Changelog for package rmf_traffic_editor

1.9.1 (2024-06-15)

1.9.0 (2024-06-01)

  • Fix buildfarm build of rmf_traffic_editor packages (#495)

  • Harmonic release and ECS refactor (#483)

  • Fix empty generate_crs in building yaml. (#482)

  • Contributors: Luca Della Vedova, Grey, cwrx777

1.8.2 (2023-12-15)

  • Merge radius property (#480)

  • Mutex group property (#477)

1.8.1 (2023-08-10)

1.8.0 (2023-06-08)

1.7.0 (2023-06-06)

  • Switch to rst changelogs (#464)

  • Contributors: Yadunund

1.6.0 (2022-10-05)

  • Added a dispensable field for models (#436)

  • Use index based iterator to avoid yaml cpp bug (#435)

  • better vertex text size in meter-scale maps (#431)

  • Contributors: Aaron Chong, Luca Della Vedova, Morgan Quigley

1.5.1 (2022-04-20)

  • update OSM tile server URL to full planet data (#430)

  • fix cmake ament_index_cpp dependency

  • add a github CI job for rolling

  • don’t double-trigger CI runs

  • update qt packages for jammy github workflow

  • build/install rmf_utils from source in ci_rolling

  • Contributors: Morgan Quigley, Youliang Tan

1.5.0 (2022-03-13)

  • fix #419 by calculating transformed x/y in image-based maps (#421)

  • validate reference level index before using it (avoid a crash)

  • Use C++17 for std::optional

  • move all CI to galactic on ubuntu 20.04

  • move the C++ style check into the ‘main’ CI test workflow

  • Feature/render OpenStreetMap tiles (#418) * “new building” dialog box which asks which coordinates to use * use a subdirectory in ~/.cache as the OSM tile cache * show the tile cache size on the status bar * use EPSG:3857 (meters) for rendering tile maps * WGS84 coordinate translation * render OSM tiles in grayscale, so the non-tile things are easier to see * populate lat, lon property fields in EPSG:3857 mode * remove obsolete “flattened” UI stuff * save global coords in wgs84 but render them in epsg3857 on OSM tiles * GUI box to set the local CRS for sim/nav generation * move all RMF keys into GeoJSON props. add start/end names * feature_type -> rmf_type in GeoJSON properties * translate robot spawn point along with the world

  • Handle simulation offsets for models and cameras (#408) * lat/lon translation behavior for models (previously, builds break when adding models due to WGS84 translation not having a “rotation” variable) * change naming for wgs84 model positions to lat/lon instead of x/y for consistency * apply offsets to the camera, so the camera view appears over the working area * Handle simulation offsets for models and cameras * Pass transform in Model constructor; pass un-transformed variables for to_yaml * Add check if global_transform was initialized; fix wrong computation of xy * parse model coordinates in wgs84 and project for viewing/editing * move model projection/translation to generate phase * set user-agent string in HTTP tile requests * workaround for 32-bit scrollbar overflow at extreme zoom * introduce a simple queuing system for tiles * reset zoom when loading a different filename

  • flip layer images right-side up in cartesian meters mode (#405)

  • Improve behavior for Cartesian maps (#401) * Improve behavior for Cartesian maps * because Cartesian maps have 1-meter units, we need to compute a better default scale for them. Previously it was always using a default scale of 0.05. * somewhat related, also fix the edge-select implementation so it spins through all edges in the map rather than just selecting the first edge within 10 units… that was OK when we were always using pixel-based maps, but now that meter-based maps are in use, it was just choosing the first edge that was within 10 meters of the click, which was a lot of edges and felt somewhat random. * stop drawing a 1-unit border around the scene rectangle * rotate vertex icons to +Y for cartesian maps

