Program Listing for File rs_options.hpp

Return to documentation for file (include/librealsense2/hpp/rs_options.hpp)

// License: Apache 2.0. See LICENSE file in root directory.
// Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


#include "rs_types.hpp"
#include "../h/rs_types.h"

#include <memory>

namespace rs2
    class option_value
        std::shared_ptr< const rs2_option_value > _value;

        explicit option_value( rs2_option_value const * handle )
            : _value( handle, rs2_delete_option_value )
        option_value( option_value const & ) = default;
        option_value( option_value && ) = default;
        option_value() = default;

        enum invalid_t { invalid };
        option_value( rs2_option option_id, invalid_t )
            : _value( new rs2_option_value{ option_id, false, RS2_OPTION_TYPE_COUNT } ) {}

        option_value( rs2_option option_id, int64_t as_integer )
            : _value( new rs2_option_value{ option_id, true, RS2_OPTION_TYPE_INTEGER } )
            const_cast< rs2_option_value * >( _value.get() )->as_integer = as_integer;
        option_value( rs2_option option_id, float as_float )
            : _value( new rs2_option_value{ option_id, true, RS2_OPTION_TYPE_FLOAT } )
            const_cast< rs2_option_value * >( _value.get() )->as_float = as_float;
        option_value( rs2_option option_id, char const * as_string )
            : _value( new rs2_option_value{ option_id, true, RS2_OPTION_TYPE_STRING } )
            const_cast< rs2_option_value * >( _value.get() )->as_string = as_string;
        option_value( rs2_option option_id, bool as_boolean )
            : _value( new rs2_option_value{ option_id, true, RS2_OPTION_TYPE_BOOLEAN } )
            const_cast<rs2_option_value *>(_value.get())->as_integer = as_boolean;

        option_value & operator=( option_value const & ) = default;
        option_value & operator=( option_value && ) = default;

        rs2_option_value const * operator->() const { return _value.get(); }
        operator rs2_option_value const *() const { return _value.get(); }

    class options_list
        options_list( options_list const & ) = default;
        options_list( options_list && ) = default;

        explicit options_list( std::shared_ptr< rs2_options_list > list )
            : _list( std::move( list ) )
            rs2_error * e = nullptr;
            _size = rs2_get_options_list_size( _list.get(), &e );
            error::handle( e );

            : _list( nullptr )
            , _size( 0 )

        option_value operator[]( size_t index ) const
            rs2_error * e = nullptr;
            auto value = rs2_get_option_value_from_list( _list.get(), static_cast< int >( index ), &e );
            error::handle( e );
            return option_value( value );

        size_t size() const { return _size; }

        option_value front() const { return ( *this )[0]; }
        option_value back() const { return ( *this )[size() - 1]; }

        class iterator
            iterator( const options_list & list, size_t index )
                : _list( list )
                , _index( index )

            option_value operator*() const { return _list[_index]; }

            bool operator!=( const iterator & other ) const
                return other._index != _index || &other._list != &_list;
            bool operator==( const iterator & other ) const
                return ! ( *this != other );

            iterator & operator++()
                return *this;

            friend options_list;
            const options_list & _list;
            size_t _index;

        iterator begin() const { return iterator( *this, 0 ); }
        iterator end() const { return iterator( *this, size() ); }

        std::shared_ptr< rs2_options_list > get() const { return _list; };

        std::shared_ptr< rs2_options_list > _list;
        size_t _size;

    class options_changed_callback : public rs2_options_changed_callback
        std::function< void( const options_list & ) > _callback;

        explicit options_changed_callback( const std::function< void( const options_list & ) > & callback )
            : _callback( callback )

        void on_value_changed( rs2_options_list * list ) override
            std::shared_ptr< rs2_options_list > sptr( list, rs2_delete_options_list );
            options_list opt_list( sptr );
            _callback( opt_list );

        void release() override { delete this; }

    class options
        bool supports(rs2_option option) const
            rs2_error* e = nullptr;
            auto res = rs2_supports_option(_options, option, &e);
            return res > 0;

        const char* get_option_description(rs2_option option) const
            rs2_error* e = nullptr;
            auto res = rs2_get_option_description(_options, option, &e);
            return res;

        const char* get_option_name(rs2_option option) const
            rs2_error* e = nullptr;
            auto res = rs2_get_option_name(_options, option, &e);
            return res;

        const char* get_option_value_description(rs2_option option, float val) const
            rs2_error* e = nullptr;
            auto res = rs2_get_option_value_description(_options, option, val, &e);
            return res;

        float get_option(rs2_option option) const
            rs2_error* e = nullptr;
            auto res = rs2_get_option(_options, option, &e);
            return res;

        option_value get_option_value( rs2_option option_id ) const
            rs2_error * e = nullptr;
            auto value = rs2_get_option_value( _options, option_id, &e );
            error::handle( e );
            return option_value( value );

        option_range get_option_range(rs2_option option) const
            option_range result;
            rs2_error* e = nullptr;
            rs2_get_option_range(_options, option,
                &result.min, &result.max, &result.step, &result.def, &e);
            return result;

        void set_option(rs2_option option, float value) const
            rs2_error* e = nullptr;
            rs2_set_option(_options, option, value, &e);

        void set_option_value( option_value const & value ) const
            rs2_error * e = nullptr;
            rs2_set_option_value( _options, value, &e );
            error::handle( e );

        bool is_option_read_only(rs2_option option) const
            rs2_error* e = nullptr;
            auto res = rs2_is_option_read_only(_options, option, &e);
            return res > 0;

        void on_options_changed( std::function< void( const options_list & ) > callback ) const
            rs2_error * e = nullptr;
            rs2_set_options_changed_callback_cpp( _options, new options_changed_callback( callback ), &e );
            error::handle( e );

        std::vector<rs2_option> get_supported_options()
            std::vector<rs2_option> res;
            rs2_error* e = nullptr;
            std::shared_ptr< rs2_options_list > options_list( rs2_get_options_list(_options, &e), rs2_delete_options_list);
            error::handle( e );

            for (auto opt = 0; opt < rs2_get_options_list_size(options_list.get(), &e);opt++)
                res.push_back(rs2_get_option_from_list(options_list.get(), opt, &e));
            return res;

        options_list get_supported_option_values()
            rs2_error * e = nullptr;
            std::shared_ptr< rs2_options_list > sptr(
                rs2_get_options_list( _options, &e ),
                rs2_delete_options_list );
            error::handle( e );
            return options_list( sptr );

        options& operator=(const options& other)
            _options = other._options;
            return *this;
        // if operator= is ok, this should be ok too
        options(const options& other) : _options(other._options) {}

        virtual ~options() = default;

        explicit options(rs2_options* o = nullptr) : _options(o)

        template<class T>
        options& operator=(const T& dev)
            _options = (rs2_options*)(dev.get());
            return *this;

        rs2_options* _options;
