Class Navigator

Class Documentation

class Navigator

An object the call navigation to obtain initial staging pose.

Public Types

using Nav2Pose = nav2_msgs::action::NavigateToPose
using ActionClient = rclcpp_action::Client<Nav2Pose>

Public Functions

explicit Navigator(const rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode::WeakPtr &parent)

A constructor for opennav_docking::Navigator.


parent – Weakptr to the node to use to get interances and parameters

~Navigator() = default

A destructor for opennav_docking::Navigator.

void activate()

An activation method.

void deactivate()

An deactivation method.

void goToPose(const geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped &pose, rclcpp::Duration remaining_staging_duration, std::function<bool()> isPreempted, bool recursed = false)

An method to go to a particular pose May throw exception if fails to navigate or communicate Blocks until completion.

  • pose – Pose to go to

  • remaining_staging_duration – Remaining time to get to the staging pose

  • isPreempted – Function to check if preempted

  • recursed – True if recursed (used to retry once)

Protected Attributes

rclcpp_lifecycle::LifecycleNode::WeakPtr node_
rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr callback_group_
rclcpp::executors::SingleThreadedExecutor executor_
ActionClient::SharedPtr nav_to_pose_client_
std::string navigator_bt_xml_