  • Cartesian worlds (y=up) and steps towards using GeoPackage (#396) * create passthrough transform for cartesian_meters coordinate systems * y-flip in traffic-editor GUI for cartesian worlds; only invert Y coordinate for legacy image-based maps * add coordinate system files for C++ GUI * pass coordinate system to vertex draw, to flip text as needed * correct deprecated setuptools key to fix warning * Fix errors when building maps with lifts / crowdsim * draw fewer arrowheads for increased speed on very large maps * add speed limit parameter to lane property-editor GUI * add speed limit param to generated nav-graph files * publish lane speed limits * add top-level metadata for building/site params * load/save top level building params. Zoom->reset to center map view if you get lost. * assign a nonsense CRS if one doesn’t exist * Change Legacy -> ReferenceImage throughout code

  • minor usability enhancements on traffic editor (#398) * revert lift vertex, and prevent delete of lift vertex * fix wall transparency models and update readme

  • Contributors: Morgan Quigley, Youliang Tan, Luca Della Vedova, Charayaphan Nakorn Boon Han

1.4.0 (2021-09-02)

  • Feature/graph names and widths (#384) * Graph data structure: default lane widths and a step towards #378

  • added support for ceilings with texture (#383)

  • added scaling features to wall texture (#382)

  • resolve build error on some systems with size_t namespace (#374) fix build error on some compilers/systems reported in by adding std:: prefix to size_t

  • sort list by model name, not Fuel group name (#373)

  • Feature: align vertices colinear (#372)

  • adding maintainer for buildfarm notifications (#368)

  • hotfix for #366, avoid exploding transform for 1 fudicual (#367)

  • Minor tweak to how empty crowd_sim and lift structures are serialized in YAML (#364)

  • Contributors: Marco A. Gutiérrez, Morgan Quigley, Xiyu

1.3.0 (2021-05-14)

  • Feature/display layer transforms in freefleet format (#347)

  • Feature/layer rendering palette mapping (#344)

  • Fix asset path after package renaming (#341)

  • Automatic alignment of robot-map layers to floorplans (#340)

  • Fix/ci package name (#339)

  • clarify labels on property add/delete buttons (#326)

  • handle editing multiple layers with same name. (#328)

  • fix #324, update layer image immediately after OK button (#327)

  • Bug/add layer button not visible in new building (#313)

  • provide zoom-reset and clamp on scale factor (#318)

  • avoid crash in empty crowdsim save routine (#312)

  • rename building_map_tools (#310)

  • Rename packages and delete moved packages (#308)

  • Refactoring and Migration #308

  • Contributors: Geoffrey Biggs, Luca Della Vedova, Morgan Quigley, youliang

1.2.0 (2021-01-05)

  • Adds undo capability to a large part of the actions. (#269) (#266)

  • Contibutors: Arjo, Morgan Quigley, Yadu

  • Merge pull request #276 from osrf/add_lane_vertex_snap_distance_scaling scale add-lane vertex snap distance correctly

  • undo features

  • compute the click-to-merge treshold in pixels

  • scale add-lane vertex snap distance correctly

  • fix to compilation when no opencv (#272)

  • Merge branch ‘feature/undo’ of into feature/undo

  • Added “save” to newly updated transition entries (#265)

  • Merge pull request #263 from osrf/dont_crash_on_new_project_crowdsim

  • Merge pull request #257 from Briancbn/pr-fix-disable-plugin-backwards-compatibility

  • Merge pull request #255 from osrf/feature/remove-plugin-option

  • Configured gui to load and save proper parameters for plugins

  • Using just the Lift object to propagate the plugin removal option

  • Added option to remove plugins for doors on gui and building_map_tools generator

  • Add GUI to traffic editor for crowd simulation configuration (#225)

  • Merge pull request #249 from osrf/fix/lift_dialog_saving

  • Add first pass of quality declarations for all packages (#235)

  • Contributors: Aaron Chong, Arjo Chakravarty, Chen Bainian, Geoffrey Biggs, Guoliang (Fred) Shao, Marco A. Gutiérrez, Morgan Quigley, Tian En

1.1.0 (2020-09-24)

  • Focal / Ignition dome support (#230)

  • Adding lift operation range selection (#220)

