Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
stdr_robot::ConnectionExceptionProvides a connection exception. Publicly inherits from std::runtime_error. Used in robot handler
stdr_robot::DoubleFrameIdExceptionProvides a double frame id exception. Publicly inherits from std::runtime_error. Used in robot handler
stdr_robot::HandleRobotHandles the manipulation of robots (creation, deletion, move)
stdr_robot::IdealMotionControllerA class that provides motion controller implementation. Inherits publicly MotionController
stdr_robot::LaserA class that provides laser implementation. Inherits publicly Sensor
stdr_robot::MotionControllerAbstract class that provides motion controller abstraction
stdr_robot::OmniMotionControllerA class that provides motion controller implementation. \ Inherits publicly MotionController
stdr_robot::RobotRepresents one robot in STDR. Inherts publicly from nodelet::Nodelet
stdr_robot::SensorA class that provides sensor abstraction
stdr_robot::SonarA class that provides co2 sensor implementation. \ Inherits publicly Sensor

Author(s): Manos Tsardoulias, Chris Zalidis, Aris Thallas
autogenerated on Tue Feb 7 2017 03:46:36