headers it generates, and also needs to be linked in downstream packages -->

  <!-- Needed for the python library it installs, which is also used to generate interfaces -->

  <!-- Needed for tests in this package -->