  • Add field in lift dialog for initial floor, handle invalid initial floor

  • Update lift display (#216)

  • Allowing modification on vertex coordinates (#215)

  • Merge pull request #212 from osrf/feature/model-list-sort-script Feature/model list sort script

  • Added helper script to sort model_list yamls

  • Support for adding and recognizing lift waypoints for multi-level navigation #201

  • fix initial model angle, so it doesn’t rotate 90 when placed (#202)

  • Add button to generate lift waypoints in the GUI

  • Configurable texture and transparency for wall #200

  • fix lifts not cleared when opening another project #196

  • New traffic editor thumbnail generator #191

  • View menu option to show/hide models #174

  • Add add_edge shift alignment feature #173

  • Contributors: Aaron Chong, Chen Bainian, Geoffrey Biggs, Kevin_Skywalker, Luca Della Vedova, MakinoharaShouko, Marco A. Gutierrez, Morgan Quigley, Yadu, Yadunund, kevinskwk, methylDragon, youliang

1.0.0 (2020-06-22)

  • Implement using thumbnails from installed traffic_editor_assets ament package (#152) * Implement parsing thumbnails from assets ament package * Remove ExternalProject * Update style * Catch missing package error Co-authored-by: Marco A. Gutiérrez <>

  • Merge pull request #153 from osrf/bug/model_orientation Fixed orientation of model thumbnails in the gui

  • Fixed orientation of model thumbnails in the gui

  • Merge pull request #149 from osrf/simulation_plugin_interface process-flow sim plugin interface, and various other improvements

  • Merge pull request #150 from osrf/update_style_check Update style.yaml

  • Added braces around for in project.cpp

  • Update traffic_editor/package.xml Co-authored-by: Marco A. Gutiérrez <>

  • let’s not crash when loading an empty map

  • remove unused unique_ptr namespace inclusion

  • merging master

  • Merge pull request #148 from osrf/fix_crop_python_style merging since this is trivial (famous last words)

  • python line was too long

  • Merge pull request #147 from MakinoharaShouko/master Fix not generating cropped image with namespace

  • Fix not generating cropped image with namespace

  • Merge pull request #1 from MakinoharaShouko/crop_fix Fix not generating cropped image with namespace

  • Fix not generating cropped image with namespace

  • simplify by getting rid of pointers where possible

  • since opencv is only needed for video recording, it’s now optional

  • hide the sim controls if there is no plugin present

  • Merge pull request #132 from methylDragon/ch3/author-namespaced-thumbnails Support Author-namedspaced Thumbnails and Revamp building_map_generator

  • Merge branch ‘master’ into ch3/author-namespaced-thumbnails

  • Correct README

  • Merge pull request #128 from methylDragon/ch3/migrate-traffic-editor-thumbnails Migrate thumbnails to traffic_editor_assets repo

  • Fix build and import bug

  • Revert default directory and make directories if they don’t exist Also make it less fragile by allowing expansion of the home shortcut “~”

  • Add dependency on buiding_map_tools In order to ensure that pit_crew is accessible!

  • Unify building_map_generators With argparse and pit_crew!

  • Pit-crewify thumbnail_generators

  • thumbnails::yeet() Let’s try this again..

  • Merge branch ‘master’ into ch3/migrate-traffic-editor-thumbnails

  • Merge pull request #130 from osrf/fix/model-thumbnail-names Fix/model thumbnail names

  • Corrected thumbnail for PotatoChipChair

  • Changed the name for model and thumbnail Table

  • Retarget thumbnail search path to ~/.traffic_editor

  • Implement git clone on build

  • avoid deadlock

  • adding debugging drawing hooks to simulation plugin interface

  • osrf repo

  • migrate behavior stuff into plugins, out of main tree

  • render mixed lane colors in a predictable z-stack

  • remove logging from the core traffic-editor, do it in plugins

  • option to release reserved lanes during waiting behavior node

  • adjust mutex: sim proceeds while video frame is writing to disk

  • helper function to retrieve model instances

  • WIP simplifying internal API and removing YAML scripting nonsense

  • add load function to configure simulation interface from yaml

  • epic restructuring of include files to allow a plugin interface for sim

  • Merge pull request #118 from osrf/feature/teleport-dispenser Feature/teleport dispenser

