This is a ROS message definition.
# FCU GPS INPUT message for the gps_input plugin
# <a href="">mavlink GPS_INPUT message</a>.
std_msgs/Header header
## GPS_FIX_TYPE enum
uint8 GPS_FIX_TYPE_NO_GPS = 0 # No GPS connected
uint8 GPS_FIX_TYPE_NO_FIX = 1 # No position information, GPS is connected
uint8 GPS_FIX_TYPE_2D_FIX = 2 # 2D position
uint8 GPS_FIX_TYPE_3D_FIX = 3 # 3D position
uint8 GPS_FIX_TYPE_DGPS = 4 # DGPS/SBAS aided 3D position
uint8 GPS_FIX_TYPE_RTK_FLOATR = 5 # TK float, 3D position
uint8 GPS_FIX_TYPE_RTK_FIXEDR = 6 # TK Fixed, 3D position
uint8 GPS_FIX_TYPE_STATIC = 7 # Static fixed, typically used for base stations
uint8 GPS_FIX_TYPE_PPP = 8 # PPP, 3D position
uint8 fix_type # [GPS_FIX_TYPE] GPS fix type
uint8 gps_id # ID of the GPS for multiple GPS inputs
uint16 ignore_flags # Bitmap indicating which GPS input flags fields to ignore. All other fields must be provided.
uint32 time_week_ms # [ms] GPS time (from start of GPS week)
uint16 time_week # GPS week number
int32 lat # [degE7] Latitude (WGS84, EGM96 ellipsoid)
int32 lon # [degE7] Longitude (WGS84, EGM96 ellipsoid)
float32 alt # [m] Altitude (MSL). Positive for up.
float32 hdop # [m] GPS HDOP horizontal dilution of position.
float32 vdop # [m] GPS VDOP vertical dilution of position
float32 vn # [m/s] GPS velocity in NORTH direction in earth-fixed NED frame
float32 ve # [m/s] GPS velocity in EAST direction in earth-fixed NED frame
float32 vd # [m/s] GPS velocity in DOWN direction in earth-fixed NED frame
float32 speed_accuracy # [m/s] GPS speed accuracy
float32 horiz_accuracy # [m] GPS horizontal accuracy
float32 vert_accuracy # [m] GPS vertical accuracy
uint8 satellites_visible # Number of satellites visible. If unknown, set to 255
uint16 yaw # [cdeg] Yaw in earth frame from north.