  • learn cmake

  • WIP trying to bring in ignition-plugin

  • log simulations to csv

  • models name instances can be edited, and saved

  • print less to the console

  • added teleport dispenser ingestor thumbnails, same as robot placeholder

  • allow editing of model instance name

  • on startup, restore editor to previous level

  • WIP process flow animation machinery

  • Merge pull request #117 from osrf/master bring in medium-size surgical trolley

  • Merge pull request #116 from osrf/feature/surgical-trolley-med added thumbnail for SurgicalTrolleyMed

  • added thumbnail for SurgicalTrolleyMed

  • restore rotation of StorageRack thumbnail

  • Merge pull request #115 from osrf/master bring new thumbnails to dev branch

  • Merge pull request #114 from osrf/feature/trolley-bed-thumbnails Feature/trolley bed thumbnails

  • copied to wrong places, replaced old thumbnails

  • added thumbnails

  • WIP teleporting other models for cargo pickup/dropoff

  • improve nav graph following, simplify creation of non-zero graph_idx

  • Merge pull request #113 from osrf/master merge in thumbnail improvements

  • Merge pull request #112 from osrf/feature/more-thumbnails added new thumbnails for hospital environment

  • added new thumbnails for hospital environment

  • WIP smarter NPC motions…

  • clean up compiler warnings

  • add string interpolation and a signaling method

  • set vertex label red if selected. try to fix github build workflow

  • checkboxes for show/hide internal traffic lanes. sim starts paused.

  • use opencv for video recording

  • loop at end of behavior schedule

  • rotate models to face the direction of travel

  • path traversal starting to work

  • basic a* planner seems ok

  • WIP agent planning

  • WIP scenario non-robot animation

  • WIP towards beginnings of 2d model scripting

  • load images concurrently on all CPU cores

  • Merge pull request #111 from osrf/fix/robot-placeholder-thumbnails fix model thumbnail and naming convention

  • fix model thumbnail and naming convention

  • Merge pull request #110 from osrf/fix/thumbnail-name fixed bookshelf thumbnail name

  • propagate unique_ptr usage to allow polymorphic compositions

  • fixed bookshelf thumbnail name

  • allow modifying of lanes in traffic mode and simplify renderings of bidirectional lanes.

  • don’t insert scenario table twice

  • beginnings of sim thread

  • learning about elite c++11 memory features

  • working towards minimalist behavior sequencing

  • Merge pull request #108 from osrf/feature/new-thumbnails Feature/new thumbnails

  • removed empty newlines

  • changed back camera height

  • corrected thumbnail names to point to open source gazebo models

  • WIP external traffic files

  • more gazebo thumbnails, compressed largge thumbnails

  • add skeleton for traffic map dialog

  • render traffic map names in tablewidget

  • Merge pull request #104 from osrf/feature/thumbnail-generation Feature/thumbnail generation

  • save/load traffic-map references in project file

  • lint :sparkles:

  • added generation and merging utility scripts

  • removed ros2 launch

  • basic pipeline and docs added

  • start of external traffic map files in GUI

  • Merge pull request #103 from osrf/feature/demo-assets added new demo asset thumbnails

  • added new demo asset thumbnails

  • Merge pull request #100 from osrf/double_swing_doors_directions branch on double swing door direction for sim generation

  • branch on double swing door direction for sim generation

  • Merge pull request #94 from osrf/static_parameter_for_models Static parameter for models Tested manually on a few worlds, looks OK

  • add static param to models in GUI

  • Merge pull request #90 from osrf/feature/single-doors Feature/single doors

  • abs values for motion degrees, use motion direction instead

  • fix merge conflict

  • Merge pull request #81 from osrf/add_flattened_offsets XY translation of each level in a ‘flattened’ world generation mode

  • XY translation of each level in a ‘flattened’ world generation mode

  • Merge pull request #80 from osrf/floor_holes Floor holes

  • click selects holes first, then other polygon types

  • Merge branch ‘master’ of ssh:// into floor_holes

  • Merge pull request #79 from osrf/feature/model-elevation Feature/model elevation

  • reverted back to using double for model::z, makes yaml parsing cleaner

  • clear all fields of project when creating a new one

  • added elevation/z param to model

  • WIP floor holes GUI tool

  • add some icons as we add a new tool for polygon-holes

  • only override drawing scale if >2 fiducials are present

  • more small fixes for levels without scale

  • trivial: update level table after adding a level

  • Merge pull request #71 from osrf/fix_initial_creation_workflow Fix initial creation workflow. Load drawing floorplan images immediately after they are specified in the level dialog, rather than only doing it when loading the building level from YAML.

  • refactor drawing loading so it can happen after level dialog also

  • fix crash when no levels are present

  • Merge pull request #69 from osrf/create_vertex_when_starting_wall create a new vertex if the add-edge click is not near an existing one

  • create a new vertex if the add-edge click is not near an existing one

  • Merge pull request #67 from osrf/create_vertex_as_needed_for_edges finish implementing #63 to allow continuous clicks for edge creation

  • finish implementing #63 to allow continuous clicks for edge creation

  • Merge pull request #66 from osrf/click_walls_instead_of_drag implement part of #63 so you can just keep clicking to chain vertices together

  • don’t automatically chain doors/measurements in edge tool

  • implement part of #63 so you can just keep clicking to chain vertices together

  • Merge pull request #64 from osrf/specify_floor_textures Specify floor textures

  • allow specification of floor texture and scale

  • Merge branch ‘master’ of ssh:// into specify_floor_textures

  • fix #62, scale vertex click and paint doorjamb last

  • add explicit polygon texture params for now

  • Merge pull request #59 from osrf/scenario_roi_polygon_tool lots of refactoring and cleanup to allow modifying scenario polygons

  • lots of refactoring and cleanup to allow modifying scenario polygons

  • Merge pull request #58 from osrf/restore_viewport_center_and_zoom restore viewport translation and scale on startup

  • restore viewport translation and scale on startup

  • update readme

  • draw traffic vertices in building coords still, for now

  • Merge pull request #53 from osrf/correct_thumbnail_size use cropped thumbnails. add four new models.

  • use cropped thumbnails. add four new models.

  • Merge pull request #52 from osrf/separate_building_map_and_traffic_map_files Separate building map and traffic map files

  • fix move-model bug

  • allow deleting vertices from scenario

  • Merge branch ‘master’ of ssh:// into separate_building_map_and_traffic_map_files

  • working towards adding vertices in scenarios

  • change toolbar in response to edit mode. add to scenario skeleton.

  • scenario save/load skeleton

  • start scenario data structure

  • add tabs

  • project dialog box to set the building path

  • starting to place building within a project…

  • Merge pull request #51 from osrf/add_thumbnails add some new office furniture thumbnails

  • add some new office furniture thumbnails

  • finish propagating and refactoring buildings, so things compile again

  • everything is now broken

  • migrate Map to Building class

  • Merge pull request #49 from osrf/restore_window_position_and_size use qsettings to save/restore window position and size

  • use qsettings to save/restore window position and size

  • Merge pull request #48 from osrf/add_elevation_to_level_dialog set level elevation via dialog box. Various cleanups.

  • set level elevation via dialog box. Various cleanups.

  • Merge pull request #46 from osrf/calculate_and_show_scale_using_fiducials Calculate and show scale using fiducials

  • use measurement data only on the reference level. otherwise, ficudials

  • fix QGraphicsView item lookup to fix regression in selecting doors/walls

  • specify reference level via map-dialog box

  • redraw scene immediately after adding level

  • Merge branch ‘master’ into calculate_and_show_scale_using_fiducials

  • Merge pull request #45 from osrf/fix_new_document_problems deal more gracefully with an empty world by not crashing

  • deal more gracefully with an empty world by not crashing

  • update docs to reflect new way to add levels

  • map dialog for ‘global’ model properties

  • factor level table into its own file. add meas+fiducial counts to it.

  • Merge pull request #42 from osrf/align_lift_layer Fiducials to align layers

  • level alignment starting to work hooray

  • WIP alignment

  • working towards fiducial alignment

  • Merge pull request #41 from osrf/create_lifts Lifts

  • make ficudials easier to see

  • add fiducial tool

  • rotate lift doors correctly. Fix lift door yaml load bug

  • copy lift-door checkbox matrix to data structure on OK button

  • change data structure to deal with multi-door scenario on same level

  • respond appropriately to edits in door table

  • push lift elements into QGraphicsGroup and don’t transform in dialog rendering

  • live updates for lift preview

  • start rendering lifts on the map using modeless dialog param updates

  • save lift x,y,yaw,width,depth

  • update level-door table combo box options when a door name changes

  • add tables for editing doors and level-door mapping

  • start working on adding lifts

  • Merge pull request #39 from osrf/some_toolbar_icons add a few toolbar icons

  • add a few toolbar icons

  • Merge pull request #38 from osrf/set_modified_flag Set modified flag

  • Merge pull request #37 from osrf/unify_move_tools unify move-vertex and move-model tools. Toolbar on top.

  • ask to save changes on exit

  • unify move-vertex and move-model tools. Toolbar on top.

  • Merge pull request #35 from osrf/levels_layers_tabs migrate level selection from a button bar into a tabbed table

  • migrate level selection from a button bar into a tabbed table

  • Merge pull request #34 from osrf/editor_ui_cleanup Editor UI cleanup

  • allow deletion of vertices and models

  • refactoring model selection into its own dialog

  • Merge pull request #33 from osrf/add_more_models Add more models

  • trolley bed thumbnails

  • storage rack model thumbnail

  • add new model thumbnails

  • add storage rack thumbnails

  • trivial cleanup

  • Merge pull request #32 from osrf/use_layer_visibility_checkboxes use checkboxes to specify layer visibility

  • oops. optional parameter…

  • Merge pull request #31 from osrf/rendering_layers_controls Rendering layers controls

  • fix compile

  • rendering starting to work

  • render layers

  • layer yaml save/load, working towards layer dialog

  • annotate YAML document with flow styles, and emit them

  • add layer table and dialog for add/edit layers

  • working towards selectable layers

  • Merge pull request #28 from osrf/generate_doors Generate doors

  • add various door gazebo generation stuff and demo mock lift floor changes

  • Merge pull request #27 from osrf/add_dock_points add dock points and generate docking nav graph params

  • add dock points and generate docking nav graph params

  • Merge pull request #25 from osrf/rotate_models_visually_with_discretization show model pixmaps rotating, with optional discretization

  • show model pixmaps rotating, with optional discretization

  • Merge pull request #21 from osrf/spawn_robot_parameters robot parameters for spawning and Gazebo world generation

  • create vertex parameters for spawning robots in simulation

  • Merge pull request #19 from osrf/redraw_after_new_file_create redraw after file->new, also give explicit model path for gazebo gen

  • redraw after file->new, also give explicit model path for gazebo gen

  • Merge pull request #18 from osrf/add_install_target add install step in cmake

  • add install step in cmake

  • Merge pull request #17 from osrf/ci_update_first update before installing in github workflow

  • update before installing in github workflow

  • Merge pull request #16 from osrf/repository_reorganization Repository reorganization

  • Merge branch ‘master’ of ssh:// into repository_reorganization

  • grand reorganization as colcon-buildable packages for ros2 integration

  • Contributors: Aaron, Aaron Chong, MakinoharaShouko, Morgan Quigley, Yadu, Yadunund, methylDragon